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Found 11 results

  1. Hi everyone I’m new to the forum I’ve been a long time lurker but only now have had to ask for some help. Recently came into purchasing a very nice 2002 GT-B Limited and I’ve owned a few wagons and B4’s in the past but never a revision D which I’m ? percent sure this is because the headlamps are different and the vin check on legacypic.com confirms it to be all correct. problem is the boost isn’t quite what I would consider correct… Ive installed a boost gauge and I get on WOT 14-15 psi primary then valley o death comes in at the usual changeover point but then I only get around 12psi to redline and it seems to taper off. the primary seems too high and the secondary seems too low almost like the levels needs to be switched around The usual suspects have been looked into. No vacuum leaks, MAF Sensor is newish as this was one of the things previous owner mentioned gave him grief in the past spark plugs are all iridium’s and done within the last month that brings me to the latest discovery this morning. I know the boost restrictor pills on these cars play a very important role and the plumbing of the vaccum lines for this car is different than my last rev A wagon and found a diagram on here which has helped me identify a few of the pills My car has three pills from what I can see one in the smaller line coming off the blue T shaped connector between the blow off valve and manifold It has a small pill in the black box of death on line 2 (this was missing from a previous car so I know to check this one first) and one more in the bottom vaccum line between the turbo inlet and white T piece and line 23 All diagrams I can find show me there is supposed to be four pills and the one I am missing looks like the hose closest to the manifold but this diagram looks more like a revision A B or C cause the rev D has a big metal pipe to connect the hose to the blue t and bov im really confused cause if the diagram is correct then I’m missing a 2.0mm pill but if not then I’m at a loss to what could be creating erratic boost behaviour. Does anyone have the ability to just take some pics of their rev D vaccum hoses and point out which pills go where? Everything I look up just has older models like Bg and rev a b or c sorry about the long winded post I would really appreciate the help as I don’t wanna push this thing too hard it’s a great car cheers!
  2. I recently imported my dream bh5 in the purple/ blue colour, auto ej206 which I'm fine with, it has 49,000 k"s and upon inspection it has had a centre decat and muffler delete and a back box from zero sports. It's a rev C from 2000 and I'm looking to get a base tune or Remap. I contacted possum bourne here in auckland but they are unable to tune the rev C ecu for some reason? Would anyone be able to point me in a direction of a tuner in auckland? Someone also mentioned on here about project lambda, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with them and if it's worth it. Thanks guys!
  3. Found a link to this on FB which in turn liked back here so this will likely be a repost Some images are 'dying' help improve the forum by adding them if you can Cheers Jimbo : not sure why the shade tho? http://www.subyclub.com/topic/8792-your-guide-to-twin-turbo/
  4. Hi all, Over from the UKLegacy forums as I know quite a lot of you kiwis and aussies and have the tt leggys too! Was wondering if someone can shed some light on an issue im having. Car has been running like sh1t- poor fuel economy, lumpy acceleration, lumpy on idle when started from hot, struggles to stay alive as the revs want to drop. Plugged in SSM cable and front o2 sensor voltage was reading 0.000v. Cleaned the plug... still nothing. Replaced the sensor with a bosch universal 3 wire and its still showing 0.000v. Jumps to about .02v for a split second when the throttle is pressed but instantly drops back to 0v. When I test the black signal wire at the plug where the sensor joins the loom, there is 0.45v at idle (this is about right as this would suggest a normal AFR). This suggests the sensor is working and reading accurately. At the ecu however, the voltage is different. Service manual says that at the ecu plug, the o2 should see between 2.3-2.8v (iirc) . At the ecu pin, mine showed 0.80v with the car idling and o2 sensor unplugged. When plugged in, it jumped to 1.1v but fluctuated massively (down to about 0.6v when revved in neutral and back up to 1+ but never as high as 2v+. I tested the pins on the loom-side plug on the car to see if they were getting power. The heater wire pin was easy to identify as it was getting a solid 12v. The other white was the ground but was still getting like 0.5v. The signal wire itself was also getting about 0.38v which I found a bit strange but I dont understand enough about auto electrics to make sense of it. I tried bypassing the entire wiring to see if it was a wiring fault but didnt make much headway. I ran pins from all 3 ports on the o2 sensor plug. The heating elements went straight to the battery positive and negative terminals to simulate the 12v and the ground. The signal wire was ran directly from the 02 plug inside the car and alligator clipped to a paperclip jammed in the back of the 02 signal wire at the ecu. On ssm it showed a constant .330v (usually what a broken o2 will show). It would not move despite revving the car and stank of fuel due to it telling the car its was running a lean mix. Took it to a garage today and the lad was adamant that I should start with an oem sensor as universal ones are bad for subarus apparently. They dont agree with universal sensors etc. This wouldn't be an issue but the oem sensors are like £180/$250+ and im a student lol. Is there anything else I can try before buying one? This is the second universal bosch o2 inside 8 months, this is the reason Im worried it isnt the actual fault of the sensor. Im fairly confident there is something else weird going on with the ecu/wiring. Any help is much appreciated, thank you troops
  5. Hi all, New to the forums, but am slowly starting to piece together a list of parts and what to keep an eye out for when I go BH5 GTB hunting. I am dead set on one, and am aiming to have one by the end of the year. Based on combing the available forum posts I have got a solid list of parts and things to look for, but I haven't found much on this topic. Now, I don't particularly love how the front bumper of the BH5, but the BE5 B4 RSK front bumper looks very nice, especially in white. It's something about those spotties and the front valance / things below the spotties. Is it a simple bolt on job or are the dimensions of the BH and BE different to the point where this couldn't work? Thanks in advance!
