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Posts posted by Loren

  1. 2 hours ago, Andy_Mac said:


    Good point actually. I'd been thinking about it purely aesthetically no practically. Plus my car will never be winning any awards for a tidy bay anyway so there’ll always be something else less appealing to worry about


    I think it looks ok... they are not sticking up in the air, which would look bad. The manifold in general looks way nicer than the process west unit imo.


    2 hours ago, Andy_Mac said:

    My other hesitation is fitment. My turbo is crazy close even to the factory manifold so highly likely something like this won't even clear it

    It's a chunky bit of kit alright. I like how the video points out it will likely hurt performance down low and even into the mids... and only benefit big power builds up top.

  2. 11 hours ago, Andy_Mac said:

    A red one would be pretty sweet. Still kinda fancy the torque solution ripoff version with the vacuum manifold on the bottom but apparently general quality is no where near as good


    Personally I think the vacuum block on the top is the best idea ever... my manifold has the vacuum block at the rear almost underneath

    and it's a huge pain in the ass getting the hoses on.

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  3. On 21/08/2024 at 8:11 AM, Joker said:

    FB Marketplace Mechanics at it again : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1590815754570105/posts/3764684357183223/?comment_id=3766084367043222&reply_comment_id=3766716303646695&notif_id=1724164357249385&notif_t=group_comment_mention





    I don't know the seller but yeah due to the above discussion I'm calling Bull, or is there something he know's that we don't?


    I don't know if what he is saying about the auto is true or not... but he is full on hallucinating about the manual conversion. Maybe he asked an AI?

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Panda said:

    Any idea on how I can confirm whether or not they should be in there? Because they are left behind it would be likely that they are supposed to right?


    It should be pretty obvious by the depth of the groove. A deep groove on the axle stub will probably mean a circlip is supposed to be present. A shallow groove probably

    means the circlip is inside the diff. You can also put your finger in the diff and see if you can feel the circlip... should be easy enough.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Andy_Mac said:

    if he is providing all parts already then there isn’t any reason labour would be anywhere near that high but as a total that would be about right. 


    yes sorry, I just mean as a total.  I reckon 10 to 20 hours for the short block.






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