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Fixing my steeringwheel


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So the steering wheel in my '95 legacy is starting ever so slightly to lose it's blackness (hope that makes sense).

I know with leather shoes you can use nugget to polish them back up to looking like new. Although I would assume this would be no good for a steering wheel as you would get black all over your hands when you drive.

So is there a solution? Am I just going to have to drive it for a while longer and then go for another wheel?

It's non-airbag as well.

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It's still in good nick, probably better then anything in the wreckers.

Leather is still nice and smooth.

Might just drive it till it's had it and then get a nice aftermarket momo wheel. :)

I do like the factory momo wheels.

I am assuming that you can't buy them anymore?

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 FST4RD said:

It's still in good nick, probably better then anything in the wreckers.

Leather is still nice and smooth.

Might just drive it till it's had it and then get a nice aftermarket momo wheel. :)

I do like the factory momo wheels.

I am assuming that you can't buy them anymore?

You could dye them if you want or paint it (the factory wheels are dyed not painted BTW, hence why it wears off over time)

How to dye leather


* STEP 1: Choose a leather dye appropriate to your piece of leather. Vegetable-tanned leather takes dye very well, and many leather dyes can be used only with it.

* STEP 2: Choose a leather dye based on the dyed leather samples provided at the place of purchase. As with many dyes, the applied dye color can look radically different than it does when in the bottle.

* STEP 3: Clean the surface of the leather. Mix a solution of 1 oz. leather bleach to 1 pint water and apply the cleanser with a soft-bristle brush or wool dauber.

* STEP 4: Dampen the leather with a spray bottle of water or a sponge. Spray or sponge evenly across the surface.

* STEP 5: Apply the leather dye in long, even strokes across the surface of the leather. Make sure that the color remains even. Apply coats of dye until you achieve the desired shade.

* STEP 6: Let the first coat of dye dry until the leather's surface no longer has a wet look to it. The average drying time between coats is 1 to 2 hours. The exact time will depend on the leather.

* STEP 7: Flex the leather several times during the drying process. This will keep the leather's fibers loose and will help keep the leather from becoming too stiff.

* STEP 8: Allow the leather to dry thoroughly, and then buff it with a clean, soft cloth to remove any excess dye and to give the leather a polished look.

* STEP 9: Apply a coat of leather finish to the leather's surface. Finishes come in both spray cans and bottles. Spray evenly over the entire surface of leather or apply it from the bottle with a wool dauber.

Tips & Warnings

* Apply a leather deglazer to remove waxy or oily residues from the surface of the leather. Follow the directions on the product label.

* Keep the leather damp. If water drops are spilled on one portion of the leather, dampen the leather until the surface is uniformly damp. This will help prevent water spots on the leather.

* Check the instructions on the leather dye for recommended time between coats.

* Mix a leather dye solvent with the leather dye to thin the dye and create a lighter shade. Use according to the directions on the product's label.

* Use oil-based dyes for a richer color and use water-based dyes for a more even application.




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