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So i just bought one of those cusco K brace things, is there anything else under the car around that area worth replacing at the same time/upgrading? Bushes/arms/links etc. Ive got an adjustable whiteline sway bar in the back, but its all on standard links and stuff.

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steering rack bushes, caster bushes, lower arm bushes, front swaybar bushings and endlinks (replace with solid units), ball joints, rear swaybar mounts, bushes and endlinks (same as fronts, solid), diff mounts, trailing arm bushes, lateral links, rear diff bracing, i believe you can get chassis bracing that does under the drivers and passengers seats....

you can get a bit stupid with it really, how much do you want to spend?

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[quote name='kwi_fozze said:

poor mans ALK is to swap in some forester caster bushes, space the existing bushes off a bit, or both...


Been reading about this recently, evowrx I think made something similar?

Correct I did a how to. Search "koom castor"

Also flip the rear stud thingymabob around to give more castor if you have the forged sti lower arms.

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 kwi_fozze said:

i\'m doing the spacing / flipping of things once the rain stops a bit and i can get an alignment booked in.. have everything waiting for me.... i\'m itching to tinker... lol

Add pics to my how to of how the v7 is set up bro.

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 AdamOst said:

MIght give it a go then.

Ive hired taupo track 1 in august so getting some of the basics/base done before that. Then to start saving money for suspension.

Like you personally have hired it? Or on behalf of a group?

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Haven\'t had a proper back to back test yet but it does seem to feel a bit better. WHen I last went to taupo I didnt have it to itll be good to see the difference this time, im hoping itll help at the fast right hand corner turn 9 where i was understeering a bit, and help point the car in the right direction.

Though itll probably end up raining and ill be drifting around in the wet instead, these re11s are good like that in heavy rain.

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For gc8 I can comment, this is a list of things you can do.

Whiteline Front sway bar comes with new bushes.

Whiteline Upgrade sway bar links.

K brace,

Ultra racing do another brace like k brace but goes the other side of the subframe sort of Mirror image of the k brace.

Whiteline Anti lift kit

White line bump steer kit

Ultra racing fender bars

Ultra racing does do in cabin braces over the tunnel and behind front seats.

Sti (don\'t know what car you have) control arms.

Obviously this adds up to quite a lot of money. But there is lots you can do.

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Car in sig, version 6 sti sedan.

Done K brace/whiteline adjustable rear.

Will look at doing the castor shim/ALK and the sway bar links then. Once those are done I assume its best to move onto the suspension itself? Basically car will be a weekend driver/few trackdays a year.

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 ballsrburning said:

For gc8 I can comment, this is a list of things you can do.

Whiteline Front sway bar comes with new bushes.

Whiteline Upgrade sway bar links.

K brace,

Ultra racing do another brace like k brace but goes the other side of the subframe sort of Mirror image of the k brace.

Whiteline Anti lift kit

White line bump steer kit

Ultra racing fender bars

Ultra racing does do in cabin braces over the tunnel and behind front seats.

Sti (don\'t know what car you have) control arms.

Obviously this adds up to quite a lot of money. But there is lots you can do.

Roll cage will make it rigid as bother wont it? You havent even driven it yet with all the extra goodies lol.

Adam - I did the same sway bar and damn it transformed my car. Just did adjusties/castor shims/alignment with just over 2deg all round seems to handle mint as. Well lot better than it was. Been running it in tightest hole for the last little while and hasnt popped the clogs on factory links yet but its a bit perky imo need to bring it back to the middle setting.

Definitely do the cator shim thing before you do an ALK if it gives you what you want then save you $300-

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[quote name='ballsrburning said:

For gc8 I can comment, this is a list of things you can do.

Whiteline Front sway bar comes with new bushes.

Whiteline Upgrade sway bar links.

K brace,

Ultra racing do another brace like k brace but goes the other side of the subframe sort of Mirror image of the k brace.

Whiteline Anti lift kit

White line bump steer kit

Ultra racing fender bars

Ultra racing does do in cabin braces over the tunnel and behind front seats.

