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best panel beaters in auckland.


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so my car was crashed into by another car.he fault she hit me.

incurence is getting procssed now and they have told me to take it to the panel beaters to get some pictures done ect.

so what is the best panel beaters in Auckland.and also the most trustworthy i dnt want my car getting raped while its there.

its a big job thats needs to be done.my car was mint before.no dents ect.so i want it back to the way it was before.

this is how it used to be.as you can see it was mint,


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this how it is now.what a mess i know.


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so yeh add you opioins.or places that youv had your car repaired.

chur :)

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Guest vf20/21bg5
 raymong said:

i hope it hasnt move the b pillar between the doors

ouch! looks like it took a good hit there....i dont want to say it but ,banana'd frame maybe? which may meen chassis straightening? im no expert but just a guess......hows all the door/bonnet and boot gaps arount the car? all the same still? Saw a toyota been hit like that and looked at the doors on the other side and the gaps were all stuffed up outa wack....mind you subaru frames and chassis are way stronger then other makes, im sure it'll be ok
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 gmeago said:

Highway Panelbeaters in Mt Wellington.

Go see Aaron, tell him 'Baby Lyons' sent you :D

you rekon they give quite a good price and do a decent job?? got 2 minor dents that need popping out and really dont wanna pay $120 a dent!! :(

Alex..is the sill under the doors bent? if it is not good man!! that = fail wof!!! the sill is the STRONGEST part of a car

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cheers for all the comments.the pillar in the middle of the 2 doors is prty rooted.its prty much squashed and been pushed in aswell.

also the lil pillar on the inside of the doors when the catch is for the door,all of that is squashed aswell.

front door wont even open ah.it smashed in too far from that middle pillar being pushed in.

doesnt look like theres any chassi damage.but she hit my rim aswell quite hard and from looking at it behind it looks like the wheels on a camberd angle now

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Guest vf20/21bg5
 sti8u said:

cheers for all the comments.the pillar in the middle of the 2 doors is prty rooted.its prty much squashed and been pushed in aswell.

also the lil pillar on the inside of the doors when the catch is for the door,all of that is squashed aswell.

front door wont even open ah.it smashed in too far from that middle pillar being pushed in.

doesnt look like theres any chassi damage.but she hit my rim aswell quite hard and from looking at it behind it looks like the wheels on a camberd angle now

well glad insurance is involved ;)
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  • 2 months later...

west coast panelbeaters in glen eden.....the best panelbeater ive seen ever. we use him for all our panel and paint work at our workshop ...cheap as chips 2 tell him trent from barry clarke sent you ;)

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 Trent said:

west coast panelbeaters in glen eden.....the best panelbeater ive seen ever. we use him for all our panel and paint work at our workshop ...cheap as chips 2 tell him trent from barry clarke sent you ;)

Do you know roughly how much they would charge for a full paint job on my car? Thanks!

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 Shale said:

A good paint job is approx $5k. Don't go for cheaper. If you consider going for cheaper, I'll introduce you to my Impreza. This will convince you as to why it's a bad idea :(

Ouch hahha, I'm still in high school. =P But I do have a job though so I could consider it, but I always have had a thought on car wrapping?

What happened to your Impreza?

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A cheap paint job changes colour and peels off. Don't even go there.

Why don't you get a car in the right colour? :P As someone who bought a silver HX, and now have a peeling grey HX with an STi body kit and over $30k spent on it... unless you have a mega budget, don't even consider changing important things about your car like its colour, drivetrain and powerplant. It sounds cool and 'it's my baby, I'll do what I want' but it's not worth the tears unless you have a solid, complete plan and a stable budget for it. Been there done that, and like I said...ya gotta be crazy to even go there. I have no regrets, but every other way is cheaper and easier.

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 Lampard said:

Hey you still looking for a Panelbeater?

I heard that http://cheappanelbeating.co.nz/index.html these guys in Henderson are quite cheap, I haven't been but it has been advertised on Mai Fm.

