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Anybody know what this is?


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Can you please (pretty please) start using photobucket to upload images as these unclickable thumbnails that you post up are next to useless i.e. really useless. Or are they tiny cellphone pics?? Whatever they are, they're small. Girls don't like small.

Guessing its a chip. Although it may be a centipede. Can't tell due to the resolution.

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haha thats what I tell my missus every night....

p.s. even if I click on them, they're small as. Pretty much all that I've seen you post recently have been tiny. Dunno if its a setting or something when you're uploading?

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Find an early ECU that has the chip plug thingy (I can't remember the technical term for it) and plug it in. Cut the resistor and see if the smoke comes out..... If it does, it was the wrong chip. If the car goes really fast it was the right chip and if the engine blows up then the chip was prob for another engine......

Plus there's probably no way to tell what it really is supposed to be for. Any other markings on it? Anything under the "TURBO" sticker?

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ive got a picture of my z4 ecu that is meant to have to speed cut... and if the little metal things are flattened on the chip would possible fit in...

ok just checked my ecu to others...

mine has a adapter added in for something... i do not know what for tho.

Compared it 2 other "Stock z4 ecu"

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As mentioned above this is obviously ECU specific, and the label "Turbo" is not overly specific aye :).


(1) Any associated documentaion (manuals, guides) lying around, which might give you a hint?

(2) Peel back the label - may reveal the chip (IC) manufacturer and model code. This could help to narrow things down. Google search?

(3) The IC is a 28-pin, in what is commonly known as DIP format. This gives hint to age (possibly) = older (mid to late 90s). Can't quite tell from the photo whether the chip is a wide body DIP or standard (thin) size. Most likely a memory (EEPROM) IC, but could possibly be a microprocessor. But unlikely - most likely a modded/tuned ROM. Once again - very general observations here.

The image you posted is a JECs-based ECU. Your right in pointed out the stock one has the DIP socket missing. Obviously, even if the unknown chip is the correct pinout (for the ECU) - it still *may* not be intended for the above ECU, and you have no idea of tuning params either :)

Interesting stuff though - would be interested to find out what it ends up being! (and from)

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 suubyduuby said:

As mentioned above this is obviously ECU specific, and the label "Turbo" is not overly specific aye :).


(1) Any associated documentaion (manuals, guides) lying around, which might give you a hint?

(2) Peel back the label - may reveal the chip (IC) manufacturer and model code. This could help to narrow things down. Google search?

(3) The IC is a 28-pin, in what is commonly known as DIP format. This gives hint to age (possibly) = older (mid to late 90s). Can't quite tell from the photo whether the chip is a wide body DIP or standard (thin) size. Most likely a memory (EEPROM) IC, but could possibly be a microprocessor. But unlikely - most likely a modded/tuned ROM. Once again - very general observations here.

The image you posted is a JECs-based ECU. Your right in pointed out the stock one has the DIP socket missing. Obviously, even if the unknown chip is the correct pinout (for the ECU) - it still *may* not be intended for the above ECU, and you have no idea of tuning params either :)

Interesting stuff though - would be interested to find out what it ends up being! (and from)

Off topic, god i love that video in your signature.

Yup, dead serious, i'm still new to all this, i'm only 19 and only real engine thing i've done is put a 351 Cleveland engine into a '71 XB Falcon.

So in a sence, you could say in still researching and learning the ropes.

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 suubyduuby said:

(3) The IC is a 28-pin, in what is commonly known as DIP format. This gives hint to age (possibly) = older (mid to late 90s). Can't quite tell from the photo whether the chip is a wide body DIP or standard (thin) size. Most likely a memory (EEPROM) IC, but could possibly be a microprocessor. But unlikely - most likely a modded/tuned ROM. Once again - very general observations here.


Subaru (Jecs) ECU's of V1/2 vintage use the wide 1Mbit EPROMs. ..not the chip in the picture. don't put it anywhere near a subaru.

and just randomly, most 'mod chips' are 2 large chips on a board, only because you can't get the single 1Mb chip anymore, so the tune is spliced across 2x 512Kbit chips.

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