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  • Drives :
    2012 WRX Crouching Tiger limited number 5/10
  • Interests
    Motorsport, rugby, most sports
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Dairy Farmer

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Learner License

Learner License (1/7)



  1. Be awesome go Taupo
  2. Got a 2012 wrx coming up for a 50000 km service. I’ve been told this is quite a major service? Can anyone tell me what this involves?
  3. Just wondering if anyone has got any kind of gps tracker on there car? Are they worth while? Any particular sort I should get If I got one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Individualities


      Adding on from that - the top range Mongoose alarm comes with GPS tracking included for life.

      I've considered replacing my Dynatron alarm with one of them, for the free GPS tracking lol

    3. aimage


      There are some cheap chinese units about, seem to work fine. But you would want a 5 star alarm also as mentioned above.

    4. Whinery


      You have to get one with a battery.  Most of the trackers are designed for fleet tracking.  Thieves in NZ tow it away, and never turn it on.  The car is stripped and sold internationally in parts without ever being turned back on.  So a fleet tracker will have the last known location being where you parked it and turned it off.

  4. I'm looking for some mud flaps for my car, was just wondering where everyone gets there's from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Steve


      Thanks for that. What the black ones with the Wrx in white

    3. jip555


      May be too late but http://www.performancecreations.co.uk is another place

    4. 1randomkiwi


      I ordered mine from RokBlokz: https://rokblokz.com/

      Decent value, includes all the hardware and good quality.

  5. Anyone around the Waikato that would be keen to get some kind of meet going each month or something?
  6. Anyone else at Leadfoot?? This looks like it's going to be awesome!! Here camping for 3 days!!

  7. Hi all. I've just seen on Facebook about an awesome weekend drive with other like minded enthusiasts. Some of you may of heard of it, The event is called The Gumboot rally. The event is being held the weekend of the 7th of April. Goes from Hamilton down to New Plymouth then across to Taupo and also includes The Forgotten Highway which is an awesome road to drive, (as I have done that road a few times now). If you are interested go have a look on Facebook link below. It looks like it should be a fun weekend. Let's see how many Subaru's we can get together! https://www.facebook.com/Gumbootrally/
  8. Hi all. So I've just seen on Facebook about a thing called The Gumboot rally it's on the weekend of the 7th of April. Goes from Hamilton somewhere down to New Plymouth then across to Taupo and also includes The Forgotten Highway which is an awesome road to drive, as I have done it a few times now. If you are interested go have a look on Facebook should be a fun weekend I reckon.


    Stay safe on the roads over this time there are some CRAZY people out there who only think about themselves!!

    1. 1randomkiwi


      Gumboot Rally is great. Can't recommend it enough!

  9. Really sorry won't be able to get there after all baby sitter can't get here. Have fun if anyone does go up
  10. Will meet outside mitre10 the base at about 6 or there abouts and leave no later than 6.20. Get as many as we can there. Should be a nice evening for a drive
  11. Was thinking of maybe driving up to Auckland to there last meet in Botany. Anyone interested in going up?
  12. Anyone going to Automania Auto festival tomorrow up at North Shore events centre?

  13. Where do you have your monthly meet up?
  14. Does anyone else on here know or own one of the crouching tigers? Also anyone around Hamilton organise drive days together?
  15. So took the car back in on thursday they checked all the codes and couldn't find a thing. They had there top "Award winning" tech look at it and even he was completely Stumped. So not to sure what to make of it. Took it for a drive around some back roads this morning where the targa had run earlier in the week and the car didn't miss a beat.
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