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Mines ECU for BG5


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Is anybody able to give me any information on the following ECU;

Mines ECU - T5 22611 AB391

Just curious as to what it\'s capable of and whether it\'s worth getting one for my wagon?


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I have in my mine these are very dependent on what car they are out of and what car you are putting it in

IE BG5a ECU wont work in a BG5c due to model changes or the more extreme BH5 definite not (wont plug in for starters)

but yea, general boost raise/rpm cut delete and redline increase is bout it I think

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Found a unit which is for a BG5a. It\'s an 8C for an AT, and the seals have been broken and the guy got it off someone who had it in his MT.

Is it possible that he remapped it himself to make it compatible for his MT? If so, would this be safe?

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 bnneie said:

Found a unit which is for a BG5a. It\'s an 8C for an AT, and the seals have been broken and the guy got it off someone who had it in his MT.

Is it possible that he remapped it himself to make it compatible for his MT? If so, would this be safe?

Unlikely? Haha - I would be very much wanting a "try before you buy" or something to make sure you don\'t get scammed.

For all you know it\'s just a stock ECU inside a mines case if the seals are broken

Hit up "dirty sanchez" (durty?) on here - for a while once upon a time he was doing his own "chips" which were close copies of the mines / prova maps but more suited for NZ fuel. He\'s not on much so good luck

For what it\'s worth they don\'t make a huuuuge difference to the car so don\'t go paying too much for one ($4-500 would near pay for all the parts needed to go single turbo bear in mind)

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[quote name='bnneie said:

Found a unit which is for a BG5a. It\'s an 8C for an AT, and the seals have been broken and the guy got it off someone who had it in his MT.

b]Is it possible that he remapped it himself[/b] to make it compatible for his MT? If so, would this be safe?

Unlikely? Haha - I would be very much wanting a "try before you buy" or something to make sure you don\'t get scammed.

For all you know it\'s just a stock ECU inside a mines case if the seals are broken

Hit up "dirty sanchez" (durty?) on here - for a while once upon a time he was doing his own "chips" which were close copies of the mines / prova maps but more suited for NZ fuel. He\'s not on much so good luck

For what it\'s worth they don\'t make a huuuuge difference to the car so don\'t go paying too much for one ($4-500 would near pay for all the parts needed to go single turbo bear in mind)

Yeah that\'s a good point actually. Due to these being quite literally plug-and-play units, I might see if I can do that.

Durty-Sanchez: Last Active: August 24, 2013, 12:23:11 pm. Yeah, I\'m gonna\' need that luck. Haha!

This is true. But wouldn\'t labour costs triple that cost of parts? It\'s something I\'d definitely be keen to do, but not if it\'s going to cost me what the car\'s worth!

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I am reasonably aware an Auto ecu will work on a Manual as the TCU is a separate unit?

and vice versa

well some people have had reasonable success BUT I am a firm believer of Auto Ecu should stay on auto cars and Man on Manual etc

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Here\'s the auction;


I think I\'ll go and plug-and-play and see how it goes as he sounds willing to let me. Is it literally as simple as unplug old one, plug this one in and you\'re good to go?

I would much rather one for MT, but this is a steal of a price. Providing it\'s going to do the same job and not f*&% with anything.

Asking for personal opinions here as I\'m fairly new to all this :)

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 bnneie said:

Here\'s the auction;


I think I\'ll go and plug-and-play and see how it goes as he sounds willing to let me. Is it literally as simple as unplug old one, plug this one in and you\'re good to go?

I would much rather one for MT, but this is a steal of a price. Providing it\'s going to do the same job and not f*&% with anything.

Asking for personal opinions here as I\'m fairly new to all this :)

100% that\'s it

If you wanted to be super sure, it could be worth your while getting a dyno run done with-and-without the ECU just for your own peace of mind, looking about $150 for that but they can run it up to make sure it\'s not pinging etc. To be fair I haven\'t heard of any being that advanced it did anything bad, they still use the factory ECU parameters in terms of knock sensing, etc

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[quote name='bnneie said:

Here\'s the auction;


I think I\'ll go and plug-and-play and see how it goes as he sounds willing to let me. Is it literally as simple as unplug old one, plug this one in and you\'re good to go?

I would much rather one for MT, but this is a steal of a price. Providing it\'s going to do the same job and not f*&% with anything.

Asking for personal opinions here as I\'m fairly new to all this :)

100% that\'s it

If you wanted to be super sure, it could be worth your while getting a dyno run done with-and-without the ECU just for your own peace of mind, looking about $150 for that but they can run it up to make sure it\'s not pinging etc. To be fair I haven\'t heard of any being that advanced it did anything bad, they still use the factory ECU parameters in terms of knock sensing, etc


Yeah, valid point. Think my plan of action (at this point) is to plug-and-play. Providing it all seems sweet, take it off his hands (not going to break my bank), then chuck it on a dyno when I get the chance.

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Yeah a lot of guys on uklegacy swap auto ecu\'s into manuals and vice versa. Check that the mines board inside is there and whether the chips are sealed as I\'m pretty sure mines put a heap of resin over their chips to protect their maps. I have a prova ecu in mine and it\'s not a huge improvement. Car seems slightly livelier and boost is a lot steadier. But yeah, can\'t hurt just chucking it in and seeing how she goes.

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 les666 said:

Yeah a lot of guys on uklegacy swap auto ecu\'s into manuals and vice versa. Check that the mines board inside is there and whether the chips are sealed as I\'m pretty sure mines put a heap of resin over their chips to protect their maps. I have a prova ecu in mine and it\'s not a huge improvement. Car seems slightly livelier and boost is a lot steadier. But yeah, can\'t hurt just chucking it in and seeing how she goes.

Yeah sounds good. I mean for ~$100, can\'t really lose too much on this one.

Yup. I believe Mines put that on there to prevent people tapping in and viewing the specifics of the changes they\'ve made. Fair enough too.

My VOD is killing me + after installing a boost gauge less than a week ago I have now realised my boost curve is pretty whack haha. I\'ve read it\'s not a cure for VOD (far from it) but it does improve it slightly. I was after a ZS sequential controller but that seems to be harder than anticipated to get my hands on.

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Mine is an auto and vod sucks unless you have you have your foot flat. Yeah I managed to get my prova ecu for $150. Got a zs controller but I think it\'s knackered as the ecv opens up as soon as you turn it on and the check engine light comes on. Don\'t think it\'s the wiring as it\'s all sweet but the dip switches don\'t seem to do anything. Does it with both the prova and standard ecu. I decided to grab the one off trade me without the loom to see if that makes any difference. If not then I\'m gonna have to go through and check every plug between the ecu, ignition and solenoid. If still no luck I may have to just give up and ditch the controller.

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Yeah I don\'t think VOD is quite as noticeable in the AT\'s (from what I\'ve read, anyway). If I change gears into VOD, game over. I may as well start a 3 second timer and wait until it beeps at me before I can expect to get any boost again haha.

Ah so you picked that one up in the end? Yeah I saw it on there & thought :o, until I realised it was pretty much useless to me without the loom :-\. I\'ll be keeping my eyes out for one none-the-less.

I did just realise that the guy selling the ECU is in Christchurch. I actually have zero idea how I missed that, but I did. I\'m thinking I\'ll just take it off his hands anyway and get it shipped up and cross my fingers. Seems like a fairly genuine guy. If I was paying any more than what he wants for it I probably wouldn\'t, but I\'m willing to take the risk.

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