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Everything posted by Skinon!

  1. Well i am pretty sure its getting louder... Maybe im paranoid, i made a video of it ill try upload it but im on my stinky iphone
  2. OK, so all this compression business means is that i need to get the appropriate shortblock right? V7 STi Bolt straight in? Or better to just find a BH/BE Rev b/c/d shorty?
  3. Well yea i can get a forged shortblock for the same they want to rebuild the standy motor. Probably the best way to go huh. Then chuck twin T51R's on it running methanol and tune it with a iphone run sevens and wake up after i dropped the hoist on my head. Done.
  4. Thats right i remember reading about that, mines a manual revision C if anyone knows off the top of their head. So looks like i needa do some research, dammit i thought my car was mint!
  5. Shit yea, 7K, i want a forged rebuild and a blowjob while i wait for it to be done in 15 minutes haha. But super serial tho, cheers for the input but is there any clubsubbers in qtown that have swapped theeeese over? Give me a GTR or Rx7 i can change the stock twin turbos and a gtr in place but havent worked on many suby's before, and the engines on these look like a arsehole to change. Do these ones have the pin ontop of the gearbox you gotta remove? Maybe im just getting lazy...
  6. I realise that, but seven thousand dollers to rebuild? Crowesport said 4k. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/subaru/engines/auction-473593133.htm Is a rebuilt longblock, would i be best to just get something like this and get it put in? I have worked in a garage for almost 3 years, when i was younger and i have my own tools... Is this the most cost effective way?
  7. Yea mines still twin, standard except for catback zero sports exhaust... Well i been getting quotes, Hansens in qtown want $7k to which i almost swallowed my pacifier! Is anyone around these cold qtown ways, that would be keen on some cashish? I also have a nightclub so im pretty sure i could sort you plus friends out with a awesome night out aswell...
  8. Soooo i think my bearings are on the way out.... Whats the round about price to get these replaced on a BH5 Rev C wagon? My mate has a whole written off car for sale i can grab, with a modified engine but i think its a late rev b or a early rev c, either way he reckons it has a sti ecu in it or something along those lines. Either way it runs but it is auto and mines manual. You reckon im setting myself up for trouble? I just want it fixed easy and i dont mind if i can just get the bigends done on my current engine. They aren't real loud but its def noticable...
  9. What the hell... The intercooler pipe must be 3 meters long! Never seen a front kit like that on a r32? Yea coz its a standard one that been poleaxed so horribly that most sane people wouldnt drive round with it on! Nissan blue sumitomi brakes all round aswell! Awesome so the factory brakes are there prob isn't even mspec..... HIDEOUS HIDEOUS FAIL
  10. Yep did mine in the BH5 the other day, feels like a new gearbox now! Think the part was like $160 from subaru
  11. would the clutch fit a BH5? Is it just the clutch plate?
  12. Yea it's been bagged, but i dunno i like the wheels, i like the car, i just dont like the package... im a bit more for the 'suttle' but powerful look. Also i would like to eat a kilo of kandy floss and spew it through the interior lol those guages are horribly done... IMO of course!
  13. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/use...n-398933697.htm I dunno... not really my taste, and 33grand? Hmmm i could buy a extremely awesome car for that kinda coin...
  14. Hmmmmmm looking around $1800, but make an offer... Only pics i got on short notice..
  15. Swindog, yea i got the diff back part, i did cut the cable that opens the exhaust flap but it's all mint. Well i may aswell chuck the whole thing on then and see how it goes, just watch the boost carefully... Stoked with being able to get rid of the cat tho, it was roooooted!!! So now it goes alot better and it uses so much less fuel haha WIN
  16. Yea, about that chamber. I wonder if it has anything to do with maybe keeping the primary from over spooling... Didn't reeeeeeally want to get a boost controller but will if i need it.
  17. Yea? May aswell, a decent electronic boost controller should be able to control the spike im guessing.... what would be the purpose of that chamber on the primary down pipe? Jord, How much boost are you running through yours? Assuming you have a bh5?
  18. Ok i got this exhaust off of tardme, and installed it the other night. Good news was that when i got the exhaust it actually appeared to be of very high quality and i thought it was just from the twin turbo 'Y' pipe, but turned out to be a full exhaust from the turbo exhaust housings back. I have read heard about if you change the exhausts on these to a 'full' exhaust you can easily overboost the primary turbo. So i just installed the exhaust from where the turbo pipes join, so 2 and a half inch from there back with two resonators and a muffler. Sounds extremely good! Nice and deep and not too loud. But my question is, i have these pipes remaining to replace the turbo down pipes, and am wondering if you guys think they would be alright. I could trial and error of course and unless someone has a definitive ( or close too ) answer, i'd rather try save some time first. Also, the reason i ask is because the primary front pipe has a (resonator?) chamber on it, that makes me think it has something to do with helping the primary not over spool? Wishful thinking i know... but it looks like a really well made exhaust and come off a car the same as mine that had been crashed, so maybe im thinking some research had been done and this exhaust should work? Anyway heres some pics...
