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NOT THIS SH!T AGAIN. My Impreza broken into


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4:30 this morning I've been woken up by the sound of my car screaming its nuts off. Not entirely sure WHAT they've done to the poor f**king thing, but...

- The indicators weren't going off as usual

- The remote wasn't doing jack - no response

- The battery backup siren was going berserk - not sure whether it's the interior or exterior one (yes there's two)

- Two pieces of rubber seal were lying right under the front lip - they are either from over the grille, or over the headlight, bonnet-side

It's an hour later, and only just now has the alarm finally given up the ghost...argh. SO LOUD.

Unfortunately the two women on comms were complete driveling retards this time around, and held me up on the phone for over 10 minutes before finally deciding to send someone out. And because it's been a 'shocking night' tonight, no one is available.

So the burglary squad are coming later this morn, given they have broken the lock on our side gate and opened that to gain access.

And because we have no real outdoor lighting, I can't see if there's any more damage. Looks to me like the body is okay, but obviously something has been completely shagged alarm-wise because as the above, it's acting as though the car has no battery. There's damage. I just can't see it.

And of course I can't touch the car because they need to get as much evidence as possible. And the sneaky f*cks did it while it was raining to hide as much of THAT as possible.


After the burglary squad have seen us, looks like I have the lovely task of finding and repairing damage. Anything mechanical I guess I'm visiting Alex - anything else, I'll have to get some good beer for the rest of you sparkies et al. :-\

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burg squad? good s***... sounds real pro too

hope they get some leads...

couldn't access your own car eh?

dont bother disableing keylock arm.. is not the easiest way in...

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Thanks bex. I'll see what shape the beast is in when I'm actually allowed to touch him :D still waiting for the burglar squad.

And yah JoKer it does sound pretty pro this time...because I was raging and it was just after 4am, and all you could hear in the background was a screaming alarm :D There are also now 4x complaints of attempts on my car lodged with police, and I'm sure they show up on file.

Tintin - that's my thoughts too, given I can't for the life of me figure out how they could have done it any other way. The battery wouldn't have run flat on its own though, it was new a year ago and the car was driven on Monday. Given there's bits of seals lying on the ground and the padlock on the gate has been removed, I'd hazard a guess it's had help :)

I have a key for backup #1, but the trick is actually getting into the car. I've had the exterior locks disabled because a mug's gotten in that way before (and yes he set the alarm off...not a bright spark), and after it was successfully stolen I'm using a new ignition key anyway, so no loss there. I'm either going to have to fish around for the bonnet release cord (which looks like it's what they did), or coathanger it. I tried the former in the dark a few hours ago as it was screaming its loudest but it's not as easy as it is in the 1st gens ;D

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Swindog - Hahaha pretty much. There was a bang that woke my sister and I up as the alarm went off...we're assuming that was the bonnet going back down.

My install is weirdburger at best. Seems so far to have saved the car. Two sirens, no doorlocks, brain is in an odd place.

I think it's time for a few more sensors. They've only taken the door route once and it epic failed...it's ALWAYS the bloody bonnet.

JoKer - to get my fat little arm down there the glass will have to go a hella way back ;D And naw, monsoons are long gone thank goodness. Pull it back a wee bit and do the rest with a coathanger ftw (and no more details than that being posted too) :)

Urgh I just want to find out what the damage is, and get it repaired TODAY. I've got half a day off work and I don't want to spend it waiting -_____-

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 Shale said:

JoKer - to get my fat little arm down there the glass will have to go a hella way back ;D And naw, monsoons are long gone thank goodness. Pull it back a wee bit and do the rest with a coathanger ftw (and no more details than that being posted too) :)

we are usually last to learn about that trick/s.....

but yea I can barley fit my arm in that way too - a stick is your friend!

there is a bright side - you still have it and your security measures DID work! good stuff there :P

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Heck yes, that's why I'm joking around a bit ;D I could be ringing the police about now panicking about it being missing again, but I'm sitting here seething about a repair bill instead. I'd call myself lucky given there seems to have been a bit of a spree last night.

Here's hoping I'm the ONLY CS member with a new thread in here today.

