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Chicken Soup for the Modifier's Soul


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Having a random browse for ideas, research and entertainment, I came across a few nice links.

The first - never back down, never give in.

I know we’ve all been there at one point; we hate our cars because it takes so much to turn it in to something that it’s not. We spend so much time, effort and money to replicate our favorite version Impreza, or make it our own, and all we get are head aches and empty bank accounts. (Garrett ‘poormansporsche’ knows exactly what I’m talking about.) The unexpected break downs, receiving the wrong parts, the bloody knuckles, the waiting for the container to arrive from Japan, the dirt and rust ridden undercarriage, the bolts that are so tight you’d swear someone welded them in place, it all takes a toll. Then there is the discouragement of those that bought faster, better built, newer Imprezas that always seem to pass us on the long straight at the track or squeeze out those extra tenths of a second while auto-crossing. “Those bastards! Once I swap my VX WRX/STI/RA motor I’ll be faster…”

We’ve all been there.


When your STi joins the BEB club...when some drunken tard hits your Legacy at a stopsign...when your new engine was assembled backwards by the last muppet and goes KABOOM after 1000km...when your new parts fresh in aren't ACTUALLY the right ones... read this thread.

For everyone that takes a deep breath, takes a moment to look at their pride and joy...and thinks, "Sh!t, that'd look better with less seats and more roll cage", you are one of the Elite. Don't give up and buy that 09 STi Spec C RA-R just because the bank and the club told you to. Sort that f**king BEB porridge. Curse the stuffed wheel bearings and show 'em who's boss. Grab that popped damn piping and shove it where it belongs, put a grin on your face, bandage the bloodied knuckles, grab another beer and dive back in.

The second - a little inspiration for anyone thinking of going crazy.

As you all may know, I took a break from Subarus for a while. It was suprising enough when I came back with an 08 STI, but this latest project is going to surprise a lot of people. I know this because even I'm suprised, and I know what's coming...

So, what's all the fuss about? I'm building a new track car...and this one is going to make the old race car build-up look like a joke.

Introducing the Team RD #27 GC8 STI Race Car

I just purchased a 1995 Impreza L and it's being shipped to me next week. This poor car isn't doing so well at the moment, seeing as how it doesn't have an engine or transmission. It's quite dirty, the windshield is cracked...let's just say it's seen better days.

That's all nothing to worry about though. I won't be needing the engine or transmission. In fact, I won't need anything besides the shell.

The following is arriving in about a week and a half:

- Complete 2005 STI 2.5L Engine with 1,500 miles

- STI Top Mount Intercooler

- STI VF39 Turbo

- STI Starter

- STI Radiator /w brackets

- Invidia v2 Downpipe

- Cusco Motor Mounts

- STI Clutch

- STI Flywheel

- STI Clutch Master & Slave Cylinder

- STI 6-Speed Transmission

- STI 6-Speed Shifter / Lever / Linkage / Knob

- STI Front & Rear STI Cross Member

- STI Driveshaft

- STI Rear Differential

- STI Axles (front & rear)

- STI Rear lateral links

- STI Rear trailing arms

- STI Struts and Springs (front & rear)

- STI Font & Rear Hubs 5x114.3

- STI Front Aluminum Control Arms

- STI Brake Booster & Master Cylinder

- STI Pedal Box

- STI ABS Controller

- Brembo Calipers

- Brembo Rotors

- Brembo Brake Lines

- Brembo Pads

- STI E-brake cables

- STI E-brake handle

- STI Gas Tank

- STI Gas Tank wiring

- Walbro 255 Fuel Pump

- STI Full Wiring Harness /w all sensors & controllers

- STI Immobilizer with ECU and Key

- STI Drive by wire gas pedal

- STI Fuse boxes

- STI DCCD units / controller / switches

- STI Gauge Cluster

- STI Dash w/o Stereo or HVAC

- STI Center console (cup holder / ebrake area)

- STI (BBS) 17x8” Wheels /w tires

- Personal Steering wheel /w quick release

- Recaro Pro Racer Hans Driver's seat

Yes, you read that list correctly. That's EVERYTHING that is needed to fully convert a 95 L to an 05 STI. Nothing is being half-assed here, this is going to be the real deal. The only non-STI parts on the entire car will be the chassis and exterior panels


You really, REALLY want to f**king click that link. CLICK IT.

Oh. And don't be getting any big ideas about dry ice and a f**koff huge hammer now ;)

Feel free to add to the list people - anything useful and heartening for the community, post away.

And once again...please play nice. We're encouraging others, not stealing toys ;)

Enjoy. ;D

Edit: Oh yeah. Complete with standard-issue demotivator.


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[quote name='DRFVDR said:

those welds are very nice

looks like I been there :)

i should get my self a tig


If you can weld like that...

And you get a tig...

.....*glances into wallet* ;D

You could not AFFORD me miss :)

mmm now to find the 2g for a tig

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Quick plug

My bestest mate in the world owns a tig and likes doing home fabs. His welding is pretty damn tidy, If he did some like in the photo, he'd loose a weeks sleep thinking it wasn't good enough.

Can do alu and stainless too. Got all the tickets and spends his working life welding together $60,000,000 yachts out west

If you want/need something send me a PM. Dirt cheap he does it for fun

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      Afternoon team,
      im new to the group first time posting. Im hoping some body can help me get my launch control all dialled in on my link g4x. Ive had the computer and car all tuned from chris at prestige awesome knowlegable guy super happy with the results but now im wanting to get my launch/anti lag all dialled in. Ive been reading multiple different forums etc all with different conflicking information which has made me nervious with what do i listen to this or that if you get what i mean. Now ive started to make myself familiar with my PClink software etc the past few weeks and im eager to learn how to do minor setups or tweaks etc so im not relieing on my tuner so much and obviously saving myself abit hurt in the back pocket. 
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