Even if you're not "Tracking" Just come!
and FYI Covid Levels Depending aye
the 'day' was announced yesterday and as of this morning there there are 10x spots left!
It's a Playday and as far as I know its 2x groups (or 1x Group) reserved for Subaru's
even if "full" there was a chance t orotate in and out to get some track time / enjoy a great day!
the ones I've seen are 'popular' bull bar type Prado / mitsi's that suit that style of mount too
yeah you cant even cut the bumper support beam these days it seems to install front mount IC's without falling foul eh
one of them trailer jockeys might be better eh (I'm sure you could motorise one too etc
Slim Jim? though I've been warned for 'inserting anything' into anything newer than 1990 aye (knocks things around & can make thins worse)
though might be your only hope to pull the mech (or push) the latch aye
is there a manual in your glove box?
I'd start there
or is there a UFO chasing you?
though sorry I cant help & its not on
what car?
never seen that before! mind you I've only changed 1x Subaru Clutch before
I was gunna suggest maybe wrong bolts had been used previously maybe?
but I'd say I am wrong