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  • Drives :
    1999 Version 6 STi Type RA Ltd
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  1. Probably been asked many a time.. However, I have tried to find anything I can about if this setup will work and how, Have found ver 7 rears needed top hats replaced with gc8 ones. Read somewhere that ver 8 or 9 rears will need holes relocated in the actual chassis or something?? Afaik, fronts should just bolt in no problems. Any help would be greatly appreciated, need to get rid of these old model used condition D2 adjusties that are currently in car. Cheers all
  2. K so being that my car is ver6 and the type r ecu i have is ver5 and the type ra ecu im getting is ver6, would it be better to use the ra one, so ver6 kinda matches my ver6 car?
  3. @ Qraf, in the loom you need to switch the crankshaft position sensor with the camshaft position sensor (cos we are putting jap ecu in nz new car) yeah im thinking as both are j2 coded, there wont be much of a difference. some guy also told me the typr r copue is just a 2 door type ra sti without roof vent and rear doors.. really?
  4. What is the difference/s (if any) between the sti type r and sti type ra ecu? I have a ver5 sti type r ecu in my ver6 wrx am looking at getting an ra ecu (from a ver 6 i think) Just wondering if there is much point, other than to match up ver6 car with ver6 ecu cheers club edit: Sorry if this is in wrong section
  5. Name: Thom Dunn Car/s: V6 Impreza WRX 1999, Blue Legacy Grandwagon 1995, Maroon Phone/s: 027 343 9796 Email: [email protected]
  6. meet this friday? never been to 1 yet, keen to meet some club members
  7. ME RIKEY! oi guys we need to get amongst Dunedin Tagg.. DEFINATELY!
  8. A mechanic friend said my boost tap is pretty average (i knew that) but getting an electronic one installed would be better and do away with the standard boost controller that may be restricting psi?
  9. Some guy had a Ute one on tm. looked ghey though cos it still had back doors. Weld the back doors shut and make a single cab ute, would be the meanest i reckon
  10. Often dropping off or picking up the wife from around the art area aye. Blue v6 WRX big as wing (quoted as being Ray's twin lol)
  11. yeah definately up that pic. im keen to see the next spot lol
  12. lol found it kingersman! does look mean aye http://www.clubsub.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic,13318.new.html#new
  13. lol found it! just posting in topic so i can find pic again when on my own computer looks mean though
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