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Otago/Southland Member
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Everything posted by Shale

  1. Consider it forced learning. Everyone goes through it.
  2. It won't be as bad if you step back - there's no factions here, and no need to recruit people. Really they are 90% pacifists with big mouths. You've found a few brawlers They're really, really good at what they do. Less black and white will help. Srsly, trust me on this one. Been there done that with taking everything too seriously, and it's not worth the stress. Edit: can't spell today. Derp.
  3. Whether people give you sh!t or not, there are a fair few of them that deserve a bit of respect. Just know that any linguistic error is likely to get you some salad tossing action in these parts so don't typo, take your time before you bash the 'post' button and you'll be better off. You're not the only one that cops it in the moosh for it, nor are you the oldest here. There are members old enough to be your father and I'm not joking. So let's not pull that one out too, eh? You have to earn your stripes around here. Age alone doesn't do it, nor does post count. Sit back, relax, even help fellow members if you want respect.
  4. If you hassle them regularly enough then when they get your item in, they'll put it aside. He who spends the most gets the best and longest holds though. I blew $3500+GST on a gearbox with them so I'm in with a grin. Drunken's spent way more again.
  5. you liked that ay koomey No I think that it was a bit sh*t as you really need to have a decent example before using a quote like that. You still haven't proved me wrong either. hey just wondering if you will be at the megameet koom? I really want to meet the person behind all the words. You don't really need to challenge every frickin' person you disagree with, nor do you have to degenerate every thread into a sh!t-slinging match. Why can't y'all just kiss and make up?
  6. Coilover suspension refers to all suspension in a Subaru... not just the adjustible variety. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  7. I'm looking at doing mine properly, as these cars are my pride and joy. I've got a spray kit and compressor so doing a bit of trim work is no problemo. Pull things to pieces, do some masking and spend some time getting it even... Need to do the sideskirts too, Smurff knows what I mean : Later in the year when I actually have money I'll get me some of the correct paint. Anyone else that has a car in 86F (Blue Steel), holla... I'll probably have spare
  8. Question for the genius-types around these parts. The black paint that peels off and reveals shiny metal around the windows on Imprezas. Special kind of paint? Or just any ol' matte black crap? My door trim is returning to silver and the wipers need a lick too.
  9. Okay folks, rule #1 for shopping whels onto a car. Same jolly angle!! Those pics won't merge together because they're on rather different angles. It'll look like someone hiffed a pizza at each wheel rather than anything realistic.
  10. Glad someone got caught, but by god you're right when ya say they get off far too lightly. Capital punishment? Yes please. Was it pulled apart, or ripped apart?
  11. CS3 should be fine with RAW - you may just need a new plugin. Either that or give Lightroom a crack and export to Photoshop ;D I dunno if Adobe's done enough development on the CS3 platform, given they're up to CS5 now. Ask Reuben I guess :3
  12. You know, when ya come to a momentary stop, lift the brakes and then keep going. ;D The one we ALL do.
  13. 3 seconds? I thought it was 2. Rage. But yes, when you come to a stop sign you have to come to a COMPLETE stop. Not a rolling stop. It's not a give way
  14. Sitting there umming and aahing myself, wanna go there and do some shopping but got no cash -_____-;
  15. Someone needs to immortalise this post in a signature. DO EET.
  16. No need to shout online anyway... you coulda done all that in one post too ;D I'm just nitpicking at this point, of course. That's my job. From what I saw you were raging at Stoffa. It would have been funny if you were raging at BLAZD instead Let's just TRY and get this somewhat back on topic, eh? Off-topic doesn't mean free-for-all.
  17. Mine got pinched from St Johns about two years ago. They'd dumped it about a week later over near the train station in Meadowbank after trying to yank the stereo... Unfortunately genuine STi makes it less likely to be dumped. Likely it's stolen to order. If they're an opportunist, you may start seeing some familiar car parts on TradeMe soon.
  18. Oi oi oi a little calm up in here... no need for everyone's aggression. Fair point re: pics of the nats in the nats thread. Build shots need to be in build threads, no matter how proud you are of what could be a house deposit. I think people appreciate exactly how much work you two have put into your builds, but there is a time and place for the bragging ;D
  19. That's why I grabbed it when I saw it. Not a power chaser by any means, but less hopeless than a wee dinky TD04 and will go nicely with the early WRX motor in there. There's a manual gearbox and 6S ECU conv coming, we'll see if the little VF8 can handle things then. Really, really looking forward to being able to drive the bastard.
  20. Doing it old school eh. Throw five figures of CRAZY at it and it's still not show material ;D
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