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Headlight issue!


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One of my headlights on my 95 Legacy SW blew (well I thought it had). So off to the local automotive car shop for 2 new bulbs, thought I might as well get 2. Went to put it in and the light that I had thought had blowen (left hand side) hadn't. Instead the plug had sh1t itself! More specifically the earth connector had, bulb was fine. Back down to the shop and got a new plug. The 2 power wires I put back together and the earth wire I earthed to the battery earth next to where the headlight goes in. I did this after talking to the chap in the store as he said sounds like a dodgy earth, give it it's own earth to the body.

Now... the right hand light works fine, however the blue light on the dash to show full beam comes on very dimmly even when the light are on dip, left hand light is slightly dimmer then the right, and when you flick to full beam the dash light comes on normal brightness, right hand light flicks to full normally and the left hand light gets dimmer.

Something obviously isn't right...

Where the battery earth goes onto the body next to the left hand light, is this not an ideal place to earth?

I'm 99% sure that I put the power wires around the right way....

Anyone have any ideas?

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 D-Style said:

Subaru's switch the earth(negative, 0v, how ever you wana say it) to operate the headlights. Wire it how it was before. If you got higher output lamps, you may need to put a relay kit in.

Put it back to normal, works perfectly now. I guess it could have been a 180,000k plug deciding to give up...

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 FST4RD said:

One of my headlights on my 95 Legacy SW blew (well I thought it had). So off to the local automotive car shop for 2 new bulbs, thought I might as well get 2. Went to put it in and the light that I had thought had blowen (left hand side) hadn't. Instead the plug had sh1t itself! More specifically the earth connector had, bulb was fine. Back down to the shop and got a new plug. The 2 power wires I put back together and the earth wire I earthed to the battery earth next to where the headlight goes in. I did this after talking to the chap in the store as he said sounds like a dodgy earth, give it it's own earth to the body.

Now... the right hand light works fine, however the blue light on the dash to show full beam comes on very dimmly even when the light are on dip, left hand light is slightly dimmer then the right, and when you flick to full beam the dash light comes on normal brightness, right hand light flicks to full normally and the left hand light gets dimmer.

Something obviously isn't right...

Where the battery earth goes onto the body next to the left hand light, is this not an ideal place to earth?

I'm 99% sure that I put the power wires around the right way....

Anyone have any ideas?

Hey Dude, Funny this happened because today I noticed one of my bulbs had blown so bought 2 new ones and went 2 put them in and the plug/socket that the actual bulb goes into was melted and broken. Ive realised now that this was due to having bulbs with too much wattage but my question is where did u get the new plug from and did u have to rewire it all up?


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[quote name='FST4RD said:

One of my headlights on my 95 Legacy SW blew (well I thought it had). So off to the local automotive car shop for 2 new bulbs, thought I might as well get 2. Went to put it in and the light that I had thought had blowen (left hand side) hadn't. Instead the plug had sh1t itself! More specifically the earth connector had, bulb was fine. Back down to the shop and got a new plug. The 2 power wires I put back together and the earth wire I earthed to the battery earth next to where the headlight goes in. I did this after talking to the chap in the store as he said sounds like a dodgy earth, give it it's own earth to the body.

Now... the right hand light works fine, however the blue light on the dash to show full beam comes on very dimmly even when the light are on dip, left hand light is slightly dimmer then the right, and when you flick to full beam the dash light comes on normal brightness, right hand light flicks to full normally and the left hand light gets dimmer.

Something obviously isn't right...

Where the battery earth goes onto the body next to the left hand light, is this not an ideal place to earth?

I'm 99% sure that I put the power wires around the right way....

Anyone have any ideas?


Hey Dude, Funny this happened because today I noticed one of my bulbs had blown so bought 2 new ones and went 2 put them in and the plug/socket that the actual bulb goes into was melted and broken. Ive realised now that this was due to having bulbs with too much wattage but my question is where did u get the new plug from and did u have to rewire it all up?


Its a common thing. Higher output, covers on back on headlight not letting heat out etc etc. Toyota and some Fords have the same problem to.

Easy way is to go to wreakers, chop plugs off wreaked car with a good lenght of cable and replace the ones in your car by soldering them in.

Sometimes you may be able to fit a car with a headlight Relay Kit installed. Grab that as plugs are higher rated and will be less strain on OEM cars electrics.

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[quote name='FST4RD said:

One of my headlights on my 95 Legacy SW blew (well I thought it had). So off to the local automotive car shop for 2 new bulbs, thought I might as well get 2. Went to put it in and the light that I had thought had blowen (left hand side) hadn't. Instead the plug had sh1t itself! More specifically the earth connector had, bulb was fine. Back down to the shop and got a new plug. The 2 power wires I put back together and the earth wire I earthed to the battery earth next to where the headlight goes in. I did this after talking to the chap in the store as he said sounds like a dodgy earth, give it it's own earth to the body.

Now... the right hand light works fine, however the blue light on the dash to show full beam comes on very dimmly even when the light are on dip, left hand light is slightly dimmer then the right, and when you flick to full beam the dash light comes on normal brightness, right hand light flicks to full normally and the left hand light gets dimmer.

Something obviously isn't right...

Where the battery earth goes onto the body next to the left hand light, is this not an ideal place to earth?

I'm 99% sure that I put the power wires around the right way....

Anyone have any ideas?


Hey Dude, Funny this happened because today I noticed one of my bulbs had blown so bought 2 new ones and went 2 put them in and the plug/socket that the actual bulb goes into was melted and broken. Ive realised now that this was due to having bulbs with too much wattage but my question is where did u get the new plug from and did u have to rewire it all up?


Its a common thing. Higher output, covers on back on headlight not letting heat out etc etc. Toyota and some Fords have the same problem to.

Easy way is to go to wreakers, chop plugs off wreaked car with a good lenght of cable and replace the ones in your car by soldering them in.

Sometimes you may be able to fit a car with a headlight Relay Kit installed. Grab that as plugs are higher rated and will be less strain on OEM cars electrics.

This :)

I was wrecking a 93 GT and found that it had a Piaa aftermarket wiring upgrade kit in it :)

It now resides in the RX :) I have also got a Piaa Spotlight/foglight wiring kit here as well :)

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Got the plug from supercheap, was only a few dollars. Came with wiring already so i just cut the old plug off, stripped the wires and got some proper crimp connectors. Im completely useless at soldering. Works fine, although if i blow another plug I'll look at getting smaller bulbs.

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