  19. lol Yea she's 'unique' for a grandma... awesome awesome lady tho! Told me she was 'racing' a young guy in a GTi-R she was in her porsche and the bonnet of the guys pulsar flew up and smashed his window lol, she pulled over and called AA for him had a good ol' yarn. Woulda been funny bein that guy and a grandma turns round and helps you out haha
  20. i would call that boasting, you were proud enough of your 240k overtaking to post it in a public forum , how did you intend on stopping had another car pulled out in front of you? anyone on the road next to you or coming toward you is also dead or seriously injured, you had to be speeding all the way to keep up with him at 140 - 180k even if he did slow down around places like the hundalees , your saying people dont understand the physics about a 1tonne piece of metal, what about the variables? yeah i have a 96 rsb 90% of the time i am only on the primary turbo, it is my daily driver, but i don't need to justify why i own it, i like it, why don't you go out boosting vin diesel , i don't really care what you think of me , im not here raving about my ridiculous passing speeds you are & saying the guy you passed shouldn't have a license and you take offence when your told the same thing, lolz : where is said closed road you shot the video on ? i wanna go there when i go to Kaikoura roots festival in Jan Raving about my rediculous passing speeds? Hardly. Someone pulling out in front of me? Considering he was the only car i had seen in a decent while and i over took him on a straight piece of road with zero oncoming traffic, or traffic anywhere for that matter. Oh actually there was another car behind me it was my grandma in her M5 beemer who over took him shortly after me. We had a good laugh when we got to chch and went out for dinner later. I wasnt doing rediculous speeds to keep up with him, he was literally slowing down to stupidly slow speeds on the corners, to the point where we thought he was on drugs or something. When you do alot of long drives, i dont know about you but i tend to travel at a nice comfortable level speed, i make sure my cars handle how i like them to and you can keep your corner speed up you dont need to do rediculous speeds on the straights. Just you need to learn to judge the conditions of the road and capability of your vehicle. I choose to make sure i know as much about that information as i can because i actually love driving. It's not something i do to get from 'a to b' it's something i take pride in. So no i dont drive round with my hat on backwards and a super loud exhaust looking like a cock. Although i went thru that stage when i was younger, and most people dont really like to admit it. Having a constant battle between stereo and muffler was just the start of alot of poeples addiction to cars. But hopefully some of those people grow up later in life. Some are lost souls tho even before they start...
  21. Yea thats a real nice drive, roads are quite good. I'd have to say my favourite type of driving is definately long distance touring. Did Auckland to Queenstown not long ago (after metallica concerts) in a 550whp R32 GTR only slept on the ferry haha. That was one of the fav's! But yea getting off topic i spose. Meh
  22. Just for interests sake, and what my rocket scientist friend said could be possible, there are a few nice straights goin down that way that could theoretically harbour some speeds that the government say actually dont exist... Have done that drive and nelson to queenstown so many times now. Actually a really good drive
  23. Joker V This prob wasn't quite 240 but getting there i'd say. This was done on a private closed off section of road, so dont panic... This is my old skyline, the standard manual r32 gtst are geared for 252kmh i think of the top of my head. I got pinged at 131kmh and didnt see the cop, because there were a line of cars coming the other way and the cop was in the middle of it. Im not bitchin about it, it was my own stupid fault i didnt look as carefully as i normally do, one of those things. Realistically, good luck taking me to court over a internet admission on a public forum. Yea its really gonna stick. Im not the kind of person who speeds everywhere doing stupid stuff, but i have been driving and owning performance cars for almost my entire 12 year driving period, there is a time and a place for exploring your cars performance potential. Driving way out the country between two cities on a straight road no other cars on the road except for the retard in front of me, i'd rather him behind me than in front. Sure accidents do happen, and the faster you go the higher the stresses on components in the car are, which makes the chances of something happeing higher than if you were going slower. Thats why you never drive at those speeds for extended periods of time. Generally it's just a boost up to that speed then pretty much slowing back to 'normal' speeds as soon as you have reached said speed. Nick_96_RSB i definately wasn't 'boasting' about it, it's not that impressive. Just saying what happened (or not. legal disclaimer). And your saying you have a 'performance' car 96 RSB i presume? Not important. But you have never floored your car to the top of third and fourth on a public road? You probably shouldn't answer that. And if you honestly never have then that's fine and your opinions on the subject bare no importance to me in the slightest, because you aren't the type of person i would associate with in reality (no offence). So i really dont care what you have to say on the topic.
  24. I gotta brand new tial 44mm wastegate.... Oooo and a brand new gt3040 .82ex housing....
  25. Ah man i remember driving to chch form nelson about a year ago, this old *#(@&(@#(@#(*@#*(#$$$!!!!!! (yes he was that bad) in a brand new maxima, was doin 140-180 along the straights and FULLY slowing down to like 70 around corners! He would boost off on the straights and id always catch him up on the twisties but he was adament to not let me pass. Ended up just so sick of it i managed to pass him doin around 240, was in my gtst at the time. Bet he went home and complained about boyracers haha. But seriously it shows the average human being has little to no understanding on the physics of being able to handle a 1tonne+ piece of metal. Our license tests really need to get serious. You SHOULDN'T be driving unless you are specifically qualified to handle your vehicle and able to prove the fact.
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