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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/18 in Posts

  1. Did 750khs in it, went bloody well. Scraped on the exhaust somewhat on the way to chch. But on the way back was sweet. Used just under half tank to chch and a night/day of driving around town.
    3 points
  2. Finally finished getting the car in the state of maintenance and performance that I've wanted it for the past 5 months of ownership. Waiting on new rear shocks to come but other than that and some aesthetic stuff all done. Had it tuned by Dave @ TuneTechnic at the end of last week and couldn't recommend him more highly. Great guy, really knows what hes doing and spends the extra time to get the best and safest out of it. Quick little pic from yesterday after a drive out to anchor bay and across woodcocks, waiting for my friends proper photos!
    3 points
  3. Someone please buy this so i don't have too ... https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1568716319
    1 point
  4. bump, i wanna see more cool STI pics cos i been running out of that passion/enthusiasm for doing stuff to car lately (which admittedly has been saving me S*** load of cash to spend on other areas of life so not necessary bad thing haha)
    1 point
  5. Since no one has put it up yet and I was in Auckland for parts Old: Windmill Park, Epsom New: excuse potato pics
    1 point

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