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Compressor Wheel Damage


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Judging from others results 350wkw on 71/.63 and 400wkw- on 76 .63/.82. Depends on setup and obviously need to spend time on timing etc to get the most out of it and possibly meth/fuel. End of the day what do you want out of it?

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 evowrx said:
Judging from others results 350wkw on 71/.63 and 400wkw- on 76 .63/.82. Depends on setup and obviously need to spend time on timing etc to get the most out of it and possibly meth/fuel. End of the day what do you want out of it?

those power figures you've mentioned, is that on pump gas? Definitely more than my 3082 is putting out an its a bigger frame in comparison to the 71 and 76.

the 3082 isnt too bad, yes its a little laggy and older technology compared to the newer gtx series, but it does the job.

the only reason i'd look to replace the 82 with the 71 or 76 would be because of response. However, the price of replacing a comp wheel compared to a new core and cover is somewhat quite different.

My intent, when completed is to use it as a daily driver aswell as some track events here an there, e.g road and track series, nz superlap, motorsport club meets, etc.

I'm not after huge power figures, more so reliability. If I can 400hp streeter thats reliable then I'd be a happy man.

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Pump 98 but adding meth is common in uk. 3082 in a .63 is going to limit things a bit. You will gain response with smaller comp but smaller comp also has an effect on torque. If youre after an animal car go 3071 or 3076 for more top end. Hard to comment on rear housing as it depends on what you want to rev to vs response.

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 evowrx said:
Pump 98 but adding meth is common in uk. 3082 in a .63 is going to limit things a bit. You will gain response with smaller comp but smaller comp also has an effect on torque. If youre after an animal car go 3071 or 3076 for more top end. Hard to comment on rear housing as it depends on what you want to rev to vs response.

when you say the 3082 with a .63 is going to limit things, are you meaning it needs a bigger exhaust housing to really get decent power out of it?

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Really need a .82 to justify the 3082 compressor as the turbine is also small but its going to move onset of boost further to right. Better just throwing a gtx3076 at it in the .63 if you need more go .82. A gt3582 size comp doesnt spool well on an ej20/21. 3071/76 would be the faster track car.

Or get murch to recore with a holset no more water cooling and heaps more bulletproof.

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 evowrx said:
Really need a .82 to justify the 3082 compressor as the turbine is also small but its going to move onset of boost further to right. Better just throwing a gtx3076 at it in the .63 if you need more go .82. A gt3582 size comp doesnt spool well on an ej20/21. 3071/76 would be the faster track car.

Or get murch to recore with a holset no more water cooling and heaps more bulletproof.

The 3082, in a Garrett, is a bit of an unbalanced turbo - needs a decent turbine housing as mentioned. My Holset is similar-ish in wheel size and it's choked out badly by the 0.63 housing on it.

I'm inclined to say a 0.63 turbine housing is going to limit a GTX3076 to just a little bit more than the 3071.

If you want similar power to what you have now but WAY better response (probably the better part of 1000rpm in spool, I'm guessing you currently get full boost around 4.8-5k) I'd get a 3071

If you want considerably more top end with only somewhat better spool, GTX3076 with a larger hotside. But that's the most expensive option.

I wouldn't bother with a 3076 in the 0.63 housing to be honest.

What duration are your cams? If they're like 270's then I'd lean towards 3071, if they're more like 282's then I'd go for the 3076 since your response curve is already bumped to the right.

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All depends where you want your power. If youre happy with power to 6k like most ej deliver 3076 .63 will work nicely with more nm. 3071 size is proven to work well also but all depends on where you want it to fall over.

If you read thro 22b these turbos are commoner than vfs.

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 boon said:
The 3082, in a Garrett, is a bit of an unbalanced turbo - needs a decent turbine housing as mentioned. My Holset is similar-ish in wheel size and it's choked out badly by the 0.63 housing on it.

I'm inclined to say a 0.63 turbine housing is going to limit a GTX3076 to just a little bit more than the 3071.

If you want similar power to what you have now but WAY better response (probably the better part of 1000rpm in spool, I'm guessing you currently get full boost around 4.8-5k) I'd get a 3071

If you want considerably more top end with only somewhat better spool, GTX3076 with a larger hotside. But that's the most expensive option.

I wouldn't bother with a 3076 in the 0.63 housing to be honest.

What duration are your cams? If they're like 270's then I'd lean towards 3071, if they're more like 282's then I'd go for the 3076 since your response curve is already bumped to the right.

I've got the spec 'B' kelford cam's, 268/264 combo.

A GTX3076 with a .82 housing, how would this compare to my current GT3082 with a .63 housing in relation to spool/response and top end power?

So what I'm getting from this, either a GTX3071 with a .63 housing or a GTX3076 with a .82 housing?

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 evowrx said:
Gtx3076 .82 would spool better and make more power. I still say gtx3076 .63 but it all depends on the trade offs you want to make. Whos tuning it?

What trade offs are we looking at?

I'm assuming going GTX3071 with a .63 will have very good response over my current GT3082 with similar power?

Going GTX3076 with a .82 will have slightly better spool/response than the 3082 but more potential for bigger top end?

Am I on the right track?

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 evowrx said:
Gtx3076 .82 would spool better and make more power. I still say gtx3076 .63 but it all depends on the trade offs you want to make. Whos tuning it?

That's old GT wheel thinking. It's all up the **** with GTX's - remember that a GTX 76mm compressor will flow about the same as the old GT3582R

The 0.63 housing with the GT30 turbine can't flow enough gas to make the most of the GTX 76mm wheel. May as well run a 71 and get way better spool because you'll just get choked out by the hotside every single time. I think a 0.63 even chokes the 71mm wheel although only at the very far right of the compressor map.

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 boon said:
That's old GT wheel thinking. It's all up the **** with GTX's - remember that a GTX 76mm compressor will flow about the same as the old GT3582R

The 0.63 housing with the GT30 turbine can't flow enough gas to make the most of the GTX 76mm wheel. May as well run a 71 and get way better spool because you'll just get choked out by the hotside every single time. I think a 0.63 even chokes the 71mm wheel although only at the very far right of the compressor map.

what about a .82 on the gtx3076, how would that go? If this would work well and have marginally better spool over my existing 3082 i'd be happy with that.

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Hardly a massive difference looking at back to back testing. Some people trumpet them off the back of the extra 1mm on wheel. Testings there anyway.

Holset wheels dont compare sizewise to garrett.

Gtx3076 with .63 works well ask uk/states then .82 for 2.5.

Theory is theory. Been proven time and again that paperwork doesnt equate to real world results every time.

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