Hi all, I was recently flooded in, the only road in or out was swamped with water. Got talking with a local farmer on a quad bike ('d like to shout him a couple of beers) who knew the lay of the land and escorted me where the road was. Brave guy on a low clearance quad! Managed in first gear all the way through, took it really slow so my air intake (stock '04) didn't get flooded. Water was REALLY high up but I managed to get across. I knew I'd pay a price, but I had to get to work ? Water + car = all sort of bad.
After a few days, I started the car and now there's a whining which occurs not when the engine is idling (smooth as silk), but when I drive. Anyone had this issue after braving high waters? I'm thinking it's the timing / accessory belts that are the issue?
Advice appreciated from someone whose done stupid things like this in water.