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Blow off valves - venting to atmo


Currently does your BOV (OEM OR Aftermarket)  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. Currently does your BOV (OEM OR Aftermarket)

    • Vent to Atmosphere
    • Plumb Back into intake
    • Both (50:50)
    • Dont know
    • I dont have a BOV

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.... this law change has been on the go for a while ....

cant say im suprised, they are doing anything and everything to ban atmo bov, but why? if people cant sleep thru a car on the road going past, then they should wear ear plugs....

whats more annoying is a cop going past at 3am with his sirens on! - now that wakes up a hole house!

If this law comes into effect, im not sure what ill do... as it is, my car gets mad compressor surge - even if i plub in my BOV, if a cop herd this and presumed it was a BOV he can green sticker my car because he doesnt know what the hell hes on about!

Cops should spend more time, on real things, like finding all these people that keep escaping, cutting down on domestic violence, catching rapists and drunk drivers! - im sorry but i bleave it will be revenue collecting and nothing more!

If they want to stop "boyracers" stop giving them the $5 a week option - if they get a ticket- and havnt payed it by the end of the 30 days - impound the car - if they havnt paid it at the end of 60, sell the car and pay the fines - take off the fee's for the impound yard and give the boyracer back whats left... simple if u ask me - pretty soon they will start paying - and learn there lesson...

All the "boyracers" i know would buck up there ideas if it ment there precious baby was going to/ could be sold!

NOT COOL.... i vote we start an actual petition... i know hundreds of people that will sign!

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And also how about if the police actually got training in what A BOV/External wastegate/airbag suspension etc

lookes like

I know that If i removed the externally venting BOV from the RX it gets Mean compressor surge maybe it sounds even sweeter and just as LOUD .....

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  • General Member

As said above put the money spent implementing this waste of time law into practice on drink driving blitzes or something usefull.

Dont get me wrong the whole "Boyracer" scene is an embarrasment to us all but the tag is grossly innaccurate and the measures being taken to stamp it out are more extreme than actions being taken to stop recognised gangs in NZ.

All there doing is pushing more moderate owners in the community to consider breaking the law because the god damn hoops keep getting harder to jump through.

Makes me want to go stick a great big atmo venting BOV on the work Rav for shits and giggles.

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Guest Rugged_RS

Yeah all this sorta crap gets me real workd up, just like at school all the a#$holes ruin it for the people who arnt doing anything wrong!

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i wouldnt be blaming the cops eh, they are mearly the worker ants carrying out the will of the government.

I would imagine they would prefer catching real criminals over a boring night out targeting checky shitheads in sooped up cars.

and im just pissed off that i will be forced to spend money (THAT I DONT HAVE) on something thats not broken.....

what did the blow of valce ever do to you.....

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Even if its not in the works yet it has to only be a mtter of time.

This is already Law in some states of Aus and I think the U.S. (someone may correct me on that). We seem to be following these countrys initiatives.

I wish the powers that be would take on what osme Aussie states have, on your restricted (p plates over there) you cant drive a car with forced induction or a V8.

I think that as a law has promise, especialy with the way performance cars are becoming cheaper and cheaper and people are joining the workforce at a younger age.

Hell I have a 15 Year old in one of my stores who is on the verge of buying a 94 WRX, this kids going to kill himself. He can barely control his mums charade.

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  • 2 weeks later...
 pixel-pimp said:

this is ridiculous. how the frick does the sound of a BOV stop people sleeping or affect their health? its all over in 1 second. Seriously, the volunteer fire brigade sirens or POLICE CAR sirens are louder, and go on MUCH longer. Why dont we petition to have all loud noises on all vehicles banned just to be politically correct. no horns, no sirens, no v8s... ooh how about we ban those flashy lights them police cars have to, they shine through my windows and stop me sleeping.

like i said. ridiculous.

cant wait to move to england to be honest.

I live in rural Outram, near Dunedin. The stupid "road train" fags come tearing past my house in a 50kmh zone evey friday night. This is about 350metres before the open speed limit sign, and they ain't doin 50kmh.

The sound of an external BOV or screamer pipe on ya wastegate is more than enough to wake anyone up when a car is being flogged through down a residential street.

The police, fire department sirens etc have a valid right and reason to make this sort of noise. it is to warn you that they are coming and to keep clear.

To compare the sound of an emergency siren to your gay as BOV or screamer is just a f**ken joke. Does you wastey or BOV save anyones life or protect them from fire or criminals?

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Guest dynofiend
 pixel-pimp said:

this is ridiculous. how the frick does the sound of a BOV stop people sleeping or affect their health? its all over in 1 second. Seriously, the volunteer fire brigade sirens or POLICE CAR sirens are louder, and go on MUCH longer. Why dont we petition to have all loud noises on all vehicles banned just to be politically correct. no horns, no sirens, no v8s... ooh how about we ban those flashy lights them police cars have to, they shine through my windows and stop me sleeping.

like i said. ridiculous.

cant wait to move to england to be honest.

I was a police officer in the UK, and practically everything that is either illegal or banned in NZ, is also banned or illegal in the UK too. In fact, on the continent (France) it is completely illegal to modify your engine in any way! No airfilters, nothing!

Ill grant you that its easier to own a modifed car as there is no such thing as certifiction of mods, and the UK WOF (MOT) is easier to pass. BUT on the flip side, the UK WOF has an emissions check as part of it, which makes it very hard to get older cars through.

Also, outside of Scotland or Wales, there are no decent driving roads ;)

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  • 1 month later...

To compare the sound of an emergency siren to your gay as BOV or screamer is just a f**ken joke. Does you wastey or BOV save anyones life or protect them from fire or criminals?

Im saying its less detrimental to peoples health by keeping them awake and causing stress as the reason for this legislation being passed. as a volunteer fire fighter i have no problem with the sirens as it means i know i have to get to the station, and if i didnt wake up from the siren then it could mean a life is lost.

BUT, that doesnt mean that they can try and use an excuse of a BOV keeping people awake.

As far as your story of the fagtrain, i agree with the screamer pipe, theyre stupid. But the BOV sound wont wake you, the high revs making the exhaust louder is going to be worse.


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Guest dynofiend

Shame really, the Chief Constable of the Welsh police is a REAL anti speed Nazi. You think you have lots of speed cameras here... :o Theres still some brilliant roads around there though, and most of them, being 100kph and quite narrow, are challenging enough without breaking the speed limit.

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