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Car Prices North Vs. South NZ?

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Looong time ago it seemed to be a bit of a rumour that cars were cheaper in Auckland than say Christchurch due to supply/demand. 

So I heard, going back 10 years that is!


Is there any truth in that now (or ever?) do you think? Or is just down to cars individual condition at the time of sale? Which to me feels more likely.

Guessing people won't be travelling miles to pick a car, definitely not trying to factor in a ferry crossing to grab a bargain unless it is something very rare or exotic. 

But is there a distinct 'South Island Tax' on second hand prices, in cars say generally in the 1-10K$ range?

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13 hours ago, tigerstyle said:

Is there any truth in that now (or ever?) do you think? Or is just down to cars individual condition at the time of sale? Which to me feels more likely.

Guessing people won't be travelling miles to pick a car, definitely not trying to factor in a ferry crossing to grab a bargain unless it is something very rare or exotic. 

But is there a distinct 'South Island Tax' on second hand prices, in cars say generally in the 1-10K$ range?


Living in the south I have definitely seen some of this. Usually the market difference isn't much ($500-1000) but as a general trend I would say that still holds within the $1-10k range.


10 hours ago, evowrx said:

Ive always found car prices are lowest in Southland. Take ages to sell down there even when theyre cheap. 

I feel like this mostly happens with cars that are much tidier and people want top dollar for them $12k+. Not saying it holds, this is from purely anecdotal evidence.


An example that springs to mind is that Bradley Patterson guy's (I think that is his name) v6 sti that has been rebuilt with a v7 sti block. I keep seeing it on the Subaru pages and it seems to never sell. He wants top dollar for it and I guess there just aren't as many people down here looking for expensive, sorted cars. Everyone just wants a cheap rex to thrash for 6months then sell it on.



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42 minutes ago, IZichard said:


Living in the south I have definitely seen some of this. Usually the market difference isn't much ($500-1000) but as a general trend I would say that still holds within the $1-10k range.


I feel like this mostly happens with cars that are much tidier and people want top dollar for them $12k+. Not saying it holds, this is from purely anecdotal evidence.


An example that springs to mind is that Bradley Patterson guy's (I think that is his name) v6 sti that has been rebuilt with a v7 sti block. I keep seeing it on the Subaru pages and it seems to never sell. He wants top dollar for it and I guess there just aren't as many people down here looking for expensive, sorted cars. Everyone just wants a cheap rex to thrash for 6months then sell it on.




That v6 sti would likely have sold at that money if it wasn't way down there. Cars in general have always been lower money down there when Ive been looking thats Subaru and Mitzi and generally theyre heaps tidier/less molested. @Scooby-Doo got that sti foz from down there cheap too. I looked at a libero with an evo 3 conversion down there it wouldnt sell but mint car. Sold for 6k then few months later sold for nearly double in Wellington. It's a mission buying a car at the opposite end of NZ. 1450ish to get it transported to Northland and driving it would be similar.

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Perhaps if people in the south think cars sell for less in the north and people in the north think cars sell for less in the south then neither of them are right haha.


A case of "the grass is always greener on the other side."

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1 hour ago, IZichard said:

Perhaps if people in the south think cars sell for less in the north and people in the north think cars sell for less in the south then neither of them are right haha.


A case of "the grass is always greener on the other side."


Pass. Just prices on trade me Ive seen have always been the way I said. Only looking at the tidier cars between 5-15k. 


The nicer low km bug eyes seem to sell around 11-13k down your way and 14-15k up here. Thats if people are paying full listing.

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I can move to Wellington and everyone just park their cars at my house so we all get a fair deal


But since space is limited, only Ferraris, Porsches not named Cayenne, Honda NSX, GT-R Skylines, and Subarus can park here


Promise I will take care of your cars. Huhuhu

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