Time for moar security measures. These ones worked, but you can never be too paranoid!

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That sucks Shale! They go through your security gate to get to it as well, damn!

Oh and id hate to say it but you gots to see the funny side that prob saved it from being stolen, they slammed the hood down (setting off the alarm) after realising it wasn't turbo. ;D

More security measures? Its a sad fact of life that we live in a society like this.........well i don't, i still leave all my cars unlocked even with the keys in them some times. Get a dog or two and train them right, you'll never get some crim jump your gate ever again!

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Hahaha damn straight, some of them get it some of them don't...when there's enough light they must be WTF IS THIS SH!T and slam the bonnet back down again ;D Love the dumbarses that actually managed to take the car, found out it couldn't pull skin off custard, and dumped it in Meadowbank.

I wonder if a few 'Non-turbo goddamnit!' plate surrounds will help ;D

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So far I'm expecting electrical damage, and having to replace a seal. I'm just waiting on the cops to contact me so they can organise to see the car, take evidence...and a wee bit of a damage report.

Trust me, when I finally got some sleep, I dreamed of bringing back the death sentance.

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Sucks to be you today.

Do you not have any garage space to put the impreza in?

Just shows how bad it is to be an impreza owner in Akl.

Only bit of trouble i have ever had with my subies was a low-brow attempt to force the lock on the impreza.

Didnt even manage to get in.

IMO you need a twin immobiliser alarm with glass break and sensors all over PLUS garage parking every night as a MINIMUM for any turbo subaru.

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Twin immobilisers, check. Glass break sensor, check. Garage space...we're working on that, given the garage is full of my parents' old furniture. As it is, there is a locked iron gate surrounding the property - they seem to have had no time to take a stab at the motor, though they broke the lock on the smaller second gate to gain access.

And yeah it's bad - this is the fifth break-in on the car. The fact that the turbo owners have less trouble than me amuses me to no end.

So far I've had one forced lock that turned into a window bender, and four bonnet entries.

Thinking about finding a way to secure the bonnet release cable with something sharp...blood is good evidence.

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there is your problem.

if it was garaged you would not have had the issue.

Ours is locked in the garage every night, plus alarmed inside. Just an extra hasstle for them to go through.

do you have floodlights over the area where your car is??

Anyone reasonably athletic could scale a 7 foot fence in about 3 seconds, so its not really good enough as you have found out.

As stated you could get a guard dog but:

a) you would have to be ruthless enough to make it live outside in winter!

b) its easy enough to neutralise one dog if they really, really want your car.

Basically if a pro really, really wants your car they get it.

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Bonnet pins, padlocked.

Rig up your own security alarm in your garage. Im going too as i have lots to protect in there. Its going to be a security light with sensor hooked to a pin pad inside the house piggy backed by a glass break sensor - as it has windows on the side away from the street and neighbours.

The only reason im using a security light is because thats the catalyst, the voltage drop sets off the alarm. Battery back up stored in an ammo tin in the same-ish area.

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ODB: You know people track cars up here eh...they case them, steal to order. Garage simply means they have to break into the house to get your keys instead. As you said yourself, if they really want the car...they get it.

A few garaged cars ended up being sliced up at the storage unit where I keep my stuff a year or two back...again stolen to order by a crime syndicate. Auckland is a hotbed for losers like that.

So given the garage option is just yet another precaution that doesn't necessarily work, there's no need to chastise me over my bad luck.

And given most of my whanau can't handle dogs (mum is scared of them, sister has a phobia of most animals and can barely handle the housecat), that's sadly not an option either - no matter how much dad is jumping up and down. He'd get a Labarador anyway...good watchdogs...watch people take your stuff! ;D

I'm looking into the sage advice a few posts back - pressure sensor in the cabin, and a fuel cut. If they manage to get it, then good luck making it run. Furthermore, I need to contact Dynatron and get my hands on a bonnet sensor, as one of those wasn't installed initially.

Swindog - bonnet pins are oogly but there's gotta be something similar that does just that. A locked bonnet is a really good idea. Considering this is their entry method of choice! :D

Edit: Damnit, now I'm thinking about Border Collies... I'd kill to have one of those...but they're just damn noisy.

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