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how to ID a Garret turbo


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It could be a ta3410 or something to that extent . Also a lot of OEM garret turbos have m24 ar 70 on them sr20 for example .

I pull tags off stuff all the time . I\'m not proud of it but it happens . Pull the gear box sticker off Coz I have nothing to write it down with etc

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Forgot to add TA3410 was made up to combat the cheap chinese turbos being made sells for around 1250 not a bad wee turbo in alot of ways leaves a garrett GT for dead and half the price plus can be rebuilt, its made form various garrett stock stage 4/5 turbine wheel .48/68/82/1.00 turbines and 60/1 comp wheel and same comp cover as a GT turbo thus no need to think back to garretts years gone by Jon to its origins all current parts are used.

Also has 360 thrust stock but not screwed down will do 300kw wheel and unlike the GT range of similar size its responsive and wont surge its tits off when using a small turbine housing, strange how they claim the GT range to be so good yet the old plain bearing type makes it look stupid ball bearing turbos arnt the answer knowing how to set a car is dont look for a pill to fix your issues talk to people that know not not key board wanna be turbo pros actually someone that does it for a living.

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IRL results back to back same car same dyno have shown me the TA3410 under performs against a GT conterpart. but like always YMMV.

Im not saying is a bad turbo..

And for a SUBARU specific application look carefully at the wheel specifications / sizes / comparative ratios before laying down cash.

Steve - just out of interest, is there something about the 62mm exducer / 68mm inducer sized (gt35) turbine you can fit in a gt30 core? (thinking frankienmonster gt3576 etc)

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The problem with results is they dont tell you whole story like the sub i did down the line with one of my turbos as usual its the turbso fault why it didnt make the numbers i find out they used the wrong cams ( nz made ) that were in my books in the wrong installed position after changing the center lines by 15 deg they pickup 40kw then they had chinese headers on it again replaced by my spec ( yes i know how to do these things strangely enough ) they gained another 60kw and hello my turbo was good to go,anyway enough BS from me which many on here think so.

Now Jon what are we talking about comp or turbine? going by those numbers a 3582 turbine and comp would be a to4z

As for the IRL results no offence Jon but surely you\'re not that naive?

Lets take a stock VF XXX dyno it produces xx result ok?

Now lets bolt a T51R in its place and it works like crap must be the turbo but mainly the stupidity of the owner but trolling the net everyones says its a great turbo, get the idea Jon?

Anyone serious about what their doing needs to get off bloody forums and into the real world you build any setup on what your after aka reverse engineer the build that gives a result dont expect a bandaid to fix an axe wound.

Again Jon no offence but based on your logic and trolling the net like many others only creates confusion and very misinformed people that also pass on wrong info and perceptions of results, with the dyno tuning ive been doing of late all i have to do is hang the air temp senor by the exhaust or radiator and give the owner a big woody for his money spent.

My outlook is get real to what you see on the net bare in mind theres plenty off people out there using stock VFxx units that cant get anywhere near what others are getting with the same unit so it must be the turbo? better take that on up with IHI or subaru the turbos crap ::)

For those who bother to read any of my dribble before you start throwing stones open your own shop and lets see how smart you are then explain to your customers why that post you read on a forum how "joe blow" is making xx amount of power but you cant get that to happen, but i read it on the net or a forum? hahahaha

Based on that dribble i\'m closing my account on here ( yyyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyy goes many ) as i dont need to compete with keyboard knob jockeys that will never be anymore than that, if you want good honest answers or recommendations based on my last 30yrs in the industry try my facebook page many people around the planet do and if you think this a attention seeking exercise well as the saying goes "bite me b...h"

Have a pleasant evening ;D

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Whaaat lol?? I wasnt trolling nor using internet results. Just irl.

Anyway... no one is arguing with u i can see.

Thanks re turbine size. Can you put that sized wheel into a gt30 framed unit? I ask because i cant see ways of pairing one with a smaller compressor in a gt35 frame.

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its not financially viable for companies to make infinitely variable number of sizes of everything.

and what they\'ve worked out is the 76 is good, its just as good if not better paired with another turbine they already make :)

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ah not true for garrett Jon they make over 6500 different turbos the GT range was designed to replace their massive stock they hold with hopes to reduce manufacturing costs but as world standards go you cant just stop supporting a product you make for oem applications so it didnt work out to well

Secondly i have the catalog of the GT range from day one and over the years the power ratings have been going down as they dont match what the product actually does, people get so hung up on one brand doesnt mean its good just thats all they understand but lets be real here theres much much more to any setup not just the turbo again if you dont understand don\'t bag it or ignorance is bliss

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nothing here is in contradiction to your points about looking at a holistic engine pump setup, from the in, through the pump to the out. all very good stuff.

my question was given a few of those dimensions being constant (which i alone personally dont wish to change, for what ever reason, or no good reason), wondered if you can slap the GT35r turbine together with a 76mm compressor (admittedly from the Garrett stable), as thats what i currently run and have personal IRL XP with.

i would happily experiment with all sorts of different brands and combos if time and $ allowed. sadly thats not feasible.

My curiosity is in testing what a gtx3576r would do is all :) IRL to get my own results - that i think you could appreciate.

as an aside, the world over markets and sells their zillions of wares with labels in a zillion different industries and markets and the results rarely ever matches the hype anything is sold with (yes a slavish, sweeping, generalising statement).

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you can swap and GT shaft with any unit they all use the same bearing pack spec up to the 35r so yes they determining factor is how much material is in the turbine housing to allow it to happen thus you need to measure the outside and allow no less than 5mm per side as most garrett housings these days have low nickel content going less than this could mean trouble with high exhaust temps, main thing with any garrett gt or not is the dont like high response they surge like hell which makes for a narrow power band.

When it comes to turbine design garrett and borg warner need to catch up with the times the idea of removing blades and increasing the tip height along with high helix angles does not increase response study how a jet turbine is made youll get the idea, ive been lucky enough to have direct contact with some of the design guys at holset and if you compare apples with apples ive put some of the new HRC cores into GT turbine housings and picked up not just horse power but 5-800rpm better response and a great increase in torque.

The increase in response sort of kills the idea about BB turbos being better the other interesting thing is the power increase comes from running less boost, a evo i help out with was changed from a GT35 based unit to a HRC40rs i bring in it made 360kw on 35psi with the GT with the HRC it made 450kw on 28psi and came on 1500rpm sooner no change with fuel being used and its a plain bearing turbo but wheel designs totally different and smaller and ton more blades at both ends.

Garrett has its place in the market as do many others but they are falling behind the times billet wheels dont mean a thing yes a 10% increase in flow is great but not when you have to run more boost to get it, running more boost to get more power isnt the way to do it anymore.

The HRC35rs i supply on a stock SR20 does the same threshold as the stock GT25 and produces 310kw wheel on 18psi versus 230kw with over 400ft/lb torque cant be a bad thing and yes we have proven it over and over along with many other set ups we ever put a pair of them on a stock 2jz and made 1190hp on 25psi on pump, were also talking turbos half the price of a GT unit but for most people its purely a mind set.

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