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Auckland Member
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Everything posted by Snowball

  1. The power, the noise, the grip, the personality, the practicality of owning a wagon. A black hole when it comes to money, but have never regretted buying it. Subies for life.
  2. It wont work. If the fuzz cant even enforce the laws that are in place now, then how will this make the road safer? All I see happening is more 'car enthusiasts' being targeted. The d*chead boiracers that deserve to be crushed will definitely be running from the cops & f*king it up for the rest of us. Boiracer or car enthusiast we all get tarred with the same brush. Responsible driver or not 3 offenses in 4 years is pretty easy to get if you keep running into fuzz when they are having an emo day caus they didnt have their morning donut.
  3. Even the mildest of mods on your subie will instantly put you in the boy/girl racer category. I have spent a bit on mine - lowered, rims, big bore, BOV, tints, sounds - so no wonder either. The thing is that if you keep your car neat & legit too then you dont get as much attention. But if behave like a boyracer then you get whats coming.
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