Lol politics... Until we stop treating Political parties like sports teams we wont get very far.
Bottom line is if you want to play you have too pay, neither the Govt (of any denomination) nor oil company's have any interest in lower fuel prices. Much like many home grown NZ company's the gouge is on so they take it with both hands. You dont have to look far in NZ to see local company's who charge a ridiculous mark up in NZ simply because they can while exporting far cheaper. They gouge locally to subsidize internationally because they work to the mentality that they would rather have 1% extra profit than 10% extra customers in a local setting. A little OT there, sorry...
I must admit every time I fill up in the U.S. the petrol head in me gets a little tingle. Last Tuesday I took a Chevy Suburban from Quarter to full for about 60 USD... God bless America lol