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chch lifestyle


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Hey chch people.

I'm currently looking at some jobs in CHCH and just wondering what the life style is up there like.

Is it costly or does that pretty much matter on area of CHCH.

Crime as well? I know about car theift and that seems to be a little common but like assaults and such or is that another matter of where in CHCH.

Sorry guys I've pretty much only lived in Dunedin and don't know to much about the rest.

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Get a map of the city, and when picking where to live, steer clear of anywhere directly east of the CBD from the avenues out to the beach. Everywhere else is pretty good.

Its not really that expensive to live here either I reckon. There's plenty of different styles of bars, pubs, takeaway joints, restaurants etc to keep you entertained. Town is a bit quiet mid-week but some places have a reasonable mid-week patronage.

Plus join the Canterbury Car Club and spend fri afternoons at the track for $50 ;)

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 Koom said:

Get a map of the city, and when picking where to live, steer clear of anywhere directly east of the CBD from the avenues out to the beach.

I disagree , I lived in hornby for 4 years and had damaged cars , cars broken into and rocks thru my windows regularly ( was next to a school garden)

Since I moved to linwood have had Nill problems in 6 years , and all the car theft seems to be in the northwest of the city.

Remember theives generally dont steal in their own hood , cos the rich suburbs have better stuff. 8)

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Good point but I'd just rather not live in those areas myself. Hornby is probably the worst area on that side of the city aswell but then it'd depend which street you lived in (or who your neighbours are).

I personally like the Cashmere/Beckenham area as its nice and close to the hill for mountainbiking and has some nice bars/restaurants close by. Central city is pretty good if you don't mind having no outside area to your property as being within a block of the CBD is really convenient to everything.

Could always live in Rolleston and feel like you're living on the set of Desperate Housewives, just without the hot stripper lesbian living next door.

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I have lived in both places - Dunedin i really found that the older people treated the younger people with much less respect than in Christchurch...I'm guessing it has something to do with students etc but it was bloody annoying! esp in work! as because you appeared young you were quickly treated as a junior...even if you happened to be a senior! pay rates are also stink as - cost of housing is similar if not more than chch if you want a place that has a garage and isnt going to freeze... (I only lasted approx 11 months in Dunedin before moving back to Christchurch)

Christchurch - friendly people generally, lot more opportunity - better pay rates, better housing, and the climate dominates dunedin.

I live in somerfield, always lived around this area somerfield/barrington/lower cashmere - have had 2 cars stolen in the area, 1 even in a garage...any where you go your car isn't safe, get insurance and the best alarm you can afford.

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haha! thats the dunedin attitude i hate :P hahahaha "harden up" why? when there are better easier places to be in with more advantages? when i moved there my bad knee used to ache so bad from the cold and my kidneys felt like exploding lol fuck that :P only place in nz worth that kinda cold is queenstown lol

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 kingersman said:

yeah have insurance :Dbut dunedin is never cold :P most the winter i've been in shorts and t-shirt, you guys need to harden up.

Yeah this car stealing stuff sounds bad.... might need get a room with a quick exit to the car.

haha, i remeber once coming to your place with thermals couply hoodies and a jacket and your in a wifebeater.... guess you gotta be born and breed here.

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 Koom said:

Could always live in Rolleston and feel like you're living on the set of Desperate Housewives, just without the hot stripper lesbian living next door.

Rolleston is nothing like Desperate Housewives... unless you just mean there are a whole lot of single family homes next to each other? That and Rolleston sucks. absolutely nothing to do, and too far from town to be convenient. If you want to live OUT of town, go farther, to someplace nicer and with less people. if you want to live in a suburb, around people, go closer in to town. Rolleston is shit. :P

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I love chch. Live in same area as kinggts25 and quite often leave my car on the street coz I'm too lazy to bring it up the drive. And no troubles whatsoever. The only crime in this neighbourhood is people talking on cell phone while driving and others still wearing skirts over pants.

Remember theives generally dont steal in their own hood , cos the rich suburbs have better stuff.

Often thought about this. Would it be a good idea to do burgs in hoods as less chance of it being reported due to it already being stolen?

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Invercargills like Dunedin except colder and flatter. If you wore shorts and singlet here in the winter they would have to surgically extract your wee wee at the end of every day.

The weather is a major part of why im going to the Goldy.

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[quote name='Koom said:

Could always live in Rolleston and feel like you're living on the set of Desperate Housewives, just without the hot stripper lesbian living next door.


Rolleston is nothing like Desperate Housewives... unless you just mean there are a whole lot of single family homes next to each other? That and Rolleston sucks. absolutely nothing to do, and too far from town to be convenient. If you want to live OUT of town, go farther, to someplace nicer and with less people. if you want to live in a suburb, around people, go closer in to town. Rolleston is s***. :P

I never meant it as a good thing! ;D

More that you feel like you're living in one of those horrible suburbs where everybodies lawn is perfectly manicured and they all come out at 8:30am on a saturday to mow it in unison. That sort of thing.

+ you burn through more fuel that whats leaking into the Gulf of Mexico currently as its too far out of town as you mentioned. Although I did find living at North Beach was just as bad and took longer to get to Wigram area for work...

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 Koom said:

Although I did find living at North Beach was just as bad and took longer to get to Wigram area for work...

haha, no kidding, it's on the wrong side of town!

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I originally said heaps longer but decided it was only relative as I worked in Wigram at the time, still takes as long to get to the CBD from Rolleston as it does from North Beach. Plus North Beach on the wrong side of town for nearly everything, unless you like biking around Bottle Lake, which is on the wrong side of town from where I normally live ;D

I've never understood why ChCh keeps moving North? i.e. Burwood area and Pegasus along with people living in Kaiapoi and Rangiora. Biggest pain in the arse commuting from that end of town (One of my collegues would turn up within an hour wide window that depended entirely on traffic as he left home at the same time everyday). Yet the South end of the city limits are pretty close (i.e. Halswell etc) and there's bugger all congestion comparitively. Once the Southern Motorway is finished, it'll be even easier to get into the centre of town from the South End yet there's barely any suburbs out that way?

Although ChCh people are weird in my view anyway. Cause why the hell is Fendalton more sought after than Cashmere? Its just flat with houses jammed on top of each other.....I've met soo many well off ChCh people (born and bred) who wouldn't dream of moving anywhere near the hill (unless it was Scarborough but takes another million to get up there).

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