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Everything posted by Volcanix

  1. /WANT /droool :'( :'( :'( http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Cars/Subaru/type/auction-370108836.htm :'(
  2. lolol(Never seen in a garage since ive owned it for 4+ years and i aint no mechanic but i know how to look after it ) http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Cars/Subaru/auction-371068739.htm
  3. to be honest i like cvt, it holds the powerband a sh1tload smoother and isnt slushy at all!
  4. no more joker? im surprised he gave up his seat
  5. http://www.nzpc.org.nz/ Loooool! bwhahahaha thats funny hehe, best to look at it when noones looking haha
  6. that cant be healthy for an engine right?
  7. what about your parents house(lol? ) each time ive had noowhere ive used thier drive ways haha
  8. its very plain and ordinary really : / but thats the growing trend in auto makers, its making design and build costs cheaper
  9. weee lets waste a fukton of cash on a POS car for racing?!
  10. Volcanix

    GC8 donor car

    too old? such a shame he should make it a nice race car or something
  11. Volcanix

    GC8 donor car

    whats wrong with the v7 it looks mint
  12. this is epic, it made me piss myslef and this is to prove its real http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKJOCYtUQwc&NR=1 start at around 40sec
  13. was so expecting him to crash it!, such an anti-climax
  14. actually, at the end the short fat kid whimpers and the big dudes like hey b1tch have u learnt your lesson?!..... TALK TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU haha that short ass had it coming
  15. took me a while to figure out what kinda car he was going for haha
  16. he wanted a veyron but couldnt afford one so he splodged over this pos
  17. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Cars/Nissan/auction-360876520.htm 160j?
  18. If u liked his music and want to hear a full list of it : )
  19. i havent driven my car in over 4 1/2 months and its getting neglected
  20. Plus 1 million mmm wow LOL I've gotta say. The latest expansion was quite a let down :-\ And I don't think brad wants a new addiction, just a project its the same sh1t new level, still its a cheap addiction compared to that of drinking/ smoking/ cars
  21. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/ Lol, if your really bored and cant figure what car to play with
  22. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Cars/Subaru/auction-349095943.htm
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