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urgent help needed


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mate could really do with your advice again,

ive had diagnositics done, nothting showed up, had carb cleaned etc and new fuel filter

now lets remember this only happens when engine is cold,

note i parked in garage this week, had no problems in morning even though still cold, today was the real issue

was parked out stide 5am-3pm , had small frost first thing, no rain, just sun, got quite hot,

drove 2 min from carpark down road, and yes again problem happens, was doing about 20 - 30 kmph, accelerating at the time,

next thing i know car almost stalls, drops from 30 kmph down to bout 2 kmphj, engine tring to stall, car stops in middle of road, not bunny hopping as its auto but the equivilient,pull over, try to push on the gas, nothign happens no revs no acceleration.car is shuddering and really clunky and noisy, sounds like no oil as really really loud, sounds like wanna blow up, happens for aobut 30 secs, then stalled(not to mention first time it had stalled) , tried to start straight after but turned over for about a min without starting, tried again and started again, drove 20 meters , had slight drop like wanted to stall again then came right.

so this only happens when engine is cold,

note it only happens sometimes

this morning was worst it has ever happened and didnt sound of feel good.

still no codes showing up

have had diagnostics, still nothing.

have put in carb cleaner and also motor up fuel system cleander and engine treatment

have also replaced 2 afms just in case but positive its not this.

tomorrow i will get a original air box and another afm to try, but really dont thoink its this.

some mechancs have said coils, some have said fuel injectors

really need some adviceo n what to do next or were to go, can anyone help me that can actually help .i dont have much money and can do this work by myself, need someone that konws were to look and how to pull apart and put back together a engine, please your help would be appreciated, like i said no mechanic i have seen , has been able to help yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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 express96 said:

mate could really do with your advice again,

ive had diagnositics done, nothting showed up, had carb cleaned etc and new fuel filter

now lets remember this only happens when engine is cold,

note i parked in garage this week, had no problems in morning even though still cold, today was the real issue

was parked out stide 5am-3pm , had small frost first thing, no rain, just sun, got quite hot,

drove 2 min from carpark down road, and yes again problem happens, was doing about 20 - 30 kmph, accelerating at the time,

next thing i know car almost stalls, drops from 30 kmph down to bout 2 kmphj, engine tring to stall, car stops in middle of road, not bunny hopping as its auto but the equivilient,pull over, try to push on the gas, nothign happens no revs no acceleration.car is shuddering and really clunky and noisy, sounds like no oil as really really loud, sounds like wanna blow up, happens for aobut 30 secs, then stalled(not to mention first time it had stalled) , tried to start straight after but turned over for about a min without starting, tried again and started again, drove 20 meters , had slight drop like wanted to stall again then came right.

so this only happens when engine is cold,

note it only happens sometimes

this morning was worst it has ever happened and didnt sound of feel good.

still no codes showing up

have had diagnostics, still nothing.

have put in carb cleaner and also motor up fuel system cleander and engine treatment

have also replaced 2 afms just in case but positive its not this.

tomorrow i will get a original air box and another afm to try, but really dont thoink its this.

some mechancs have said coils, some have said fuel injectors

really need some adviceo n what to do next or were to go, can anyone help me that can actually help .i dont have much money and can do this work by myself, need someone that konws were to look and how to pull apart and put back together a engine, please your help would be appreciated, like i said no mechanic i have seen , has been able to help yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, first to clarify a couple of things:

    [*]What model is it? Leggy or Rex? And what model code eg for leggys, BG5, BE5 or Rex, GC8 etc

    [*]What fuel are you running?

    [*]When the problem occurs, does the check engine light come on?

    [*]When you say "No codes showing up", have you checked for stored fault codes in the ECU?

    Mate, I not really *the* expert when it comes to the hard-core mechanical diagnosic of the problem....HOWEVER, coming at it from a failure point-of-view --> trying to isolate the problem, I think you really want to see whats going on in terms of sensors/data coming from the ECU.

    If you can borrow or manage to get hold of a cable you can connect to your laptop, you can grab some software which will let you monitor the real-time sensor outputs from the ECU and keep track on injector cycling, boost, various pressures etc At least then you could start the car up and watch whats happening - esp if you reckon you've exhausted all other means and you don't really want to pay big $$$ for a mech with the gear or take it to your local Suuby dealer to plug in the 'Subaru Select Monitor'!

    But definately if you can let us know some details about yr car, then everyone can help u more.



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its a 96 wagon, gravel express, ej 20.

codes have been checked under steering wheel, is that what you mean by stored faults on ecu, i wonder if its the right ecu for the afm,

its a brand new fuel filter

were do i get this cable and program from eh, anyone got it they want to lend me

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Hi mate,

I'm no expert and have relied on the help from some of the top peeps on this site.

You pretty much decribed exactly the problems I was facing.

The same checks were subscribed - AFM, coil packs, plugs, fuel pump.

It all came to a head when I ended up stuck in the underground carpark at work (well documented haha)

It was the fuel pump, no gas being pumped at all in the end. I am getting a replacment sent today sometime and will post an update if you want.

Just for the purpose of trouble shooting, I noticed that there were a few selling on TM due to peeps upgrading and they are around the $60 - $90 mark. New are aound the $160-170 mark for direct replacments and then there are the Walbro's on TM? not sure.

But it may pay to get a replacement on the cheap for trouble shooting purposes and if it is the problem, upgrade and flick the cheapie off again?

Hope this helps a lil.

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