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  • Drives :
    1996 V2 STI RA V ltd, 1999 RA ltd, 1998 Type R V Ltd (project), Targa Coupe (project)
  • Location
    North Harbour

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  1. something to factor in here is that the RS-RA is "hand crafted by sti" while the sti models up to ver2 were "tuned by sti". in regards to these early sti models the cars went from FHI factory to the sti factory then to the dealer, where as the ver3 onwards STI engine were built on the same line as the wrx engines etc what this means is that the pistons are probably Rare A.F to find the actual real deal or info on what they were from factory. even all the parts catalogues will show the wrong pistons without the correct FHI parts bulletin. for comparison sake assume all pistons from said cars are from something else unless proof the engine is original rsra/ v1-2 sti and un opened etc etc
  2. google probably wont be too much help as that sort of info is not readily available (unles you work for FHI possibly, or have reaserched all chassis numbers of all subarus cars and recorded all of them). ive looked into said research and each model year would take me approximately 12 months of research the option code is a sub category of the model code basically it seems the prodrive v7 was only really the same option code. the only difference was there may have been blue or white options ie some earlier models had base models and option code models. some option codes specified a/c, elec windows, roof scoop etc but ive lost my train of thought option codes on early model stis were more relevant as they specified the difference between a standard wrx and a sti model sent to the factory to be "sti tuned"/ modified ie v1/v2 sti and sti ra
  3. ive had a Singapore spec shell before and it was an "export model" so it had a JF1GC.... type vin number pretty sure the Singapore STI models were export models (similar to the aussie spec cars) in which they were built at a lower spec than the JDM cars. not sure of the complete list of differences but you can be sure a JDM STi is of substantially higher spec
  4. for v3-v4 there are infact 3 types of rocker cover gasket sets aftermarket gaskets dont last as long as the genuine items, and the genuine items arent badly priced anyway agreed you should replace the bolt washers
  5. firstly you need to say what model car. are all the sensors and looms plugged in properly?
  6. i only just remember the car from when i was crewing for richard best bet is to ring richard himself at Tom's autos. from what i remember it was a pretty quick car potentially it might have had some work done by scottspeed engines but not sure
  7. the auto trans holds about 9 litres in the complete system, so 100 ml is 1.1%. i would say it shouldnt be enough to cause an issue ive seen a rally competitor use power steer fluid and brake fluid in his engine to top it up as it had an oil leak.....
  8. ive got some radiators here i need to sell that i can do cheap in auckland
  9. So they came with either? do you happen to know what criteria changed which option went into what model? no i dont for some reason it depends on the model only GT, GTB, and all the other GT models (there are quite a few in japan)
  10. depends on your spec the JDM BP/BL legacy with the EJ20X engine had either a 3.272 or 3.583 rear diff ratio
  11. subaru dealers only sell the premix bottles (batched by castrol) for the castrol coolant concentrate go to repco, supercheap, or the warehouse
  12. thats what i would be trying first
  13. now this is where it can get confusing for the uneducated up to V9 (i think) if you purchased a New STI from a Subaru dealer in NZ you would get a JDM spec car. same as the Legacy GT B Spec. NZ was/is the only country outside of japan to get the Japanese spec cars brand new (i beleive), which makes other countries jealous and green with envy. the legacy gt the aussie's got was one that had no bilsteins, plain bumper and 17' wheels- that will make up for giving us all those 2.0 vl commodores while they got the 3.0 turbo- now im wondering off path...... then when the V10 came along i dont remember what models Subaru nz bought in new. i beleive they may have started with the aussie spec 2.5L the Aussie spec cars AKA export market cars have a 17 letter chassis number like jf1gdfkd35g017237. i beleive all the sti's that fall into this category had single scroll turbo's. the jdm cars (wether they be nz new or imported used had a GDB-017235 chassis number
  14. The v8/v9/v10 sti (JDM) all uses the twin scroll vf37 turbo except for the aussie spec cars (aka nz new) which uses a single scroll turbo on both ej207 and ej257 engine the 6 speed gearbox mostly stayed the same except, with the same final drive ratio on the JDM spec cars except for the fact the v10 had a drop gear in the transfer, so rear diff changed they all had the brembo brakes, and r180 diff the v8 had a 5x100 stud pattern which changed to a 5x114.3 with the v9 and v10 visually the v9 looked like the v8 except for the spats on the rear 1/4 mostly the interior stayed the same, as did the body shell. the v9 and v10 had alloy rear lateral arms. some v8 models had the darkened dashcluster like the v9 and v10
  15. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=385491189
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