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Factory Head deck


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In my BH 250t wagon I have one of theseIMG_0088.jpg?t=1241486898

The radio is just a crappy cd + tape unit(neither work) which wires into the screen. The screen has display for air con, an overseas nav system(VICS)IMG_0089.jpg?t=1241487144 it even has a tv tuner which picks up a couple of chanels.IMG_0090.jpg?t=1241487409

The problem is that every now and then(bout once a week) it stops working.Like the fuse is blown.Disconnect and reconnect the power and its up and going again.


It wouldnt be such an issue except the aircon controls are integrated with the screen and when its down Im blind to what the settings are on.

Has anyone seen one of these before.Can I sort out the power issue( thought it may be something like a temperature sensor shutting it down).Anyone know where on the web to find more info(like an engish translation), can I just replace the radio with something newer.I kinda like the screen and would like to leave it in. Any help would be appreciated.

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the top unit is independant of the bottom one - the top panel only folds down so you can load maps to the built-in navigation system. it is not a dvd/vcd player.

the bottom unit can be replaced by any off-the shelf cd/mp3/dvd headunit and a single sized DIN pocket to fill the remaining gap left

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Im in Hamilton. There are wires and cables that link the screen to the head unit.The tv sound goes through the stereo speakers.any idea why it mite be cutting out.really dont mind the factory unit as i use an iriver through the fm frequency and never use the cd unit.

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that'll go straight in if u want to retain the factory look....i've got plenty of factory units that have just been thrown away over the years...

is it just the headunit that cuts out? there may be dry joints inside it...not worth repairing IMO...replace it $150(ish) gets u a JVC unit with both front USB/aux in and CD/MP3/WMA playback

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

So to remedy my factory units power issue I wired up a seperate jvc headunit in the glove box.I wired into the factory speakers and power supply behind the factory unit.

Had this in my car for about 3 weeks. Until I wake one morning to discover a screw driver in the lock and the door left open. I have a look to discover 3 things gone,some aftermarket tweeters ripped from the wires, an iriver with all my music on it and out of the glove box the jvc, just ripped out yanking wires everywhere.

Turns out their yanking the wires fixed my initial shorting out problem.The display and radio are going fine and had no disappearing display.

Just like to say thanks you thieving a**holes, feel free to drop by so I can thank you in person. my baseball bat is waiting at the door.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got a GT30 with a similar nav screen.

I replaced the factory CD/MD head unit with a NZ new Clarion CeNet CD head unit. The CeNet unit plugs into the screen allowing the aircon display to operate (I undersand that you lose the Aircon display if you don't use a Clarion CeNet head unit).

The cool bit was picking up a Clarion reversing camera kit on Ebay. After running the appropriate cabling from the tailgate (the hard bit), the camera plugs into the TV tuner (like the one in your picture) to display on the nav screen. The camera switches between manual (always on) and auto (turns on in reverse gear). I replaced the supplied toggle switch with a factory 'push' switch from the wrecker, replacing one of the dashboard blanks. With the Clarion camera kit, no 'fancy' custom wiring was reqired, only buying the right cable and pluging it in.

Anyone else tried this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

First post but I can help!

I had that system along with a McIntosh in a 2001 Lancaster 6. I ordered a standard LED climate control panel and the dash trim that surrounds it from a wrecker and took a big deep breath then cut the plugs off that go into the white heater controllers that sit above the nav unit. It took about a day (using a cool gas soldering iron I treated myself to for the job) to attach the plugs that came with the replacement controls, but it works a treat now it's done.

Got rid of the need to have the stupid bright monitor on to see the heater settings and also let me get rid of the crappy McIntosh HU with its Japanese FM frequencies and no aux-in as well.


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 spark_38 said:

the top unit is independant of the bottom one - the top panel only folds down so you can load maps to the built-in navigation system. it is not a dvd/vcd player.

the bottom unit can be replaced by any off-the shelf cd/mp3/dvd headunit and a single sized DIN pocket to fill the remaining gap left

Any idea if you can get NZ maps for these units? Also how do you get the front to flip down?????

My screen says it is suitable for DVD? How do you get the TV to work? Maybe I have a slightly different system?

Anyway, can I change the bottom (McIntosh head unit with anything?

Alot of questions so sorry!

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In reply to Garryg:

Any idea if you can get NZ maps for these units?

- No NZ maps (I've been looking for several years). This Japanese system uses FM frequencies rather than GPS.

Also how do you get the front to flip down?????

- There is a small recessed button in the top left corner, push it with a ball point pen.

My screen says it is suitable for DVD? How do you get the TV to work? Maybe I have a slightly different system?

- The system has the maps on a DVD (older ones used a CD), it doesn't play DVDs by itself (might be possible with a Clarion CeNet DVD head unit?).

- Mine has a Japanese TV Tuner box under the drivers' seat (plugged in by square plug CeNet cable). It uses NTSC (NZ uses PAL) and the frequencies are different compared with NZ. I can LISTEN to TV3, not much help really. you can get Clarion tuners suitable for NZ, but they cost $$$ and I don't know how they work with the NTSC screen.

Anyway, can I change the bottom (McIntosh head unit with anything?

- The only things which can run the Nav Unit are Clarion / Addzest (Jap Clarion) and McIntosh (made by Clarion) CeNet units. Anything else and you lose the aircon display. Mine had the (basic) Clarion Factory head unit which I replaced with a local spec CD/MP3 playing Clarion Head unit. I didn't have to worry about the McIntosh amp, I just installed a new amp and speakers anyway.

Alot of questions so sorry!

- Lots of questions, but its very hard to find answers about these units anywhere on the Net. I'm sure its possible to replace the Japanese Map DVD disc with someting more useful, but I just haven't found it yet!

Cheers and good luck!

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 The Doctor said:

In reply to Garryg:

Any idea if you can get NZ maps for these units?

- No NZ maps (I've been looking for several years). This Japanese system uses FM frequencies rather than GPS.

Also how do you get the front to flip down?????

- There is a small recessed button in the top left corner, push it with a ball point pen.

My screen says it is suitable for DVD? How do you get the TV to work? Maybe I have a slightly different system?

- The system has the maps on a DVD (older ones used a CD), it doesn't play DVDs by itself (might be possible with a Clarion CeNet DVD head unit?).

- Mine has a Japanese TV Tuner box under the drivers' seat (plugged in by square plug CeNet cable). It uses NTSC (NZ uses PAL) and the frequencies are different compared with NZ. I can LISTEN to TV3, not much help really. you can get Clarion tuners suitable for NZ, but they cost $$$ and I don't know how they work with the NTSC screen.

Anyway, can I change the bottom (McIntosh head unit with anything?

- The only things which can run the Nav Unit are Clarion / Addzest (Jap Clarion) and McIntosh (made by Clarion) CeNet units. Anything else and you lose the aircon display. Mine had the (basic) Clarion Factory head unit which I replaced with a local spec CD/MP3 playing Clarion Head unit. I didn't have to worry about the McIntosh amp, I just installed a new amp and speakers anyway.

Alot of questions so sorry!

- Lots of questions, but its very hard to find answers about these units anywhere on the Net. I'm sure its possible to replace the Japanese Map DVD disc with someting more useful, but I just haven't found it yet!

Cheers and good luck!

Sh#t....I have just paid $$$ for a d/din Panasonic DVD touch screen head unit (with DVD screen).....From the info you have given, does this mean I will lose the Aircon display? Is this not powered directly? Does this mean you lose the whole operation of this function, or just the display??

Be great if someone could respond before tomorrow lunchtime as I've only paid a deposit at the moment and pick it up tomorrow afternoon....

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