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Andrew NR

Otago/Southland Member
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Motormouth (4/7)



  1. Thanks guys. Unfortunately I won't have time to organise a cruise before I leave :'(
  2. Cheers. Perth is where I'm originally from so the move back there won't be difficult for me. I've only been in NZ for 3 years, I wish I could have stayed longer. Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
  3. As of today our house is officially sold :'( which means I will be leaving for Perth in 1-2 weeks (hopefully I'll get there in time to catch up with subi4snow). I'll try to organise 1 last cruise before I go.
  4. Apet in Dunedin sell, install and tune Link ECUs. Edit: well they did last time I enquired about it which was only a few months ago.
  5. Well we have accepted an offer on the house and if all goes well it goes unconditional on the 1st and then settles on the 6th of Feb and then I fly to Perth on the 12th of Feb.
  6. I'm not working at the moment. Haven't been able to get work since Feb last year. I've been doing some IT work for friends and family and friends of family and friends of friends (I think I got all the combos ) which has helped keep the wife and I afloat.
  7. I moved here in December 2008 from.....Perth, my home town. The company I left in Perth said they have a position waiting for me and our pays $15000 per year more than any of the positions I've applied for here. Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
  8. I'd say so. Plus there haven't been many (if any) IT help desk jobs advertised lately. Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
  9. Well I might be moving back to Oz soon (can't get an IT job in Dunners) so my Legacy will be up for sale when the house sells. Also, Dunners will need a new area rep.
  10. The Ol' Banger is going to the scrap yard unless someone wants to buy it. I'd like $200 which is what I paid for it but at this stage I'll take just about anything. Reason: We are losing a large number of members to Australia and Wellington which means it's unlikely to get used and even more importantly, my job situation has become desperate after Konica said they can't afford to hire me so it looks like I'll be moving back to Perth in the near future. Also, if anyone has access to a car trailer I can borrow to tow ol' banger to the scrap yard will be awesome.
  11. Due to a shitty work situation I can't afford the petrol to make tonights meet, sorry guys.
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