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  1. Alright.. Engine in and running mint as Except Under boost it will get to around 5-6 psi and will splutter and surge I had the internal wastegate plumbed direct into boost line as the solenoid makes it boost 20 psi (dont wana wreck another motor) I plumbed back into solenoid and stil same thing but it does get to about 10 psi. I have put in a new fuel filter. I have had the TPS off it in the midst of the build so may not be exactly where it was, could this be of any issue? If anyone has any info or tips on what could be the issue I would be most appreciative. Cheers.
  2. Okay ive put the forrester intake back on and im going to use the wrx throttle body that will take care of the tps, next is icv but Im now running yellow injectors, i have read that ecu needs chipping for these? my computer says "chipped" on it and got some subaru place sticker on it but im not sure what sort of chippage it has final hurdles underway might even get off my ass today and put it in the car lol
  3. why would i do that? lol another option it to cut bottom off both manifolds and stick bottom of forrester manifold onto sti manifold.. dont really want to tho but hey whatevers gota happen cheers for input guys
  4. Yeah there are adaptors available but they dont come cheap The forrester engine is reasonably late model I believe, Plastic intake cam gears and the ICV is on the throttle body itself. Ver3 sti manifold doesnt line up with bolt holes so my last option i guess is to put my sti heads onto the forrester block if they fit Hopefully.. haha
  5. Thats the prob, my sti manifold is a no go, didnt think it would go on but tried it an bolt holes in diff places.. may have to resort to finding a non sti wrx intake manifold? hopefully would have same idle control plug and fit non sti block.. hmmmmm..
  6. Hey guys, I have just aquired a late model forrester engine to replace the smokey v3 sti engine in my 89 gt wagon The engine is still on the floor but i have already hit a bump The idle control valve on the forrester is a 5 wire suction type where as the one on my engine is a 3 wire rotary type All the injector wiring side of things looks as though its reasonably similar and shouldnt be too much of an issue anyway. Was just wondering if anyone else has run into this problem or does anyone have any ideas on a way around it? Any help will be much appreciated Cheers
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