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Posts posted by dawesinnz

  1. Can anyone recommend either a good car valet place in Wellington CBD, or a decent mobile service that does Upper Hutt? Need to get an interior shampoo as something spilled out of the shopping bag one day and soaked in (milk?) - now it's not too nice!



  2. So I thought the ProRack was easy to fit to a 2003 Legacy wagon, but 1 of the 4 bolts holding the mounts in won't go in. I've tried all 4 bolts in the 1 hole in the roof rails, but it just feels like it's trying to cross-thread and it really stiff.

    Does anyone know of somewhere (Wellington region) I can maybe get the hole re-drilled/threaded to get rid of the problem? I need the car for a road trip in a week, so somewhere that can do it quickly and while I wait preferred. Or even another solution?



  3. Hey guys, Seeing as I swapped out my 96 Legacy for an 03 model, I'm left without the ability to host the roof box. Does anyone have either a roof rack for an 03 that they want to swap for a roof bar one (nearly new), or even one I can borrow for a week in April? I'm in Upper Hutt so local peferred, but will travel to the big smoke of Wellytown. Happy to leave a deposit etc.



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