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Everything posted by deathz0r

  1. Aw man, I didn't know he was going to post on CS about it so soon - I would of got my act together and fixed some stuff first! lol. @JoKer - not a forum, it's a Wiki, so just pure information @aim - I'll look into this for ya this afternoon @chrisjunkie - cPanel had Tiki-Wiki as like a 'preinstalled' option and I couldn't be bothered with MediaWiki lawl
  2. [me=deathz0r]feels violated..[/me]
  3. Damn, too much porn this early! what are you trying to do to us Love it, keep it coming! ps, that Subie billboard ftw.
  4. What isn't these days...
  5. Hmmm agreed. I'd shop around, also ask about some people who have got rebuilds here. Better to get it built correctly than have problems down teh track (not saying you mechanic is an idiot, but reputable builders preferred, imo)
  6. bro shall we go down and meet him too...... Got papers? Haha. If only though... sigh...
  7. This. LOL If so, tell him to get his ass to my place, we got lots of music to listen to and um well *insert illegal stuff here*
  8. I prefered it when it was broken.
  9. That JDM has been for sale for a long time... I'd tread carefully.
  10. Hmmm today... -Drained oil -New oil filter -New sexy clean oil -New air filter
  11. Om nom nom! Very nice. Keep em coming. [me=deathz0r]is gutted.[/me]
  12. Hmmm weird, who are they run by? Wilsons? I park at a different one, have been for years and never had any problems there... does help that all the guys at the paystation know my car very very well so if anyone came out with it they would hit them up
  13. Horrible show. Don't even waste your time. Plus, no tits?! WTF! If you're going to be all hardout and 'Fast and Furious' wannabe's.... at least have some.. well ya know
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