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ECU reflash quick question


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Hey guys was just wondering if anyone on here has done an ecu reflash on a stock V7,8,9 or 10 wrx without any other mods.

Just wondering how much power these NON sti wrx's make atw stock and with just an ecu reflash (no exhaust etc)

Cheers guys

(Just asking cos Im thinking about getting one at some stage and the warranty would probably prohibit me from doing anything like an exhaust but they cant pick up on an ecu reflash)

* Decided I might consider a WRX instead of an STI as for the same money I can get a much newer car. Not as much power I know but hey, you gotta work within your means. Who knows, maybe I can get Dad into one at the same time.

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 lunchie said:

Hey guys was just wondering if anyone on here has done an ecu reflash on a stock V7,8,9 or 10 wrx without any other mods.

Just wondering how much power these NON sti wrx's make atw stock and with just an ecu reflash (no exhaust etc)

Cheers guys

(Just asking cos Im thinking about getting one at some stage and the warranty would probably prohibit me from doing anything like an exhaust but they cant pick up on an ecu reflash)

* Decided I might consider a WRX instead of an STI as for the same money I can get a much newer car. Not as much power I know but hey, you gotta work within your means. Who knows, maybe I can get Dad into one at the same time.

Yeah ive got a warranty on mine too and in the same boat as you (v7 sti).

have been meaning to ring the warranty people to see what's covered and what's not.


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have had my v sti done

and with a bit of tune its holding really wel.. last dyno was 221kw at wheels but the mid range oull is most noticeable

yea get the warrnty ppl to say what u can do as wud suck to void it eh

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 sti_v9 said:

On a side note, my stock MY05 STi made 180awkw.

Yeah I know they make that much, im just thinking from a price vs age standpoint I could get a 2-3 year new WRX for the same price as an STI. I suppose those normal wrx's would stil do what 0-100 in 6s and a high 13sec 1/4?

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You're always going to be hamstrung on a normal GDA WRX vs V7 STi because of the TD04 vs VF30, amongst a lot of other things. The V7 STi is much better value for money, as you'll get the complete 6 speed STi drivetrain and differentials, Brembos, lots and lots. Going fast is not just about balls-out power on a dyno.

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Dont get me wrong man, I used to hate v7's but not im a total convert. I love em. I just the age that puts me off. Also when I look at a 2003 version 8 sti for 20k I think geez I could get a 2007 V10 NZ wrx for that money. What I really want to know is does a normal wrx perform decently? Do the clock in the 6s to 100 and 13s 1/4? Are the (lightly) thrashable and reliable? enough power for a full car load + luggage and still pass comfortably on the open road? Anyone test drove or owned a v7 and up wrx?

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in short - YES

nothing wrong with a newer wrx man.. if u not really chasing a lot of power and that sort of driving then yes the newer wrx be a v good choice.

its got good handling and power and is comfy and better on gas as well.

from the looks of it u not really wanting to get into the overly modify game so with some light stuff like exhaust ur wrx should be a very decent car to drive daily.

iused to have a v7 wrx and then a v7 sti back to back and the wrx was more of a daily driver easily as it was more relaxed somehow..altho if u enjoy putting ur foot down lots then the sti is the way to go.

performance wise, with a bit of light work ur wrx should easily be in the targets u have mentioned

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[quote name='sti_v9 said:

On a side note, my stock MY05 STi made 180awkw.


Yeah I know they make that much, im just thinking from a price vs age standpoint I could get a 2-3 year new WRX for the same price as an STI. I suppose those normal wrx's would stil do what 0-100 in 6s and a high 13sec 1/4?

To answer your original question I dont think you should get a WRX. Its happened to many people before you - you will forever be changing parts trying to make it into an STI. You'll end up spending the same amount of money and it will still won't be an STi.

I have not seen local dynos but overseas forums show tuned stock GDB STi's putting out +200kw easily.

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I gonna come from the other direction here. I've owned wrxs, forester, gtb legacies and now a v7 STi. TBH the best car for open road and around town driving I owned was my v5 wrx with a full exhaust on its little tdo4 turbo.

The smaller turbo is much more "friendly" in that you can do quick little "blips" of power low in the rev range. Like taking of from the lights rapidly without looking like you're raping it or a quick burst up to 120 to pass something.

The STi on the other hand is a lot of fun when you put your foot down. It has much more punch when the turbo finally kicks in.

Going by my "seat o pants" meter I would say the wrx makes more power than an STi in the lower rev range but once you get up to about 4,000 rpm the STi takes off.

Not to mention the STi uses about twice the amount of fuel!

So there are defiantly compromises which ever way you go.

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 555v7sti said:

Ive always found my v7 sti has been more rewarding when you drive them properly. keep it in the powerband etc

Hence my "looking like you're raping it" comment.

A 6,000 rpm launch from the lights doesn't exactly look like a composed take off.

Don't get me wrong when I go for a drive in the hills or something it is very "rewarding". It's just 99% of the time you're not driving in those situations.

