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Everything posted by Skinon!

  1. Yea 131 comes up pretty quick in a bh5 when you chop it to 3rd and floor it haha. Second ticket in 11 years of having rather fast cars...
  2. Yea i got pinged for that just recently. Overtook 2 dwadling retards doing 70k in a 100k area, along the gibston straights, and f'n piggy got me doin 131. Said theres NO excuse to be travelling that fast! I said i wasn't exactly looking at the speedo, i was watching the road so i could execute my passing maneuver as swiftly and safely as possible. You know. WATCHING the road and surrounding environment, not a needle on my dash board. God our ancient traffic laws, and idiotic cops who have no understanding of the term 'commons sense' really grinds my gears...
  3. Awesome thanks for that! Yea i can remember when these came out, they had issues when people were overboosting the primary turbo from changing the factory down pipe. So assuming i keep a careful eye on the boost guage (which i do anyway). Changin to an exhaust like the one i have, keeping the factory downpipes on the turbos, the car will gain some boost but shouldn't overboost? Yea i didn't think the extractors would do anything, factory ones are perfectly designed for what they do anyway... I have a BH5 rev c, standard except for a boost gauge i put in. Pretty much want to keep it standard mechanically, brought it as a work/ski wagon but couldn't compromise tooo much haha.
  4. Yea O2 sensor was first on my list, then water temp sensor. Hey Ichi, about my exhaust question, is that sorta sizing alright for my aplication? as in 2.5inch right through but keeping the factory downpipes? I also got a set of extractors with the exhaust but i cant see the benefit of installing these...
  5. Hmm yea after spending a bit more time with the car i know what your getting at... It sometimes seems to switch to the secondary turbo earlier than it should and then doesnt hit full boost. Just strange how sometimes it only boosts to like 10-12 on secondary and others it hits a good 15psi on a same temp day doin the same driving, ie flooring it at 2k till 7.5k on a flat road boost seems to vary depending on how mr suby feels like on the day. Also i read people getting 650kms a tank in a BH5? They either have a throttle stop after 5% throttle or they know a secret i dont. 470kms is what i get out of a tank at the mo, and thats open road. seems around 400km round town, which just seems odd to me. Anyway gotta can of upper engine cleaner and 2.5inch exhaust to go on so will see what shes like after that lil bit of love!
  6. Ah really? yea i probably seen him roundthey go to Tardis, i have a club just up fom there... too many loud as drunken poms so i dont run them thru my place haha..
  7. Still goin hard in qtown...
  8. Ah yea thanks Ichi Ban, im pretty sure it's more than the VOD tho, as it sometimes goes good and sometimes feels pretty sluggish (not turbo lag) kinda like a intermittent problem. But i will try bring up any cels and go from there. Also i have a exhaust i got off trademe, looks pretty good, 2.5 mandrel bent with two resonators, and it starts from the bottom of the turbo downpipes right to the muffler. I read that full exhausts on these are a bad idea, but i gathered that it wouldn't overboost signifigantly if the turbo downpipes were factory? Thanks for your time Ichi Ban!
  9. Just installed a boost gauge in my 2000 BH5 legacy wagon, and i always thought that there was something up with the boost, as sometimes it would seem pretty flat when the secondry is supposed to be working. Anyway i found out my primary is boosting 11psi which seems normal. But when the secondary switches over it will drop right down to 3-5psi, and boost back up to around 11-12psi on the secondary... Shouldn't the secondary be boosting around 15psi? Everything seems alright except for sometimes a bit of a 'jerk' is felt when you floor it while it's boosting on the primary. So what should i start looking at? I spose i should do the codes? Im thinkin i would like to replace the O2 sensor and the water temp sensor and also check the AFM and knock sensor as these seem to be pretty common points of trouble... Anyway any help would be appreciated! Would love to get to the bottom of this? Actually also reading it could be the cat? It has the standard exhaust on it and done 120k so if the cat is factory it would be rooted anyway right? I have a 2.5inch exhaust from the bottom of the down pipes back, so ill chuck that on this weel maybe it will make a difference.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Found this american site seems pretty good, except no DAM legacy wagons!! only sedans... http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/caraudio/vehiclefitguide.aspx Anyway just enter in your car and it tells you the speaker sizes, although it is american im not sure if there would be much difference... possible sticky anyway.
  11. Yea im sure if i get 6.5's ill be able to make them fit either way...
  12. Ok so i have had a look around, and it seems to be hard to get a definitive answer on to what would fit... So as far as i know 6.5inch will fit on the front door (2000 BH5 Wagon) but the backs get a little more confusing. Will 6.5inch fit all round? Or 6inch at the back? I am just trying to find some speakers as i have everything else and i just want to drop it off at the installers and pick it up with knowing what will fit. He said he'll just shoot down to repco to grab some that fit, but im not really down with that idea.... And yes i should be doing this myself as i have with my last 10+ cars haha, but i dont really have the time right now and i would love to just drop it off and pick it up done and cranking!
  13. so bh Legacies are 6.5 front door, and 4.5 rear... Sweet!
  14. Mint where i live! And try putting chains on a lowered wagon with 18's.... Plus the amount of times you actually need them is barely once or twice a year, so they work for me!
  15. yea they work on the same principal as ski 'skins' using fabric, they are awesome! never have to use chains again!
  16. Put this in the legacy forum but pretty cool.. Been making snowmen all over the place. Fortunately i own a couple of samurai swords so build 'em up and chop 'em down! Hahah heeeeaps sick aye... Got these autosocks instead of chains, they are awesome! can finally put chains on my lowered wagon without rooting the wheels and smashing the guards... Just got down the hill actually half hour to the top of both mountains from where i live, sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ;D
  17. you call that snow ;D And down from the mountain
  18. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/subaru/auction-380446669.htm Hmmmmmm forester ute?
  19. Yea i hear ya, i wasn't comparing a ej to a 4g, just meaning how it doesn't really matter that a rb20 is a six cylinder. Yea 2j's are really square or something right? Thats why they can spool a T51R piece of piss. Haha that's classic about the evo manifolds... Thats why i got a 3040/3076 instead of a 35. Just actually sold it today apparently so pretty stoked (sort of) :-\
  20. Na rb20dets are horrible at spooling big turbos, cant quite remember because it was ages ago i did all this research, but something about the actual 'pulses' of exhaust gas that come from a rb20det are actually quite small so they dont have the same 'oomph' as a 4 cyl, pulse. Thats why you put a GT3540 on a 4g63t and they spool good and make awesome power, you put one on a rb20det and good luck getting full boost before 5500rpm. I also had adjusty cam gears, cams, hardened valve springs, ported head, SSi (HKS) split pulse manifold and all supporting mods to try get it to spool early. I used to work predominantly on GTR's and Rotors, although we would get a few subys in i didnt really concentrate too much on them. But now i have one haha im slowly learning some things
  21. Sweet! Shipmytrade.com $194.00 now thats more like what i was expecting....
  22. Yea on my rb it was expecting fullboost around 5300-5500rpm with a redline of 9, woulda been fun! It will spool up earlier than on a rb but yea its not gonna be rippin your face of at 3500rpm on a ej20
  23. oh yea comes with a HKS t4-t3 flange adaptor too Just had a quick look on tardeme, http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/performance/turbos/auction-392822460.htm Its the same as this but still in the box and a .82 exhaust housing, funny thing is the wastegate and bov are exactly the same as his ones haha, but my wastegate is the blue coloured one, and still in the box with vband adaptors etc..
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