Hi guys ive let my MY94 GF8 sit for 6 months while I travelled the country. I returned to my car idling very poorly - jumping from 2.5k to 1k rpm which was fixed by cleaning out iacv and tb. Cleaned out MAF. All done with brake cleaner which the internet has said is safe, not as $$ as purpose built products but better than using harsher products like carb cleaner.
Then since first drive I've been in limp mode; put it down to a boost leak - found a gaping hole in turbo compressor-ic pipe which I've replaced. My car has blown alot of smoke since I've cleaned out TB/iacv, but when driving on limp mode this has been black smoke. Plus $55 gas at like $2.35/l only got me 80km lol so there's a fueling issue there.
I've also made a big mistake of clearing codes by disconnecting negative terminal of battery thinking this was part of cleaning iacv but I've gone and wiped all codes by accident
Can anyone recommend a solution please. I'm thinking of 1. Inspecting spark plugs and cleaning (they haven't been done in my 20000km of ownership) 2. Running some injector cleaner in the fuel tank and 3. Testing the MAF with a multimeter.