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Am I bedding in brakes aggressively enough?


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Just put in my new rotors and pads and went out to coast rd to bed them in,

ferodo says for my pads, 10 stops from 60kph to walking speed and cool off completely. DONE

They didnt fade like they said they would, but could definately smell the pads getting hot.

So i did a 2nd set of 10 from about 80-15kph, same result, no fade. DONE

Is it worth doing a 3rd set?

DS2000 pads, dba 4000 series rotors.

v7 sti w/ brembos

Cheers rob

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If you've done it enough to get them smelling hot then I'd guess that you've bedded them. Its mostly to progressively get them hotter and hotter (i.e. nice steady braking to warm up slowly rather than standing on it ) so that the entire pad can get heat through it without heating too quickly on the outer surface without allowing the full depth of the pad to get up to temp.

How many heat cycles does Ferodo recommend for those pads though? We've had issues before with some of the Ferodo's but that was mostly down to the space monkey's that were behind the wheel.

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 Koom said:

If you've done it enough to get them smelling hot then I'd guess that you've bedded them. Its mostly to progressively get them hotter and hotter (i.e. nice steady braking to warm up slowly rather than standing on it ) so that the entire pad can get heat through it without heating too quickly on the outer surface without allowing the full depth of the pad to get up to temp.

How many heat cycles does Ferodo recommend for those pads though? We've had issues before with some of the Ferodo's but that was mostly down to the space monkey's that were behind the wheel.

the sticker thing that came with the pads says do it once. i might do a third set from 100 to 10kph.

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If they recommend once, then if you've got sufficient heat into them in the past two bedding procedures, they should be cured and ready to go now. Doing it much more than recommended is just using the brakes I reckon, not improving the bedding in any further.

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[quote name='Koom said:

If you've done it enough to get them smelling hot then I'd guess that you've bedded them. Its mostly to progressively get them hotter and hotter (i.e. nice steady braking to warm up slowly rather than standing on it ) so that the entire pad can get heat through it without heating too quickly on the outer surface without allowing the full depth of the pad to get up to temp.

How many heat cycles does Ferodo recommend for those pads though? We've had issues before with some of the Ferodo's but that was mostly down to the space monkey's that were behind the wheel.


the sticker thing that came with the pads says do it once. i might do a third set from 100 to 10kph.

tee hee

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My TS2000s I only did one lot of bedding in, but cooked the pads nicely. However I am of the school of thought that if you dont catch them on fire you arent using them hard enough.

I should add since doing that to my TS2000s they lasted a good 6 months of regular racing without ever fading, but they started to crumble round the edges finally (possibly the regular fires causing that?). Either way, I moved to Hawk Blues and found them to be a little better.

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 newsuba said:


Most of the time brake fires are actually little bits of rubber from your tyres catching alight.


With TS/DS2000s the recommended one cycle is usually enough.

I had heard about that, no idea how accurate it is - but does make sense :)

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Guest boostin

[quote name='Koom said:

If you've done it enough to get them smelling hot then I'd guess that you've bedded them. Its mostly to progressively get them hotter and hotter (i.e. nice steady braking to warm up slowly rather than standing on it ) so that the entire pad can get heat through it without heating too quickly on the outer surface without allowing the full depth of the pad to get up to temp.

How many heat cycles does Ferodo recommend for those pads though? We've had issues before with some of the Ferodo's but that was mostly down to the space monkey's that were behind the wheel.


the sticker thing that came with the pads says do it once. i might do a third set from 100 to 10kph.

You're meant to do exactly what the instructions say to bed them in. Any more or faster stops will just overheat the new pads and ruin them. 8 - 10 medium stops from 60kph down to 10kph will be sufficient. Let them cool off completely after before driving. And don't dump cold water over them to cool them either. That will just result in warped discs.

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