Wish you the best! I hope your beauty will be restored soon!

i made and host that website. steve is a really good guy, i've known him all my life.

disagree that it costs 5k to do a paint job, or that cheap paint jobs fuck out. it depends on the skill of the prep, the materials used and skill of the painter (in other words, who does it). changing color of a car sucks, but keeping it somewhat close to the color it is, maybe just dumping a shit load of pearl in, can generate a really nice result. it also depends on the current condition of your car, how much panel beating is required. it's the panel beating and prep that takes time. the actual spraying only takes a few hours using a bake oven. I did all the prep on my car myself and got it professionaly sprayed for the cost of the materials. $500 paint job that looks to be $5k

i can get stuff professionally done for cash if people want work done. (not using steve as above - but by all means go see him if you want a smash tidied up for cheap) i don't want to waste my or my painter's time though, so serious enquiries only

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 Shale said:

A cheap paint job changes colour and peels off. Don't even go there.

Why don't you get a car in the right colour? :P As someone who bought a silver HX, and now have a peeling grey HX with an STi body kit and over $30k spent on it... unless you have a mega budget, don't even consider changing important things about your car like its colour, drivetrain and powerplant. It sounds cool and 'it's my baby, I'll do what I want' but it's not worth the tears unless you have a solid, complete plan and a stable budget for it. Been there done that, and like I said...ya gotta be crazy to even go there. I have no regrets, but every other way is cheaper and easier.

Oh damn ouch! That really sucks for you man! Was it because of the painter or the paint he used? I cant believe that happened to your car though!

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He decided that prep was overrated, and used enamel instead of proper clearcoat (because it's cheaper, apparently?). As a result the enamel has yellowed, taking all the blue out of my blue steel...it also flakes off the lovely silver paint underneath. That was a $2000 job. The paint itself was even and had no flaws, but the prep was terrible. It's for that reason I'm from now on doing my own work, or using a reputable shop that has examples of their work rather than just word-of-mouth.

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[quote name='Lampard said:

Hey you still looking for a Panelbeater?

I heard that url]http://cheappanelbeating.co.nz/index.html[/url] these guys in Henderson are quite cheap, I haven't been but it has been advertised on Mai Fm.

Wish you the best! I hope your beauty will be restored soon!

i made and host that website. steve is a really good guy, i've known him all my life.

disagree that it costs 5k to do a paint job, or that cheap paint jobs f*** out. it depends on the skill of the prep, the materials used and skill of the painter (in other words, who does it). changing color of a car sucks, but keeping it somewhat close to the color it is, maybe just dumping a s*** load of pearl in, can generate a really nice result. it also depends on the current condition of your car, how much panel beating is required. it's the panel beating and prep that takes time. the actual spraying only takes a few hours using a bake oven. I did all the prep on my car myself and got it professionaly sprayed for the cost of the materials. $500 paint job that looks to be $5k

i can get stuff professionally done for cash if people want work done. (not using steve as above - but by all means go see him if you want a smash tidied up for cheap) i don't want to waste my or my painter's time though, so serious enquiries only

Oh that sounds awesome man, how much does Steve paint the whole car for? And how long will it take you guys to paint a car fully? =]

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 Shale said:

He decided that prep was overrated, and used enamel instead of proper clearcoat (because it's cheaper, apparently?). As a result the enamel has yellowed, taking all the blue out of my blue steel...it also flakes off the lovely silver paint underneath. That was a $2000 job. The paint itself was even and had no flaws, but the prep was terrible. It's for that reason I'm from now on doing my own work, or using a reputable shop that has examples of their work rather than just word-of-mouth.

Damn what a rookie. That is not good, did you go back to him or anything? I would never like that happen to my car.

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steve (cheappanelbeating) is a professional panel and paint shop that offer a sub-service to their regular work of getting uninsured cars that have been in a prang back up to wof standard on a budget. he won't be any cheaper than other p&p shops for quoting a paint job

i on the other hand can get things done. pm me if you want an idea of what i can do

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 sultan said:

steve (cheappanelbeating) is a professional panel and paint shop that offer a sub-service to their regular work of getting uninsured cars that have been in a prang back up to wof standard on a budget. he won't be any cheaper than other p&p shops for quoting a paint job

i on the other hand can get things done. pm me if you want an idea of what i can do

PM'ed ;D

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