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96 GTB 178,000km Manual

ebg5 NZ

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And am wondering what are good things to check all over and what else could be done to ensure longevity of this car?

If anyone could provide help with the following:

1. When cold starting car, partially loud banging (is it tappets/lifters?) untill it warms up then 99% of noise goes away.

2. When driving just as car is warm in morning when i leave for work (running temp) and I drive away when i change gear at around 3200rpm i can hear an odd buzzing noise going down with engine.

3. Boot Sensor Light wont go away and that cabin lights fuse blows randomly, has done three times over about a month.

4. AVS alarm controller doesnt set/disarm alarm, where would there be a dealer around masterton/hutt valley

5. Spotlights arent turning on, have checked every fuse and no prob there. lights look new and theyre plugged in.

6. Shudders when turning hard right (feels like it is left drivers wheel shaking) but not on left or straight head at any speed.

I think thats all for now lol, If anyone could pass some handy advice I would greatly appreciate it. Cheers

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 ebg5 NZ said:

And am wondering what are good things to check all over and what else could be done to ensure longevity of this car?

If anyone could provide help with the following:

1. When cold starting car, partially loud banging (is it tappets/lifters?) untill it warms up then 99% of noise goes away.

2. When driving just as car is warm in morning when i leave for work (running temp) and I drive away when i change gear at around 3200rpm i can hear an odd buzzing noise going down with engine.

3. Boot Sensor Light wont go away and that cabin lights fuse blows randomly, has done three times over about a month.

4. AVS alarm controller doesnt set/disarm alarm, where would there be a dealer around masterton/hutt valley

5. Spotlights arent turning on, have checked every fuse and no prob there. lights look new and theyre plugged in.

6. Shudders when turning hard right (feels like it is left drivers wheel shaking) but not on left or straight head at any speed.

I think thats all for now lol, If anyone could pass some handy advice I would greatly appreciate it. Cheers

(1) Pretty sure thats the L/H bank pistons. Common problem on the twin-turbo engines so I hear. As they heat up, clearance becomes normal and the sound goes away. Others have called it the dreaded 'death-rattle' ;). Mine's a 99 GTB and does it a little bit on cold mornings for the first 30 seconds. I wouldn't call it loud banging though, just a little 'tapping sound'. I'm sure others can elaborate more.

(2) Buzzing noise? Kind of like a whistling sound? If so, that might be the factory release valve (equiv of BOV). Hard to say though, would have to hear it.

(3) Boot sensor switch must be shot. Probably can pick a replacement up at a wreckers or check on TM.

(4) Do any of the alarm functions work? If may need to be reset in service mode, let me know the model number and may be able to help you.

(5) I know it sounds obvious, but make sure the bulbs aren't blown. Tried replacing them?

(6) Is this when you have the wheels fully locked? I never like to hard lock the wheel, don't think its too good for the AWD system.

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yes i will be looking at cambelt change, i recently moved to masterton but travel over to hutt valley on weekend. have put in oil additive pro-ma as directed hopefully that'll help it out a bit lol. and also i never put steering into full lock as i have heard all over the place it isnt smart, friend did it lots in his commodore and had to replace the whole rack. its when driving along and turning right at a slightly over moderate turn. has me baffled. could be warped disc or something? also recently took car to mech for brake pad replacement and now the freakin brakes shudder aswell -.- not impressed. they never did that before i took to the mech so what could they have done wrong and they did it about three weeks ago can i take it back and ask to have it fixed? (guessing that they caused this through something of their fault) thanks for help so far guys

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lol, ill be sure to set my link revlimit to about 3000rpm if i ever need any work done i cant do myself :P

If the brakes were shit as soon as you drove away from the mech, i would've been back in there making a fuss quicker than those shuddering brakes can stop you. They did something pretty wrong if that has happened with only new pads.

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  • 2 weeks later...
 ebg5 NZ said:

And am wondering what are good things to check all over and what else could be done to ensure longevity of this car?

If anyone could provide help with the following:

1. When cold starting car, partially loud banging (is it tappets/lifters?) untill it warms up then 99% of noise goes away.

2. When driving just as car is warm in morning when i leave for work (running temp) and I drive away when i change gear at around 3200rpm i can hear an odd buzzing noise going down with engine.

3. Boot Sensor Light wont go away and that cabin lights fuse blows randomly, has done three times over about a month.

4. AVS alarm controller doesnt set/disarm alarm, where would there be a dealer around masterton/hutt valley

5. Spotlights arent turning on, have checked every fuse and no prob there. lights look new and theyre plugged in.

6. Shudders when turning hard right (feels like it is left drivers wheel shaking) but not on left or straight head at any speed.

I think thats all for now lol, If anyone could pass some handy advice I would greatly appreciate it. Cheers

1. Did oil/filter change and added ProMa MBL8 and tapping/other "shouldnt be there type" noise has gone.

2. Weird buzz still happens but im pretty sure its nothing to worry about, just a tad of a nuisance.

3. Goes and comes as it pleases. where abouts is this sensor located so i can get one from pick a part.??

4. Still havent got this looked at and if anyone could advise me on what to do it would be great.

5. Have checked bulbs and were fine, since then have re-wired and they are working fine now.

6. Turned out to be warped disc (was me guessing at something and just went with it) bought new disc from supercheap and all is well now, yayyyy now i dont have to worry on the rimutaka hill lol. This has also fixed my brake wobble.

In conclusion i still need to sort this alarm out and boot sensor. Cheers for advice so far guys.

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Most of the time 'warped' discs arent actually warped, its often just a deposit on the disk from the pad.

It often happens when the brakes havent been bedded in properly where the car has been bought to a standstill with hot disks. As they cool with the pads on them a very thin layer of pad material is transeferred to the disk. A light machining will sort them out.

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Guest boostcut
 RSB said:

Most of the time 'warped' discs arent actually warped, its often just a deposit on the disk from the pad.

It often happens when the brakes havent been bedded in properly where the car has been bought to a standstill with hot disks. As they cool with the pads on them a very thin layer of pad material is transeferred to the disk. A light machining will sort them out.

this is etremely true and sometimes if you dont sequentially torque up your wheel nuts they will warp the disc.. this is in floating instances only

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  • 8 months later...
Guest jakesternz

How did you get on with the boot switch? I have a 2000 Legacy Sedan and had the same issue with mine. Turned out to be a pinched wire under the back seat. Must have been pinched during compliance.

I just rewired and now sweet! Only problem is the boot light doesn't work at all now. I can live with that :)

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