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Posts posted by DaktaPhil

  1. yea, ive left the car jacked up and been going under every now and then hoping i might have missed it. but no dice.

    the car also threw an error code of either 59 or 49. anyone know what that is? the fast flashes is definitely a nine (or at least i think it is after counting it about 50 times) but it changes from slow flash to fast flash far too fast.

    could it be possible my car has been running without one for the past four years i have owned it?

  2. dont think so, unless im completely blind and just missing it

    i pretty much ran my hand down the whole exhaust looking for a plug but nothing.

    there is a unused plug with three pins at the back of the engine bay, in that drivers side opening which looks down at the cat

    on this piece here?


    it does look like its been replaced at some point as the other side has shielding over it

    this is the plug,


    anyone know what its for?

  3. hey guys,

    car is throwing me an error code for a bad o2 sensor (according to the internet) and it displays all the symptoms of a bad o2 sensor, hard starting and hesitation.

    but i cant for the life of me find the bloody thing.

    its meant to be on the cat heat shield thing right? the one that says subaru on it with the rusty nuts and bolts, where the two pipes join into one

    am i meant to remove it first? i would have already, except there are no wires anywhere near it and it looks like it\'ll be a bitch

    any help would be appreciated

    the car is a nz new 96 legacy wagon with sohc engine in it.

  4. Definately try moving ground, i had a similar problem though not rev dependant on more than one occasion in two diffrent cars, where i mounted the earth to rear passenger seat or near it. once in my ae111 and when i first put my amp into my bg.

    Its not really that hard to test though is it? (earth that is)

  5. I have just finished installing a cheap alarm i picked up, mainly for remote central locking. By finish though, i mean everything except for the central locking part :( .

    Am i right in assuming the drivers side door has no actuator in it? Or am i missing something? I had a look on trademe and they're pretty cheap. But thought id confirm before i wasted some moneys.

  6. i didnt read the whole thread,

    but anyone from chch think the old rules were far better in terms of travel time? Many times i slow down to turn left into a street with a car waiting to turn right, but in the time it takes me to slow down the other car probably could have seized the opportunity to make the turn. Now you have to wait till the slow cunt makes teh turn which takes ages as other cars usually catch up by then. I always thought it made sense especially since christchurch has no arrows. Now it just piles up cars waiting to turn right. Oh and people in christchurch need to learn how to use median strips.

  7. my step brothers v4 sti did this when he removed his electronic boost controller and sold it to his mate. sounded like a normal external screamer setup prior to its removal then started pulsing? kinda hard to desribe. like duh duhduh dudhudhuhdhuhduuuuduuhuduuudhuh instead of just the waaaaaaaaaaarp. haha. could be a similar problem? i dont talk to him much so dont know if hes solved it.

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