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Upgrading V2 sti intercooler


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Now im sure this has probably been covered but ive done a search and can\'t find anything.

What im wanting to know is, if i was to upgrade the intercooler and intake manifold from my factory V2 sti set up to say a V3/4 set up is there anything else i will have to change to make this all fit? Also should this be a good upgrade? I alos want to keep the 5th injector, can i still use this with the later manifold?

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When boosting my car it does feel like it is laggy until around 4grand than it gets this big surge of boost, which i assumed was when the 5th injector kicked in? Maybe someone local who knows a thing or two about them wanted to come for a ride see what there thoughts are? It is certainly a shite load quicker in 1st 2nd and 3rd than the missus v3 sti, but seems about the same after maybe 120kmh ish. But down low the missus v3 has a lot more response and seems to build boost alot quicker and smoother

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Yes i have alot closer ratio gearbox than the missus car.

Anyway back to the intercooler, does anyone know how i would get on with keeping the 5th injector with a later version intake? And can i still use evrything else? Fuel rails ect

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i think its very hard to make it fit with the v1/2 manifold given its orientation.

you can put a v3/4 manifold on a v1/2 but its a cunt to get all the v1/2 sensors to work - which makes using the 5th inj pointless / hard.

best bet on a v1/2 is just fmic it. and retain all the stuff you want.

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[quote name='Stoffa said:

The v3 RA runs a 5th injector but as far as I know the 5th injector is only used on start up isn\'t it?


wuuut since when does anything >v2 run the 5th injector.

lukes RA certainly doesnt.

whoops, your right, I knew my mates car had one and I thought it was a v3 but no, v2 RA

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Not keen on chopping up things to make it fit, the wrc guys got away without running a front mount, so im sure i can :D The reason i want to go v3 intercooler is a read they flow alot better than the v2 one, not so much for cooling reasons as i dont plan on running massive power.

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i changed to a v3 intake and v7 intercooler

don\'t need to run the 5th injector, just runs a bit sad when cold, leave it plugged in electrically to keep the ecu happy

wiring the TPS is the hardest part, Mitchell motorsport in Hamilton has the info to rewire it tho, didn\'t take much.

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 DXROLLA said:

When boosting my car it does feel like it is laggy until around 4grand than it gets this big surge of boost, which i assumed was when the 5th injector kicked in? Maybe someone local who knows a thing or two about them wanted to come for a ride see what there thoughts are? It is certainly a s***e load quicker in 1st 2nd and 3rd than the missus v3 sti, but seems about the same after maybe 120kmh ish. But down low the missus v3 has a lot more response and seems to build boost alot quicker and smoother

that pretty much sums up the v2 sti ra. remember its only running 380cc injectors, so compared to the v3 gear it simply runs out of fuel. but keep the revs up and it will dominate through the twistys :)

there is a lot of conflicting info on the 5th injector. as i understand its purely for homologation reasons and is not driven at all by the 7K tune

you can install a v3/4 manifold + v3/4 intercooler. v5/6 intercooler is possible with more work. there are a few issues in general to work around but its all doable if your willing

cheap option for you now is to properly clean the v2 intercooler and straighten the fins. makes a difference aye

if i was starting again i\'d refresh mine back to factory and enjoy it as is. quite a unique car and i miss it

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[quote name='DXROLLA said:

When boosting my car it does feel like it is laggy until around 4grand than it gets this big surge of boost, which i assumed was when the 5th injector kicked in? Maybe someone local who knows a thing or two about them wanted to come for a ride see what there thoughts are? It is certainly a s***e load quicker in 1st 2nd and 3rd than the missus v3 sti, but seems about the same after maybe 120kmh ish. But down low the missus v3 has a lot more response and seems to build boost alot quicker and smoother


that pretty much sums up the v2 sti ra. remember its only running 380cc injectors, so compared to the v3 gear it simply runs out of fuel. but keep the revs up and it will dominate through the twistys :)

there is a lot of conflicting info on the 5th injector. as i understand its purely for homologation reasons and is not driven at all by the 7K tune

you can install a v3/4 manifold + v3/4 intercooler. v5/6 intercooler is possible with more work. there are a few issues in general to work around but its all doable if your willing

cheap option for you now is to properly clean the v2 intercooler and straighten the fins. makes a difference aye

if i was starting again i\'d refresh mine back to factory and enjoy it as is. quite a unique car and i miss it

Sounds like a lot more work than first thought. As you said i would like to keep the 5th injector as it is quite a unique car.

What supporting mods would you do to get the most out of the engine as is? You were saying they tend to run out of fuel due to the small injectors, if i was to upgrade the injectors, new fuel pump, tidy intercooler and possibly a link or chip+tune. Should this improve the performance. Not that it really needs it, but you know what its like once you get that bug ;D

The missus wants to give me a race down the strip once our cars are both up to scratch so i need to make sure i dont loose ;D

Also you said the 5th injector doesnt do bugger all, is there a way to get this working? Assuming it would make a difference?

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Sounds like a lot more work than first thought. As you said i would like to keep the 5th injector as it is quite a unique car.

What supporting mods would you do to get the most out of the engine as is? You were saying they tend to run out of fuel due to the small injectors, if i was to upgrade the injectors, new fuel pump, tidy intercooler and possibly a link or chip+tune. Should this improve the performance.

well that would be the ideal. injectors, intercooler, fuel system, tuneable ecu, sorted. its just that few people go this direction in favor of playing subaru-lego trying to get more for less (myself included heh)

[quote name='DXROLLA said:

Also you said the 5th injector doesnt do bugger all, is there a way to get this working? Assuming it would make a difference?

you need to talk to a tuner about that. i\'ve read its fairly useless for adding fuel as there is little to no control where the fuel is going. it might be somewhat useful for antilag? in my opinion its handy for identifying genuine sti ra engines and looks cool but other than that its just dead weight

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Sweet cheers for clearing a few things up. How does this sound for a plan.

Yellow top? injectors

Tidy up the standard intercooler

Walbro intank fuel pump

Fuel pressure regulator



Does anyone know much about how the wrc engines were set up?

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haha cheers Stoffa, man that ugly intake was thrown together hours before leaving DN for megameet. the glue dried on the drive up! think the downpipe melted in the end haha


well i imagine without touching the block, you\'d want a mild tune. it\'d still be plenty tough.

again, talk to your tuner but i doubt you will need a FPR. you probably want a whole adjustable ecu though. I don\'t know how good the early \'chip\' tuning is in this country

wrc intakes went under manifold. have fun re-creating that setup, it was boss for the time

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