Yes Im slack , I forget to post on forums cos the events fill up so god damn quick.
If people are keen to get in on our events the best thing to do is sign up for our email newsletters as thats the first channel we advertise events on.
Theres a link to sign up on our Facebook page -
Totally agree with dumping the old structure , beauty of having a dictatorship ( for lack of a better term )is you make a decision and things just happen , you move on to the next thing and progress actually happens.
FACT you will NEVER please everyone so some will not like decisions and will move on but thats the price of progress.
2003 for me , god I feel so old.
The club has sure changed alot over the years , been a few idiots but far more awesome personalities.
Iv had a few breaks away but still seem to end up lurking.
Christchurch Trackdays next event is Monday 26th October , this event is already sold out but feel free to come along and see what all the fuss is about.
If you want to sign up and have a go yourself our next events with available spots are....
Wednesday 9th December @ Mike Pero Motorsport Park , Ruapuna and
Saturday 30th January @ Timaru International Raceway ( Levels )
For all the info on our events and to enter , check out the website
Also im sure youve been to a CCC pursuit sprint with entries on the day , last one I went to they were still scrutineering at 11:30 , I dont want my events being like that.
I get stressed if cars don't get on the track by 10am
Because iv found from past experience if I leave entries open till the last minute then people leave it till the last minute , just human nature.
Give people a deadline and they tend to get their **** sorted.
Also gives me a couple of days to check payments have cleared and do all the background paperwork stuff so we have a smooth running event ( gives everyone max track time )
PM / Email me if you want to enter still.
Sorry if my comment seemed attacking , was just stating what I do. As you've said Playday , or anyone running a trackday has no obligation to adopt any form of scrutineering or safety rules , there is actually no guidelines for it.
Personally id like to see MSNZ adopt a trackday format under the Clubsport umbrella , and hopefully in time i'll be making a submission to the clubsport commission.