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    South Auckland

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Motormouth (4/7)



  1. Whats the PEV before the MAP?
  2. Mines pissing fuel into the chamber and getting alot of blow-by so Im prity sure yours aint until I solve my problem and stop pissing out black smoke lol vss not connected, in the process of wiring one in after doing conversion from auto to manual.
  3. mines the fastest at chewing gas hahahaha
  4. I bought this off the internet so feel free to have a look and download, save you some bux. http://www.mediafire.com/?xtyxrrlmbxkdf16 Its a .ZIP file so just extract after you download. Your Welcome...
  5. I made a plate that wedged between arm and turbo to stop it opening and worked perfect cause didnt want anything permanent but im sure better things can be made I just used what I had.
  6. wonder if insurance premiums will go up lol
  7. yeah heard it wasnt common, but bloody diaphram inside must of kraked causing petrol to come out of vaccum line but oh well shit happens so just went aftermarket cause brand new from Winger Greenlane was $588 from Japan.
  8. removed turbo and ripped out stuffed fuel pressure regulator, put in aftermarket one, run some new lines and put back together, wallbro next on the list an fuel filter.
  9. ok so im guessing waste of time better off just buying a new one then cause sounds like it will whind up being the same price
  10. Turbo Rebuild on tdo5h from stock to 20g, good idea or waste of time? any suggestions. Heres the rebuild kits - http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=453648968 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=455202526
  11. good guys at strongs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRCFWH0y58Y&feature=colike
  12. mate thats why 90% of auckland cars have dents an scuff marks and to top it off dont know how to open a door properly which slams into the car parked next to it.
  13. man will have to have get a bat installed in the car haha but yeah its messed up, feel sorry for people that get bummed out on being wrong lol spose gotta roll with the times.
  14. going to be a few accidents for the rest of the year and alot of road rage , should've just left it IMO.
  15. broke my IAC while cleaning it so pritty pissed
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