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FMIC piping - be/bh


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Anyone whos done one - most single turbo guys have i guess? - what kit did you use and how well did it fit? The v7 cooler with fans seems to be working way better than stock but its still a poxy top mount and suffers at times (kfc drivethrough im looking at you)

Wanting to go fmic down the track but f£€ked if im paying $600 for a scarles kit when i can use a wrx one with a y pipe, just not sure if im better off with a generic gc8 one or if a bugeye kit is different / fits better or option c would DIY and flipping core be better again? would want to keep foglights if poss, looks rude without

Any help/advice/off topic blithering/thread hijacking appreciated and encouraged

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Personally i think it\'s not worth spending even $1 going fmic in a standard TT leggy, all you gonna notice day in day out is the increased lag and maybe a bigger VOD!

However, i got a wrx piping kit (needed some modifications) and a 550x230x65 cooler and had to get rid of spot/fog lights

BUT, i know of couple ppl using 600x300x100 and they kept their spot/fog lights, again both were using wrx piping kit!

Here\'s a pic of mine,


you could see why i had to take my fog lights out, but with the bigger cooler the pipes goes under the fog lights!

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Either pick up a kit for a wrx and cut the shit out of it and make it fit (run under headlights etc)

Or you can get a \'custom\' kit off trademe too which is just heaps of bends and straights with a few joiners and clamps, which could be an idea.

Don\'t get a wanky big fmic and keep the piping at 2" and you wouldn\'t have much of an issue with lag if you ran the absolute shortest route

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I got a wrx kit which had to be slightly modified to fit nicely. 600x300x76 core

Had a wrx fmic kit on my last b4 as well and needed no mods to fit. 600x230x76 core

Don\'t remember kit names sorry.

Noticed a big improvement! I\'ve shown the results here before somewhere. TMIC would reach 50+ degrees after 2-3 gears changes of boosting (then feeling like your driving a NA) and then couple of minutes to get back to normal temp. FMIC stayed around 30 degrees after boosting or sitting in traffic etc. This is single turbo and 200kw+ though


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 pl0x said:

I got a wrx kit which had to be slightly modified to fit nicely. 600x300x76 core

Had a wrx fmic kit on my last b4 as well and needed no mods to fit. 600x230x76 core

Don\'t remember kit names sorry.

Noticed a big improvement! I\'ve shown the results here before somewhere. TMIC would reach 50+ degrees after 2-3 gears changes of boosting (then feeling like your driving a NA) and then couple of minutes to get back to normal temp. FMIC stayed around 30 degrees after boosting or sitting in traffic etc. This is single turbo and 200kw+ though


Damn thats stealth. Not much fmic showing out the front wonder how that effects it.

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 pl0x said:

I got a wrx kit which had to be slightly modified to fit nicely. 600x300x76 core

Had a wrx fmic kit on my last b4 as well and needed no mods to fit. 600x230x76 core

Don\'t remember kit names sorry.

Noticed a big improvement! I\'ve shown the results here before somewhere. TMIC would reach 50+ degrees after 2-3 gears changes of boosting (then feeling like your driving a NA) and then couple of minutes to get back to normal temp. FMIC stayed around 30 degrees after boosting or sitting in traffic etc. This is single turbo and 200kw+ though


thats what i needed to know! will be blacking mine out as well and running a shorter core - like the 230 high ones - to try and get it just filling the stock opening and not have half of it behind the bumper

have driven a couple of tts with front mount, to be fair it was before i owned one myself but didnt notice any more "lag" as such out of them (more than normal at least) and yeah its purely to combat heat soak too - car is generally driven off boost but id prefer a tiny drop in response for the motor insurance i get instead. probably close to 190wkw mark at the moment and doing it through the tiny twins having a bit more cooling cant be a bad thing.

plus then i get more sweet flutterz br0

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Yea mine is slightly to tall and sticks out the bottom a bit, would be covered if I have a front lip but being black you can\'t really see it anyway.

Re - behind the bumper, never really thought of it but didn\'t notice any change driving without a bumper vs with.

Boost threshold in 1st is slightly higher but other than that next to no difference.

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just finished installing the scarles kit on a mates car


Now apart from it missing a few clips and 1 silicon joiner it actually wasn\'t to bad to put together had to mod a few lil things like where it rubbed on the main actuator (the big one on the passenger side) it wasnt to bad if you do go this way make sure you tell them to open it up and check everything you need is in the box I reckon some monkey in a sweatshop is packing em together

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 B4 2000 said:

Personally i think it\'s not worth spending even $1 going fmic in a standard TT leggy, all you gonna notice day in day out is the increased lag and maybe a bigger VOD!

However, i got a wrx piping kit (needed some modifications) and a 550x230x65 cooler and had to get rid of spot/fog lights

BUT, i know of couple ppl using 600x300x100 and they kept their spot/fog lights, again both were using wrx piping kit!

Here\'s a pic of mine,


you could see why i had to take my fog lights out, but with the bigger cooler the pipes goes under the fog lights!

that kit looks good and it looks like you got to keep most of the front bumper
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