I guess I'm just getting old and no longer see the point of a 300hp daily driver.

My plan is to buy a turbo legacy or audi and a dedicated race subby with a full cage etc ;D

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If ur talking v10 NZ new WRX that would be packing a 2.5 would it not?, and 4+2 pots. i would deff get a nz new 2.5 turbo over a import ver8 GDB. lets get real, besides a track theres not many places on public roads where u can even drive a GDB near its limits. if u want a decent new all round car go the ver10 NZ new, if u really like running the car in the 4-8k range going really fast id buy a ver8 on GDB

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[quote name='555v7sti said:

Ive always found my v7 sti has been more rewarding when you drive them properly. keep it in the powerband etc


Hence my "looking like you're raping it" comment.

A 6,000 rpm launch from the lights doesn't exactly look like a composed take off.

Don't get me wrong when I go for a drive in the hills or something it is very "rewarding". It's just 99% of the time you're not driving in those situations.

I guess I'm just getting old and no longer see the point of a 300hp daily driver.

My plan is to buy a turbo legacy or audi and a dedicated race subby with a full cage etc ;D

Yeah have a car like a sti, then when u get sick of the fuel consumption and noise etc, get something else, like a euro or along those lines.

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Well, just my input is that I went through the same thing. V10 WRX or V7 STI?! I asked the club for advice and received lots of good input. After lots of consideration and trials I went for the V7 STI and not a single day has gone by when I second questioned it. Yes, older, and has required work to clean her up to a good standard, but if performance is you're thing, you can't beat it. I have owned WRXs and GTBs before, but I will never buy a non-STI again. I don't even know why people compare them. The WRX is no comparison as far as I am concerned. (If you want performance)

Just saying how it was for me...

Good luck in your purchase!

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 richm said:

Well, just my input is that I went through the same thing. V10 WRX or V7 STI?! I asked the club for advice and received lots of good input. After lots of consideration and trials I went for the V7 STI and not a single day has gone by when I second questioned it. Yes, older, and has required work to clean her up to a good standard, but if performance is you're thing, you can't beat it. I have owned WRXs and GTBs before, but I will never buy a non-STI again. I don't even know why people compare them. The WRX is no comparison as far as I am concerned. (If you want performance)

Just saying how it was for me...

Good luck in your purchase!


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Thanks for the advice guys, can anyone confirm if the NZ new v10 wrx has 4 pots at the front and also the only other thing that is leaning me towards the wrx is the interior, I know I know, I never thought I would say that either but you can get the NZ new V10 wrx in a LTD model which comes with full leather and it looks freaking hot and Im sorry but the Blue interior on the sti's does look abit fail in comparison.


(god that car looks good)



But DAM the V9 sti's look SO good on the outside.....

The only other thing I worry about is servicing I mean if only a dedicated Subaru enthusiast can tell the difference between a V8 and a V9 how will a garage? I mean say I take a V9 to get a shock replaced, how do I know they are replacing it with a V9 sti shock and not a V8.

I mean the average garage is just ganna go.... ahhh its a 2005 sti... well great that could be a V8,9 or even 10.

Also what about oils for the engine and gearbox/diff, the average garage would have like a 20w40 and then maybe some semi synthetic castrol gtx, thats not ganna cut it in an sti.

I guess Im just abit apprehensive that car as specific and rare as an sti would be difficult to service properly without worrying if your v8 parts are getting mixed up with V7 or sumthing .... anyone have any experiences here?

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Yeah but you don't do shocks everyday and when you do, specific the year/model etc. It wouldnt keep me from not buying a v9.

You dont want some muppet working on your car anyway. take it to the proper people i suppose

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Hmmmm the above is a big throw up, do you want a quick, tidy low km's car, or a truly fast older high kms car? the ver9 is very nice tho. in terms of service and repair, from working in the industry, its hard to fit the wrong parts on cars like STI's and evos, they have alot of specific parts that if you order the wrong one its obvious when you try and fit it, alot of the time you can only get genuine parts, or if theres a aftermarket listing, it will group correct models togeather anyway so theres no point getting worried about it. if your worried about oils just supply your own when you go in for service, problem solved.

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Get the V9 STI. Simple.

1. Its a NZ New car. So will no doubt have a full perfect service history since new will high quality oil's through Subaru.

The result of this is that it will go for years and reliability won't be an issue.

2. The Sti will hold its value much better than the WRX. You see it on trademe time and time again.

3. Go test drive both cars, preferably with in a day of each other. After driving both your decision should be clear.

4. As far as the Sti being harder to service, I think you used the word rare as the Sti. Well I am very sure that there would be more if not as many of the Sti's in the country as the WRX's. (Ahh just realised thats a V9 Sti so yeah maybe not, but there are tonnes of V8 Sti's.)

5. If you decide you don't want the Sti, I would think you may need to rethink why you are wanting a turbo subaru in the first place. There are plenty of other cars out there. Maybe some sort of Audi?

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