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Question on tsr legacy


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hi i own a 96 bg5 tsr wagon obviously non turbo i'm wanting to get a little more power out of it without venturing down forced induction

so far i've done 2.25 cat back system i'm wanting to remove cat also should i get extractors i've been told fitration system is adequte being non turbs anything else i should look at i have a limited budget

also is it possible to tune my car or do i need to hook it up to a dyno (factory ECU)

And does anyone know where to get a cheap muffler??

cheers all


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Guest keltik

Cheap muffler off trademe, id caution you on modifying the exhaust - i did and lost power. Your factory ECU cant be tuned. Best way to increase power would be some new cams/pistons and an aftermarket ECU with a proper tune. Maybe nos too.

Unlike Hondas there really isnt a lot you can do to squeeze more power out of them as far as i know.

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not because of age but due to the fact of having trouble getting insurance had to go with some company thru ami due to my accident

and have heard of alot of problems with turbos plus like my tsr as its cheapish to run and turbos etc chew gas

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 liltim said:

not because of age but due to the fact of having trouble getting insurance had to go with some company thru ami due to my accident

and have heard of alot of problems with turbos plus like my tsr as its cheapish to run and turbos etc chew gas

And there in is the catch

HP= fuel usage the more HP u have the more fuel u will use SO if u get more HP out of the tsr then the fuel will go up

try bigger engine(2.5 3.0 3.7)

getting more revs outta yours would help

get rid of cat


NOS the little bugger

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Yeah, except no. There's no point in slapping a turbo onto an N/A EJ. Either just get a turbo EJ, or get a turbo subie if you want that. And i'd obviosuly recomend the latter, cause then you get a better drivetrain, and often interior also, etc.

To make a little more power out of an N/A EJ though is hard. There are allot of "Cold air intakes" make in the states, most are basically just replacement intakes. Like so Then there's the zaust which you've done, apparently 2.25" is the best trade off. bigger starts losing torque apparently. There's also replacement headers, again, allot of companies in the states do N/A equal or tuned length headers.

Here. These guy's know how to make power out of N/A EJ's, since that's pretty much all they have (The USA didn't get any turbo subaru between 1994 and 2002).



If you want any more, you gotta start talking cams and aftermarket ECU's, which will cost thousands, just to get it nearly up to stock turbo power.

There is no point in chasing power in an EJ N/A in NZ pretty much. Unless one is really really dedicated to keeping that power curve. When you chuck budget and common sense out the window, there's ALLOT of stuff you can do to make allot of power out of the little 4-bangers. There's a SOHC 2.5 in america that's making 300 chp, with a port and polish, high compression piston, cams, and ECU tune. Not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, they can still upgrade to DOHC AVCS heads, go one up on the cams they have now, aftermarket intake manifolds etc. etc.


September 20, 2005

Zzyzx Motorsports Impreza 2.5 RS breaks 300 NA horsepower

TechWorks Engineering (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), Dieman Motorsports (Lees Summit, MO) and Zzyzx Motorsports (Overland Park, KS) conspired to build the most powerful normally aspirated Subaru 2.5L Flat-4 in North America. At more than 300 CHP, the output shatters any previously documented efforts to date.

Utilizing an MD Mustang IMP dynomometer, the engine output hit 235 WHP at 6450 RPM and 209 WTQ at 4600 RPM. "We typically see 233 WHP for a WRX STi, which is rated at 300 CHP, comments Jake Diehl, owner of Dieman Motorsports. "This engine puts down roughly 185 WTQ at 2000 RPM and carries a nearly flat torque curve up to 4600 RPM where it makes 209 WTQ, then tapers off to roughly 185 WTQ at 6500 RPM. Though the peak of 209 WTQ is at 4600 RPM, peak numbers don't readily describe the output of this engine. There is more power under the curve than any stock STi can wish for. Based on the average WRX STi, WRX and 2.5 RS data for our dyno, we're looking at peak outputs of roughly 302 CHP, and 276 CTQ."

The longblock was built entirely by TechWorks Engineering. "The recipe for the engine is less exotic than most would guess.", comments Tom Penner, owner of TechWorks Engineering. This engine uses our off the shelf 11.2:1 CR forged pistons, Stage II SOHC Street cams and headwork to maximize both velocity and flow. We consider this a Stage III engine build as it requires high-octane gas and stand-alone engine management, but simply lowering the compression ratio would still yield impressive output in a more streetable configuration." The TWE headers are a race-only 4-2-1 design, with large primaries. "The design of the headers was twofold: to provide power up top, and to lower dynamic compression in the lower RPMs to avoid torque spikes and detonation.", comments Tom. The trough in the torque curve from roughly 3000 to 4500 RPM is a direct result of the header design.

"I knew we needed to find a different intake manifold as the pre-2005 designs clearly are not meant to make power up top; this is a well documented.", comments Steve Sulatycki, owner of Zzyzx Motorsports. "Looking over the options, it appeared the 2005+ 2.5 RS intake manifold design was clearly superior and I decided to mate a high-flow 65mm throttle body to the '05 intake manifold. I had no idea what kind of numbers we'd be making."

"Once the car made it's first 220+ horsepower pull with very little timing and 11.5:1 AFRs we knew we had a strong motor on our hands. I proceeded to level out the AFRs to a very conservative 12:6:1 AFR and we started making pulls in the 230+ WHP range.", comments Jake. "As this engine was built and is being used for road racing, we stayed with a conservative tune for longevity. This is no dyno queen, and these numbers are real-world, not one-offs."

"The engine makes power everywhere", comments Steve. "This kind of power is useable on the street, at an autocross or road racing. It's perhaps the most versatile power delivery you can ask for and the flat torque curve results in a very predictable and controllable chassis when you have the car at it's limits."

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Guest keltik
 ReubenH said:

Yeah, except no. There's no point in slapping a turbo onto an N/A EJ

A small turbo running low boost pressure would probably run good. But the cost of an engine management system and water injection to support it makes it a bit impractical.

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