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Everything posted by marc

  1. you got it lol . They just about knock themselvs out trying to catch stuff and what they thnk is food on the underside of the lid!!!!! sitn on the computer and all i hear is wack!! look over and the lids sittng all cockeyed on closer inspection theres some "black fluff" sitting ontop right where the undersides all wet!! dumass fish lol and yes I do feed them theyr not starving!!!!
  2. Ive got 2x red tiger Oscars lol. good laugh when they descover anything thats living in their tank
  3. my answer for bolt on was: But you can kiss goodbye to alot more then 1100 for a new one of these!!!!
  4. @ 3 and a half times what im wanting. Howver its not shiny and doesnt say Zerosports lol. Not bad pricing tho. A little more difficult to fit then these!!
  5. Hard thats what I thought?! ul spend $40-50 on 4 hose clamps, 1x 70mm joiner and 1x 90mm joiner!! (Thats my actual one in the pic and i have the 2 clamps not showen)
  6. all joiners/ clamps and pipe man
  7. and gone in couple hours and nothing to show for it, least this wont dissapear into the atomsphere :, itl help draw the atmosphere into your engine ;D!!!!
  8. $50 note doesnt make your car any happier
  9. 80 is my bottom dollar . Id rather keep it and look at it for 50
  10. sweet, might be wrth putting on trademe as Im sure I saw one go for 100+ last time but that was while ago. If not looks cool so will just chill on my shelf till I use it one day ;D. Thanks guys and gurls
  11. cool we r half way there to a price then lol. Now wonder what people tend to pay 2nd hand!? Brads car has one correct?
  12. Auyone know what the going rate is for a mint one of these? For v3-6 STI Thanks people , I am just unsure what theyr worth ???
  13. ive looked at a singapore one before and it had a VF30.. so id say thats what this has quite possibly
  14. Ive got somthing that might suit u. Its a fiberglass version 6 copy. I know uts not genuine but prety dam similar nd not one of thoes fully shitty copys that ive seen from time to time. few little nicks and painted red atm (94 WRX) but yeah no doubt you guna re paint anyways
  15. Lol thanks. I dont think you get much better then a RAYS forged rim with STI stamped into the spokes in and SUBARU TECNICA INTERNATIONAL in the casting around the inner lip with a nice matching carbon center cap well in the subby world anyway
  16. RAYS Forged STI S202 mags . Ive been chasing a set of these or CE28n's since forever lol. Found one set of CE's but were re painted so wasnt keen and this was the 1st set of these id seen so snapd them up the second I laid eyes on them
  17. aquired and fitted some nice rare mags ;D
  18. Nope not short theyr a "D rack" LOL, As for my C lol I think they are uglyer then the STI standard (excpt for the roof vent ;D). mine just lookd alot better when you saw the pics cus I added a few bits to its factory rapedness lol
  19. Interesting its got a prodrive front bumper ??? definitely not similar to mine or yours johnnyv5.. [quote name='om nom said: <3 Bugeyes! heres an absolute personal favourite! makes me want a v7. : url]http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2111715[/url] mmmm i much prefer that!!! would be fame if someone replaced their whole front with a US prodrive front... Haha search all the pages and youl see a built Prodrive wagon in WHITE just for you spence lol
  20. marc

    blow off valve?

    diaphram or piston seal most likely leaking on the valve. thats what causes that. Yep valves over or midas well be lol
  21. yeah? on the weekends my eyes like pictures and numbers tho, not words so much unfortuantly :-\. Not everyone that sees your quoted numbers is going to go read your post thats all. (just like this guy probably wouldnt have) But yeah despite our slight differences in the way we interperate things looks like an awsome build that you have put some effort into but yeah def will need alot more in some other areas.. Will have a FULL read oneday and hopfuly get to see it in the flesh dragstrip/hamptons or somthing one day ;D
  22. im not a know it all but know enough to hold my own in the subby world dont you worrie bout that . Yeah but man 30 pages is too much for me on a weekend. ill review you case on a weekday next time You need a good plan if you want the both of thoes two to live together for a acceptable amount of time with 350kw at the engine odd
  23. thats a cheating 300wkw in suby land . Yeah you should do it then. Just hope your drivetrain makes it though the tune and quick road test. My first decent Hp build didnt make it hme from the Dynopower with 3rd gear.. Its just abit misleading when your throwing round WKW figures in an awd related forum thats how you get muppets hopes up.. should state RWKW for thoes that dont have all day to pick the details out of a thread when quoteing numbers on your setup as 300rwkw will be roughly 265 awkw.. big difference for thoes trying to gather what they need to make their setup do 300 like this fellows post wer jacking.. Ither way I dont come on here to argue like some so good luck with the dyno and will be interested to see what it does if you dyno it again awd. Ill be sure to keep an eye on your build 8)
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