  6. Wondering if anyone can help me out with this.. Im looking to put Ver7 Sti wagon rear seats into my BH5 legacy wagon. Any and all info regarding this would be very appreciated. I have already started the swap and am soon realizing the trouble ive gotten myself into .. Ive done a full 6 speed driveline swap into the legacy already and have the front ver 7 seats installed and really want to fit the ver 7 wagon seats in to match!
  7. Hi all, first time posting on here - im massively stuck on an issue i’ve had with the legacy for quite a while now basically it sounds like a front wheel bearing knackered - but ive changed both and also both cv axles (driveshafts) not only is there a crazy rumbling noise, something is also causing the car to wander when at expressway speeds (like a steering joint is worn...) HELP!!! Surely there is someone on here that has experienced a similar issue Really appreicate any response or suggestions - thanks!!
  8. Hey Guys and Gals First time owner of a Subaru, and first time posting so please be gentle. I picked up a 2001 BH5 E-tune Legacy (I believe it's RevD) early last year and fell in love with it. Since then I've been trying to do cool mods on the cheap and subsequently I picked up a front lip off TradeMe (for a whopping $25) and have been prepping it with rattle cans to get it mounted. I tried test fitting it this weekend only to find that it seemed too small to correctly hook around either side of the bumper around the wheel arches and where the bottom fog lights curve in. Am I right in thinking this is due to the RevD front bumper being different to that of a standard BH5 GT? Has anyone tried and succeeded in fitting one if this is the case? If not, do the RevD's have a specific front lip and would anyone like to sell me one on the cheap? Thanks. Photo of my pride and joy below.
  9. Hey, I am in the process of doing an engine conversion and while everything was out I was thinking I could de-loom the engine bay. It looks like its going to be a big job but if I am going to do it I may aswell go all out and fill in all existing holes etc and paint the engine bay, Does anyone have any tips on the best locations to put everything? I was planning on moving the battery to the boot as well as the window washer bottle, The fuse box i was going to jam under the dash. I would love to utilize the inner guards etc as much as I can as well. With that being said, can I just paint straight over the top of the VIN plate or can I remove it and put it back when I am done?
  10. hello all, recently I purchased a bh5 legacy twin turbo. I checked the radiator fluid and it was a orange/brown colour and thought this wasnt right so I drained and put in all new coolant and after checking it again about a month later it was brown again. is this normal for a legacy/what causes it? cheers!
  11. Hey all, I am brand new to these forums, to cut this short : I am AJ I am 21 I live in central/west Auckalnd I just sold my BP5 2004 Legacy A/T and looking for something a bit more exciting. Keen to get involved with the Subaru world I'm currently taking a look at a 2001 Legacy BH5 E-tune with an auto trans (Not ideal but hear me out) Its got the twin turbo Ej20, its done a low 112 kms, has the awesome cupholder in the dash and twin sunroof and is pretty tidy all round. Its had the belt and all that done, knock sensors, plugs. The owner has a blitzen wagon and a wicked old Subaru SVX with almost no clearcoat left on it. He's from the UK and seems to switched on when it comes to the Subaru stuff, basically he's doesn't seem like the car thrasher. He believes its got a blown primary turbo which is preventing it from boosting so he's going to get that sorted before i actually take it for a drive, is this a common issue? A mate of mine is coming with me who previously has owned an E-tune, Ill be checking out the car for any issues and looking at its service history. Are there any owners on here that want to tell me to save my bucks for a newer single turbo model, or go for it? Wanting a fun all rounder i can take the beach and also drive to work (If i drive granny spec will i get okay fuel consumption?) or is a H6 3.0 a better contender? Cheers
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