Sti (don\'t know what car you have) control arms.

Obviously this adds up to quite a lot of money. But there is lots you can do.


Roll cage will make it rigid as bother wont it? You havent even driven it yet with all the extra goodies lol.

Adam - I did the same sway bar and damn it transformed my car. Just did adjusties/castor shims/alignment with just over 2deg all round seems to handle mint as. Well lot better than it was. Been running it in tightest hole for the last little while and hasnt popped the clogs on factory links yet but its a bit perky imo need to bring it back to the middle setting.

Definitely do the cator shim thing before you do an ALK if it gives you what you want then save you $300-

Roll cage does stiffen the car up a lot but you can still improve it and most of the above mods are for handling. I had some of the above things on the car when I blew it but not as much as now. Best bang for buck upgrade is swaybars. I have also been told getting a proper race allignment done is a good idea as they set the car up for handling and makes a hell of a difference.

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[quote name='ballsrburning said:

For gc8 I can comment, this is a list of things you can do.

Whiteline Front sway bar comes with new bushes.

Whiteline Upgrade sway bar links.

K brace,

Ultra racing do another brace like k brace but goes the other side of the subframe sort of Mirror image of the k brace.

Whiteline Anti lift kit

White line bump steer kit

Ultra racing fender bars

Ultra racing does do in cabin braces over the tunnel and behind front seats.

Sti (don\'t know what car you have) control arms.

Obviously this adds up to quite a lot of money. But there is lots you can do.


Roll cage will make it rigid as bother wont it? You havent even driven it yet with all the extra goodies lol.

Adam - I did the same sway bar and damn it transformed my car. Just did adjusties/castor shims/alignment with just over 2deg all round seems to handle mint as. Well lot better than it was. Been running it in tightest hole for the last little while and hasnt popped the clogs on factory links yet but its a bit perky imo need to bring it back to the middle setting.

Definitely do the cator shim thing before you do an ALK if it gives you what you want then save you $300-

Roll cage does stiffen the car up a lot but you can still improve it and most of the above mods are for handling. I had some of the above things on the car when I blew it but not as much as now. Best bang for buck upgrade is swaybars. I have also been told getting a proper race allignment done is a good idea as they set the car up for handling and makes a hell of a difference.

That corner weighting thing also helps according to people who actual drive their cars on track unlike me.

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[quote name='ballsrburning said:

For gc8 I can comment, this is a list of things you can do.

Whiteline Front sway bar comes with new bushes.

Whiteline Upgrade sway bar links.

K brace,

Ultra racing do another brace like k brace but goes the other side of the subframe sort of Mirror image of the k brace.

Whiteline Anti lift kit

White line bump steer kit

Ultra racing fender bars

Ultra racing does do in cabin braces over the tunnel and behind front seats.

Sti (don\'t know what car you have) control arms.

Obviously this adds up to quite a lot of money. But there is lots you can do.


Roll cage will make it rigid as bother wont it? You havent even driven it yet with all the extra goodies lol.

Adam - I did the same sway bar and damn it transformed my car. Just did adjusties/castor shims/alignment with just over 2deg all round seems to handle mint as. Well lot better than it was. Been running it in tightest hole for the last little while and hasnt popped the clogs on factory links yet but its a bit perky imo need to bring it back to the middle setting.

Definitely do the cator shim thing before you do an ALK if it gives you what you want then save you $300-

Roll cage does stiffen the car up a lot but you can still improve it and most of the above mods are for handling. I had some of the above things on the car when I blew it but not as much as now. Best bang for buck upgrade is swaybars. I have also been told getting a proper race allignment done is a good idea as they set the car up for handling and makes a hell of a difference.

That corner weighting thing also helps according to people who actual drive their cars on track unlike me.

I will let you now the difference when i hit the track again, only did 3 laps last time it was built so couldn\'t really say either. Did a lot of motorkhana, autocross etc though.

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