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What size speakers can I get? (Front or rear doors)


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I've seen quite a few times people asking what size speakers will fit into our cars. In my experience, any 6.5" (16cm) speaker will fit into the factory spacer, but the spacer's "weather shield" may need to be cut off to allow for modern speakers and their larger magnets.

This is true for any Subaru I've worked on (GC8, GF8, BD5, BG5, GDB).

The following are a couple of pics of a slightly larger (17cm or 6 3/4" Pioneer speaker - TS-D1720C) that I had to create wooden spacers for. Sorry I have no pics currently for the first couple of steps, I'll need to add these at a later date.

So Subaru has a proprietary 3 screw placement that no audio company provide a template for. So if you have speakers that are too big for the factory spacers, then you have to make your own.


Remove the factory spacer and trace around it onto some 18mm MDF. With a thin pencil, mark the holes for the screws. You will also need to know how big to make the cut-out for the speaker. If you get new speakers they should come with a template. If not, measure them with some calipers. If you have no calipers then estimate with a ruler, but err on the size of caution and cut smaller if you're not sure. it's easier to trim the hole bigger, than to have something that's too big.

Cut the shape out with a jigsaw and drill out the screw holes big enough that the screws you are using are snug in the holes, but don't need actual "screwing" into the rings. Counter-sink the holes in a little bit with a larger drill bit, about 5 or 6mm to allow a longer thread that can screw into the door.


Yes I made a boo-boo in the above pic with drilling a hole in the wrong place, but it made no difference to the end result.

You can then screw the speaker into the ring quite comfortably. The thing I'll remember for next time, is to have a larger radius of wood on the sides, to allow more ring to screw the speaker into. As you can see, I had nowhere to screw the top-right screw into. This is actually okay as it's still being held in very firmly with the 3. The bottom of the ring needs to be slim, so it doesn't interfere with the door card.


18mm MDF is normally more than enough thickness to allow clearance of the window to the speaker magnet. You can get speakers with really big magnets, but these are certainly not the norm, and if you are buying these, then you probably know your stuff and know how you're going to mount them anyway. Really, really expensive speakers (>$1000 normally) come with other types of magnets which are smaller, so they won't cause you any problems at all.

If anybody wants some rings like these, give me $15 to cover wood and postage, and I can make some.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The GC8s you need the 18mm spacers. But when you do that you dont have much room for the windows behind them.

I have infinity reference components in the front (6 and half inch) and there wasnt much to play with. I had troubles at the start with the windows knocking the solders off.

Solved it by putting a layer of compression foam between the spacer and door. This water proofs it slightly too.

The compression foam is the type used behind Hardie board in the building trade, its like 2mm thick. Was enough to ease the burden.

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