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Berg last won the day on June 16 2020

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  1. Went full retro with oldskool Pioneer PRS twin amps, headunit, tweeters and sub a year or two ago. Just need to get the new Pioneer HD speakers for the door (replacing Alpine type R's), and then worry about the "proper" stuff to make it actually sound good: deadening, EQ and setup. I have virtually no warm midrange at the moment. Aside from Rapid Radio, who else knows about automotive sound in Auckland? (not just your "follow the product instructions" shop)
  2. Thanks Boon, water was alarmingly high to the point you mentioned. There was no convenient place to stop or find higher ground at the time :P
  3. Hi all, I was recently flooded in, the only road in or out was swamped with water. Got talking with a local farmer on a quad bike ('d like to shout him a couple of beers) who knew the lay of the land and escorted me where the road was. Brave guy on a low clearance quad! Managed in first gear all the way through, took it really slow so my air intake (stock '04) didn't get flooded. Water was REALLY high up but I managed to get across. I knew I'd pay a price, but I had to get to work ? Water + car = all sort of bad. After a few days, I started the car and now there's a whining which occurs not when the engine is idling (smooth as silk), but when I drive. Anyone had this issue after braving high waters? I'm thinking it's the timing / accessory belts that are the issue? Advice appreciated from someone whose done stupid things like this in water. +Berg
  4. Already broke my end links, can confirm.
  5. Those new two-tone Volkswagen combi?
  6. Was it a 7163? Had to Google the title.
  7. This. Boring, comfy and respectable. Newer Hyundai / Mazda have offerings which their brand appeal has yet to catch up to.
  8. Is this a problem? "When in doubt, flat out" is the expression
  9. Congrats! 264 or 272, and did you get the matching springs?
  10. @sobanoodle you style your cars with restraint, eager to see what you get next and your treatment of it! Hope it's a Subaru, but I guess you still have the BMW thing to get out of your system
  11. Red centre caps for the win! Ps: those wheels came a close second to the ones I eventually chose. Love the asymmetry of the 7 spokes.
  12. Thanks. Similar needs to an ear drum I guess. Tip: don't be a hero and start with the volume low. Increase very slowly until you can hear all the detail you want to hear- that's your listening volume. Don't do what I did and decide that nice round numbers divisible by 5 and 2 are increments :-/ And watch your source voltage!
  13. Thanks for all the advice. Looked at some fancy recommendations, but went semi-budget :-p Outcome: went Alpine R-S65C components in the stock foz front door and tweeter enclosures. Running 2 ohm @ 150W RMS. Can't tell they're not factory! Haven't installed sound deadening yet, they sometimes seem to lack lower mid bass. (Heard deadening can help with that) Any suggestions to increase lower-mid bass appreciated. Sub rocks, but I'm not getting the wow factor from the lower-mid. They're quite clear however. Some songs have terrible sampling and/or sound recording, which I can now hear
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