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Boost activated switch - water sprayers


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  • 2 weeks later...

Starting to get somewhere with this, if anyone\'s curious.

Have gotten temp sensor in place, for the moment just in direct contact with the cooler (literally jammed down between two tubes, right up against the TB/end tank). It has no airflow over it at this point so any temps measured are the actual metal temperature.

On the move, it sits basically at ambient - however heat soak is blowing me away with how bad it gets. Worst I saw was around 55 degrees after sitting in a parking lot for 20 mins or so - bear in mind that\'s just the metal temp, I\'d hazard the charge temp would be much, much worse if I brought the car on boost at that point. Once on the move at 30kph plus it got down to ambient temp within about 30 second, if I accelerate right up to 80-100k even if I\'m full throttle it still is at or close to ambient by the time it\'s at speed. This confirms what I\'d felt just by touch test on the cooler itself I guess.

Basic thoughts at the moment are while a water sprayer would help with bringing temps down faster, biggest problem is trying to mitigate the heat rise when running with poor or no airflow. On the move it\'s working perfectly fine, as far as I can tell so far it works just fine in it\'s heat sink/exchanger job for me. Next time I have the intercooler off I\'ll measure how much room there is for a fan under there - have found some 7" ones which should work, otherwise it might be a pick-a-part mission. There\'s a few small aircon fans, or motorbike radiator fans which could do the trick.

I don\'t do track work, the most work the car sees is the odd squirt on an onramp or overtaking - what I\'m wanting to do is try and remove or mitigate what I see as the main drawback to the factory topmount setup. I\'m not keen to go FMIC with it still twin turbo, least this is all very cheap stuff to do I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have minor progress

After mysteriously going missing in transit, fan showed up stashed in letterbox, so much for sig required



This is as I pulled out of the KFC drive through. For the record I had a 1/4 pack, extra seasoning on the chips, and felt like poos after eating it.

Normally in traffic on a 20-25 degree day it will hover around 35-40, rises and falls quite fast depending on if the car is moving or not. Can even see it drop slightly when a gust of wind comes at the car front on so the cooler is very effective at shedding heat when it gets the chance to. Soon as I\'m doing 30kph plus it starts dropping to ambient.

Oh and this little bugger showed up, yay


It\'s the largest fan I could find which will fit between the intercooler pipes underneath - I\'m not putting it on top (that\'s just silly) - it\'s the radiator fan from some kind of quad/atv thing I think. A 7" fan which is the smallest I can find off the shelf is a) too thick and b) just slightly too big to fit over the core itself - it might just squeeze in with some massaging but still won\'t slip underneath the cooler pipes.

Sounds like a hoover when it starts up but it moves some air, trying the "stick it on top and blow air down and put my hand underneath the cooler" test (it\'s a real test look it up) I can at least feel some reasonable flow getting through the core.

I\'ll leave it till I\'ve done some tests / logging / whatever before anyone starts bleating about potential down or upsides, so far it\'s a whole $30 I\'m out and if it even goes some way towards mitigating the heat soak, then mission accomplished in my eyes

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Ok so I could have used a bigger fan, but it also turns out the one I have is as big as will slip under the cooler pipe (for a WRX application with a Y pipe not the legacy TT with a gap), if I can find something as thin but wider then will grab it... or just use a pair of it, or something. Need to actually do some measurements and figure it out one day if I can be bothered

Whatever, anyway here\'s what I did

Jammed this


On like this


It looks like this from on top


After idling for about 5 minutes means I now see maybe 30 deg, rather than the 50ish I had crawling in traffic when I drove it 2 hrs before - and it stabilised at around 40 (about 20 deg ambient) after a longer period at idle rather than shooting up past 70 like it did the other day.

Tried a few 0-100 runs (I was fiddling with the boost controller as well, one of those super social evenings) so it was full noise, stop, pop bonnet, turn around, full noise, repeat - temps stayed under 30 deg the whole time, did absolute wonders for curbing the instant heat rise I normally used to see. Travelling at 80-100kph I noticed no change whatsoever in cooling ability, the fan will be blocking a portion of the area but evidently not enough to make a measurable impact. For now I\'ve just got the fan running off ign 12v and haven\'t bothered with having it temp activated - I think that makes sense for the water sprayer on top maybe?

Sitting still if you stick your hand in the intercooler scoop with the car idling you can feel a definate inwards air current, whereas before it was simply a chimney of heat coming out. If the shroud wasn\'t there then I can\'t imagine it would work very well, same as normal I guess. By no stretch is it a 50kph breeze or anything - but it\'s enough to do the trick.

I\'ll take it as a win, accomplished what I was hoping for (more or less) at minimal cost

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