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REVIEW: GPS Smart Vehicle Tracker GT06/TK106/TKV06

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So here's my first product review on this site, hope it's in the right area as it didn't seem right to post in the 'for sale' section

So anyway today I'm reviewing one of the cheapest, and most common on eBay/Alibaba, GPS vehicle trackers on the market at the moment. It comes under different names, GT06, TK106, TKV06 and the chipset is also used in different physical cases and renamed TK103. The model I picked up is the GT06 v3.2 from a supplier on Alibaba.com, at $41USD + shipping. This equates to around $83NZD all up if customs don't pick it up and charge you import duties and GST.


Chipset: SirF Star 3 - used the be the standard but #4 has been out for a while now

Form: Compact all-in-on, internal antennas

Inputs: -VE on, used for the SOS button, sends and alert when grounded for >3s

Outputs: -VE, grounds when activated, used to trigger the relay

Power input: 9-36V DC

Consumption: 160mA

Network: GSM

Built in shock sensor

Serial port

Microphone input




Comes well packaged, accessories includes power wiring loom, 3M yellow wiring for the relay trigger, microphone+wiring, sos button+wiring, relay and relay socket+wiring, 3M adhesive pad, cable tie


GT06 Smart Vehicle Tracker:



The unit itself it quite heavy for how it looks, but everything is internal including the battery and antennas, and the manufacturer claims the unit is waterproof. The casing is made from a rubbery material and it encloses the sim card and power switch which ensures a water tight seal.

On one end all the wiring protrudes, and although many people do not require all the wires, you cannot detach them with cutting. The serial interface I found annoying as the plug is quite large yet is almost never used unless you wish to utilise the serial interface.


On the other end is the 3 status LED's which indicate: GSM signal, GPS signal, Battery status.


On the side is the slot for the sim card.



This will differ depending on the situation, but I installed in my motorcycle. Quite simple as I didn't need the microphone, relay, sos button or the serial interface. Red wire to battery positive, black to ground, and I tapped into the driving light line for the ACC detect. I set up my sim card online using 2 Degrees' website which allows me to top up and purchase data if required without having to put the sim back into a normal mobile. Being waterproof I was able to hide the unit in the lower rear fairing which is sometimes exposed to water which was good. Secured with the supplied 3M backing and I was away.


Very simple to use, simply txt the unit the command "POSITION#" and it would promptly respond with it's location:


Unfortunately it only shows the address and not the coordinates for pinpoint accuracy.

There is a second command I found useful "URL#" which responds with a Googlemap link you can click on your smartphone/iPhone to load the position directly on Googlemaps.

In addition there is no option to protect the device with a password/pin so anyone that figures out the sim card number in the tracker can find the coordinates and/or disable the unit remotely. This isn't really ideal for security.

1 week of use:

Apparently the battery life in my bike is not sufficient; the tracker drains the entire bike battery in a couple of days. My solution was to ensure to start the bike every morning to let it run for a bit. In addition there is no 'standby' mode or low power mode on the unit as advertised. In the end this wasn't working out for me so I transferred it to my car.

Usage (2):

Installed in my car tucked away under the passenger side of the dashboard, and tapped into the headunit wiring for the power and ACC supplies. I wasn't afraid if someone finds it while trying to steal my headunit as the would alert me that the power is cut and give me a phone call.

1 week of use:

After 5 days the device failed completely. I swapped it for my second sample unit and tested the power sources to ensure it wasn't fried from short circuit or anything.

3 weeks of use (since the replacement):

For the two weeks, brilliant! But then on the third, the unit no longer detected if the car was on (ACC line) so the tow/shock sensor was always active. This meant when ever I hopped into the car for a drive, it would alert me that my car was being towed by txting and ringing my phone.


There wasn't even an option to disable the calling and force it to txt instead. I also discovered that this unit (and most of them online) are locked to an operator in China, so I couldn't set it up to work with 2 Degrees GPRS for online tracking. But this wasn't really an issue for me as I only wanted passive tracking and am not into live online monitoring.

Pros: Good value; waterproof, cheap, fully featured and includes a relay

Cons: 1st unit failed, inability to disable calling, operator locked, battery drain issue


Ideal for vehicle owners on a budget, not after anything special from their unit just the ability to know where their vehicle is using a simple txt message. Make sure yours comes with a warranty!



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