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99 b4 legacy - v7 sti conversion


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I can share with you a spreadsheet I've been building for pin comparison at the ecu for v7 sti/be rev D (also includes v7 wrx and v3/4 sti).


I have not checked the pinouts in the engine bay (quietly putting this off, really need to get onto it for my car).


You would need to do a similar exercise for be/be rev a/B/C (being a 99 likely to be a Rev B, but pretty sure a/B/C are wired the same).


You'll have to swap some pins used for the twin turbo sensors to be reused for the v7 avcs. the throttle body is different on the sti v7 to the rev a/B/C be/be so may need some repinning here too. I'm sure there's other stuff but I'd recommend you start building a spreadsheet of pin outs using the relevant FSM's. mechanically you shouldn't have much issue with dropping a complete engine. saying that pretty sure you'll have to modify a downpipe to mate up.

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32 minutes ago, Jono24 said:

I can share with you a spreadsheet I've been building for pin comparison at the ecu for v7 sti/be rev D (also includes v7 wrx and v3/4 sti).


I have not checked the pinouts in the engine bay (quietly putting this off, really need to get onto it for my car).


You would need to do a similar exercise for be/be rev a/B/C (being a 99 likely to be a Rev B, but pretty sure a/B/C are wired the same).


You'll have to swap some pins used for the twin turbo sensors to be reused for the v7 avcs. the throttle body is different on the sti v7 to the rev a/B/C be/be so may need some repinning here too. I'm sure there's other stuff but I'd recommend you start building a spreadsheet of pin outs using the relevant FSM's. mechanically you shouldn't have much issue with dropping a complete engine. saying that pretty sure you'll have to modify a downpipe to mate up.


Yes please. Thanks for the info

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i had done the conversion on my 99 B4 years ago with a V7 sti motor, was expensive back than but whoa what a difference it made to the car, i used the V7 engine loom but used my existing computer i believe, the guys at boosted performance had done everything engine and computer related to get the car going...

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V5/6 legacy, forester and impreza share the same electrical basics - same AFM, idle control etc


Repinning a rev a/b/c B4 to WRX spec is pretty straightforward (like, very) and you just need to do the simple hardware swap


Hell you can do the ecu bit, then do the mechanicals later and run it as a simultaneous twin


Or you can do the mechanicals, and con the TT computer into thinking it's still a TT and run it single. 


If you are going to the trouble of paying someone to fit a V7 motor to an old legacy, for what they're worth these days it'd be cheaper and more effective to simply buy the STi in the first place - a single converted legacy is still not worth any more $$ to a bone stock one really 

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21 hours ago, Marky said:

V5/6 legacy, forester and impreza share the same electrical basics - same AFM, idle control etc


Repinning a rev a/b/c B4 to WRX spec is pretty straightforward (like, very) and you just need to do the simple hardware swap


Hell you can do the ecu bit, then do the mechanicals later and run it as a simultaneous twin


Or you can do the mechanicals, and con the TT computer into thinking it's still a TT and run it single. 


If you are going to the trouble of paying someone to fit a V7 motor to an old legacy, for what they're worth these days it'd be cheaper and more effective to simply buy the STi in the first place - a single converted legacy is still not worth any more $$ to a bone stock one really 

With that being said Its to late for me to change or back out as I have bought engine/box diff&shaft ECU and loom already. 

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