Agree, my car was stolen and recovered several years ago with an honestly GARBAGE alarm install, despite it being a 5-star unit itself. A different branded 5-star unit has been installed since, and several attempts at taking the car have failed. It\'s all about how you install it, and making it an honest C*NT to get to. Unless they have a tow truck, a swearing, cursing, man-tears install should be nigh on impossible for a thief to defeat.
But yes, if you are determined to save her, you can build her back up again. There are S2 parts available and both ClubSUB and DOBC have ample spare parts and ample hook-ups with local businesses that could get you back on your feet once you\'ve replaced the tags. We\'re all pretty gutted for you, and many of the Auckland crew know the car personally, so you\'ll probably find yourself with helping hands too.
At worst, as has been said, she would be an excellent donor shell for a dedicated race car, thanks to being a straight car despite the most recent adventures. But she\'s worth more. If there\'s anything we can help you with, at the very least a few beers to drown it all, holla.