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Intermittent sweet smell


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Hey guys.

I recently picked up a 3.0r 04 legacy. Shortly after picking it up I had a problem with the coolant system due to trapped air, car temp just ran into red but I got it off the road fairly quickly with no steam/smoke/unexpected shut down and I was able to naturally cool the engine. I had the system bled and refilled and run extensively at the shop to make sure there was no more air trapped. They also did an exhaust/emissions test and all was normal.

Since then I've driven 700km (in two days) without any performance issues or unusual engine behaviour, no overheating etc so all seems good. No cross contamination of fluids and coolant/radiator levels have stayed normal. There doesn't appear to be any leak under the hood either or anything like that.

However I'm still occasionally getting a sweet kinda smell. I've let it idle and I've walked around it and not noticed a smell, but a few times I've pulled up at lights and could smell it a bit so not much consistency. The most noticeable smell was when I was stopped on a slight incline and could smell it with windows closed, I also got a fair bit of steam coming from the exhaust at that point (it was a cold morning, engine had about 30mins running and steam stopped when I changed out of neutral to continue driving). Other times I've noticed it when I've opened a window or got out the car.

I've got another 500km ish to drive in the next two days.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Yello
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I believe so but I didn't watch them do it and it wasn't a trusted garage that I know well (not to say it was necessarily a bad one). So I'll say unconfirmed on that one.

Demons indeed Percy! After the original issue I'm mr paranoia right now haha

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I had issues with my radiator/thermostat. They replaced the radiator/thermostat and that seemed to cure the problem, but I had a visible leak. My leak was at the radiator cap/overflow hose connection, it would lose its contents over the radiator interior of engine bay. But before it was fixed it would occasionally smell sweet when putting a big load on the engine (at the top of the crown range). Defiantly check all hoses and keep an eye on the coolant level. If you have to do a big trip without being able to check out the system properly I would allow extra time for letting it cool and take a lot of spare water.

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take it back... ask for proof of pressure test...

i guess it is remotely possible that its still burning off excess coolant that may have been spilt, but after 700km i would have thought that would be well gone...

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 RAYDEO said:
take it back... ask for proof of pressure test...

i guess it is remotely possible that its still burning off excess coolant that may have been spilt, but after 700km i would have thought that would be well gone...

Sadly that was in Auckland, I'm now in Kaikoura! Going to see the local place here first thing tomorrow to look at getting a pressure test done before the rest of my drive (another 600km)...I could do with some peace of mind. It's possible I've lost a cm or so out of coolant reservoir but not 100% sure. If I've lost coolant out of the reservoir it's not an enormous amount. I've been keeping a close eye on it when the engine is both cold and hot. The smell is coming from the engine bay, I've had a sniff around the exhaust a couple of times and not noted it there, which fits with the exhaust/emission test coming back all fine the other day. Also still no change to fluid quality so a couple of plusses.

My thoughts are as follows:

1) There's a slow leak somewhere

2) The coolant level is a little high and it's pushing out of the overflow tank, however I can't see evidence of this around the tank. The level looks to be a bit above the full line when cold so it's a possibility I guess, but the level in the tank has never been near the top even when the engine is at running temp.

3) It's still burning off spilt coolant, but as you say Raydeo, it's been nearly 900km now this seems extremely unlikely.

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i think if you had any major issues like a head gasket then that would have caused more issues by now.

I drove a GTB from Wellington to Auckland at xmas, never had any issues before the trip, but problems started in Waiouru.

Came close to over heating every 2 hours from there to Auckland and return. turned out it was a broken head gasket.

That said, the EZ30R is very different to an EJ20, so I assume would act differently...

i would think your issue is either a pinhole leak in a hose, or a very small leak when a hose joins on to a metal fitting...


coolant burning off... (less likely this problem.)

but without looking its hard to diagnose.

Good Luck!

Let us know how you get on.

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 RAYDEO said:
i think if you had any major issues like a head gasket then that would have caused more issues by now.

I drove a GTB from Wellington to Auckland at xmas, never had any issues before the trip, but problems started in Waiouru.

Came close to over heating every 2 hours from there to Auckland and return. turned out it was a broken head gasket.

That said, the EZ30R is very different to an EJ20, so I assume would act differently...

i would think your issue is either a pinhole leak in a hose, or a very small leak when a hose joins on to a metal fitting...


coolant burning off... (less likely this problem.)

but without looking its hard to diagnose.

Good Luck!

Let us know how you get on.

I had it pressure tested in Kaikoura and all was well (Kaikoura Auto Centre - great guys), they noticed a fair bit of coolant staining around the radiator which must have spilt there during the previous work. Drove from their down to Wanaka and continued to have no issues so confident we're all good. Keeping a close eye on the coolant levels just incase there is a very minor pinhole leak missed on the pressure test but looks fine at the moment. Surprised it lasted so long still giving off a bit of a smell but I guess coolant is made of stubborn stuff.

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  • 2 months later...

Correct but there didnt seem to be an end to it really and what i mentioned hadnt been, which might help someone else out if they are having same issue you never know. If it is frowned apon to comment on old threads then i will cease such blasphemous behaviour and get back into line im new here. Loving this forum by the way


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